Student's speech on 'toast' wins first: speaking contest By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Public speaking is something Sarah Selmayer enjoys. So il's no, wonder the grade 8 student ai Our Lady oft Viciîîry Schooîl won the Hialvmn Caihmnlic District School Board Reglinal Public Speakîng Competition (North Division) carlier ibis mîrnlh. "] tbougbît 1had a chance (liv wîn) as well as anycine else,- she said. 1t was represeni- îng my schovvl and îryîng to do my besi." Sarah did ber award-winiiig speech on toast, afler remembening a reference a leacher bad made liv public speaking the prevîous year "She said il didn'i nsaiier whai yvvur lopic was - it could evers be torast - as long as il was inleresling. 1t îbîugbl of wbal she said and decided Iv, dov it on lhal." Tbrougbvrul February. she researched ber ivîpic by intiernret and encyclopedîa snd inctuded in ber speech the bisiory vî't iast. the degrees Io toast bread prvîperly and the cvîssequences ot bîrni tovast. "Il's a bumîvrous speech," said Sarah, admîiing liv feeling "a lîile shaky" îîvward the end vît her speech. "t was really sur- pnised a speech von tovast cmvuld wîn. A lot oft peoîple did really gond speeches." Smonia Bien, principal Our Lady of Victuîry Scbool, said she was pleased witb the ivuicome of the consipetition. "Lasi yeae a student t'rom our scbool won as well," she saîd. "The speeches are part oftihe curriculum. the oral aspect of our commnnunicatiovns study. Sarah bas very govvd communication and articulation skills. t wasn't 100 per cent sure she would win but t knew she bad a good chance." Public speakiîsg contents aee beld ai the vebool and the top speakers from each grade 4 10 grade 8 class compete against eacb other The overaîl winner goes on 10 the regional public speaking competition. Sarah Seimayer thought ahe couid win the Haiton Cathollc District Sohool Board's public speakIng contest, and she was right. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE HALTON HILLS TROUT FARM a Public fshing for Rainbow Trout - 2 spring fed ponds * No fishing licence required * No limits a Cash only * RentaI rods available We wiII clean your fish, ail you have to do is catch them! OPEN THIS WEEKEND Sat. 8-8 Sun. 8-6 10541 Forth LUne 1ewenlth & 15th The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 27, 2001-11 Trauma cutr ffus lhUp nie Hialton Trauma Centre (fonridy thse Halton Centre for Clsildhood Sexusi Abuse) provides group tlserapy for those who have suffered childhood trauma including physical. emotional, psycho- "The business that considers . itself immune to the necessity for advertising sooner or later finds itself immune to business." Derby Brown loicai. sexuai and verbal abuse. Groîsp sessions are available for men, women snd chiidoen. To register, or for more information cail 825-3242 or 1-800-663-9888. 6.89%* llraîîv'îiodavsîvt'sarrange'.iiii ap'siie Il ilrkîîl',iiir'l Minis, Mai Bii ilîîv Mîilsviv& lîrî,v 'i "AN K l0~ Il s \iS iIA lvveslmenl Advîsvî (9115) 615-7627 Missîssavîga lxii îîtis'î Cv'îirv' On,' Robtîsr Speî'ik larkway, Suite' 2601 Mîssissaîîga, lON ifBMO ONeb in B urns- Nolhing s.sys "I love yoou like a tube pîr'c e c hi( ken'r dînîorr wîth auit tie fro's. Pick uip ]4X0'r iega)4al Nîne înîecc's or c-hic «'n. 5 vugget.,clar fIant.,c nîrd sîIJI grasV, three srediurni salads anrd a tArotolate Obtsession cak ik h Skîîr Tec'lv bils fori juîs $20.99 276 Ma St ~i w W/e dû chicken righte 878-4171 0 GET A FRESH START. G.. SOLUTIONS new for:- Credit Card Prablemi as s oflob or Loved Ose Repossessions Major Cash Flow Proberrs Woge Garnishments Evictions Persistent Bll Collectors Judgements, Law Saîts Stadent baon Delinquent Taxes Fareclosures Divorce Related Fînorcial Problemrs p q PADDON + Baupiy tonbe yed <olive'! No chargefeu niil consutation! ,YORKE INC. 225 E MIN &AAM 8 705-081 1 22 anStreet Eat(an&Martin St.) Milton A better solution! Malins