Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Apr 2001, p. 10

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lO-The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 27, 2001 E~re rta inmei vThree local dlancers ,Local grade 4 student on the heading for Vegas Andrea Moore, Calle Moore and Sol Giwa of the Rhonda Copeland School of Dance have been selected toi performi at the International Chaimpionshipa of 1 Love Dance in Las Vegas, Nevada. More than 50,000 dancers front coast to coaat in Canada, thse United States and Australia will participate in 1 Love Dance poeliminary competitions at Caesar's Palace June 26 to iuly 5. Throughout the week, the dancers will take classes with world-renowned teach- ers. And they will perform individually and as a group. jury of children's film festival By FANNIE SUNSMINE The Champion During the week, Johnny Kobos is a regular grade 4 student. But corne weekends he's one of six selected jury members for Sprockets, Toronto's International Film Festival for Children. "Wc san an ad in the paper (Toronto Star) thal saîd yîîuug crilics wnted," the uiuc-ycar-oid Hoty Rosary Schoti sîndent said. 'i hadl lu write au essay ou a mîîvîe reviesu. i cutcrcd for the hcck ut il i solrt ofi îhîughl i had a chanîce (of heing chu- sen).- Johnîîy, suho chose lu reviu'n How The Grinch Stote Christmas, received a phone cati frîtîn a Sprockets staff member suho then gave Iitîn and bis parents the guud nesus - hie was picked as a jury member oui of hundreds of enîries. "l screamed my head off," hie admiîîed. Lasi weekeud Johnny, aiung suîlh jury members Maya Shankman and Zachary Lewsen, crîtiqued severai cbiidren sud t'a m 1 y movies front around the worid. A second up ofi10loi12 . year oids. Rcvtewîng ends Sunday, aI whîch tilîe the jury mus( scielc aî Johnny Kaboa uiscrati suin- uer tut present the YTV Silvr Sprockct Anard ai the awards ccreuîuy hield tbai uighl. -When ne suatch the itivies. we gci a foider suilh sheets suc have Io fli cul, iîkc why sue liked or didul tîike the rîovie," Johîîny said. "There arc seats for parents aiso. Aller the inuivie is oser wc li ii the sheels and chat about the inovie çsuîth the uther jury menthersi and what ne urte. Me and Maya have the same opinîtons about the mnovîes and Zack usuaity tîkes the oiher unes." "'Honý% ihc audience reacts,.it the scenery is good, t the acting is gcîd. A goodi actiir wîii use a kit ut expression. But the niost important lhing is il the story is interestlng. Ail togetier we htave lu waicit ses ci movies.- The jury tîenthers aisît waiked anasa nith a t-shirt, al black hat and a eati tacket lron the GAP, ss mii the logo iiooîrary jury Mettîher printed til lthe cliîîhîg -l enjoyed the eseîîc»J0iiiîtti said. "I suas quîte l tiest expeoilce. i itik other kids siiiuid aisoil-> ixliess en etîces.' i lis itiie Ainta said sit e\ cs l'c iett 0t ai tfiin estisai. -l asked johinny il tic waîtied tii ctter aitî tic saîd sure," sue saîd Iie aitaY s heeît al greai sltry nrîitr. She said she suas iiîid nîctsite reccived the tiews lici sol' tai iiideed heen chiîsetî as a jury iieiithr. "Mv iiusbaîid aind 1 suppiirteil ttun ith the idca (iii cîîeriîg lthe ciîtei 1.' Jîiitiî said. -Wc drîvc titm ito Toronto cadi tine." Team gets 21 flrst-place awards WVHAT'S ONI 1H miLTONI- cý b d 189 Mill Street @ 878-6680 ~ Celebrating a Special Occasion? Cai & Book Our Upstairs //ii MOM's Mega Meal Il" ', Q9piece Chîcken Dînner w/l lefixin s KfCFC.o $20.99 276 Main St. 878-4171 201 Main St. E. 876-4899 Wednesday fis Wing Night 270 Main St.E 5 ig (905) 876-3780 Junip-Shout-Bougie wtîile ils reudîtion ofi Stiake Yîîur Grisive Thiîîg suas awarded the Audience Participationî award. The Junitor Acrohalti grîîup non a speciat award for ils cheerieadiîîg rendi- lion tif Hey Mickey. Lauren Neeiy. Kaîhieu McCietiand, Hoiiy Goîrdoîn and Briîîany Stark, tirsi- year competittîrs in the Mini-Group, danced their way lulu the judges hearts Dance Shoppe cleans up at Brantford competition avards anid uiîtesecond-t place asuard. Ms Stark aisi recîetie tîrsi place tir Putî O)î A iiapipy F-ace. Att iii the Noiivce oîr tirsl- tintie coiîipeltitirs reccived first-piace titnittrs n tii Kiersîcu tI'urradeltt recel- iug lîrsi place lîor hier age grîîup and seconid tiserali. Overatil lthe teani receivcd 21tilrsi piace awards, 19 seconud place awards and tour thîrd-piace awards. 0liA111nU11al Spring,& Clearan&Jce Sal -- - - - -- - - - ---MC,------------- - tfMtaoeu Ulm 0ouat Dont miss tbis opportunhiy to purchase for yourselt or for gifts. Great Boid fer $5.00 Off 80Y puchas Of savînson rinstmaslta iftwe alene $30.,0 or mms. Valud ooly en Cbins n dnewr stmas ita gi rtabems.ean at m iay, Apri 29*, MOl.I Speciai Purchase ot Oneida 7 pce. sauce pan set oniy $99 and r n nuoe~m $ Mikasa Chdstmas serviUpieces pfced at $1-$30 ------ -- -- -- -- -- - - - -- 227 Main Street E., Milton <tomer of main & mai.,n No returus, holds, layaways or gift Phone (9m5 878-0050 wrapping on clearance items! dancers had quile an eveul- lui weekeud Aprit (t lu8. The daucers shîîned oîff Iheir bard wîîrk and dedica- lion whbite ai the Rhythm Dance cumpelilion heid in Brantford. The cumpelilive dance leani received many of the judge's speciais asuards for excellence and over-aui enlcrtainmeutt shtînman- sbip. The Inîermediale Tap Gruup receiveti the ý1---

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