Thre Canadman Champion, Tuesday, Apni 24, 2001-7 Halton cetebrates another year with AAA credit rating; Savoline pleased Rating allows Region to borrow ionev ti the lowvest possible iiiterest rates Haiton Region's AAA credit rat- ing is standing firm. That was the news aimer two ol the three extemai ratimg sersices miai lmook at the Regmns long-terni dehi situaioni aumaiga- mated. Lasi year, Halion's AAA credit rammmmg was cinirmed by Mîody's Insestors Services mmi New York, the Doiminiomi Bond Ratîng Service and the Canadman Bond Rating Service (CBRS). Hmwever, taxi Ocioher the CBRS and Standard and Poor (S&P) began amaiga- maling their Canadian operamons. Part of the job was 10 harmonize ail rat- ings - and last week S&P announced confirmation that Halton Region's long- standing AAA credit rating was stili firmly intact. The ratmng means thaltihe Regiomi. as weii as llalmn's tour timumictpalites Mitomn, Buringtom. Oakv ile and Haitoir Iiilis -and the regmommi Cathoie amid pub- lic schiool hoards. can horrosu ioiey ai time losuesi possible inieresi rates. Chair pleased about rating ,Stanrdard aird Pimmr's confmiidenrce inm Haltme reai firins imur fiscal health and sets the mime tmmr cumîtinued econommi srength withimi oui region"- saîd Regmonal Chair Joyce Savmîmne. S&P's determination is hased on the foi- iimwing: - Financial strength gained irom, very low net debl and substantial reserve and liquidity; ruet grooKih <2.4 per cenmt in i1>99) ted 2 pKr cent n 2(XX1<) . soilid lmc ai ecmtnmmnc indic ators ni 1999 and 2(X(1) as huilding peommit s ahies rose and mime uunmpio\ruent rate ammd the mii be'r mmi people reCeis tmg imiotmesupputri conititmued tii decline signiticantis. Regimînai mîticiais satd I taitmis abtilis tii miage its capital prmîgranm is ait iipoirtamit credit smremigtm, since tl pros ides the flexi- bility toir naxmmii/e pay-as sîmu gm fanc- tmg and limit dehi. The ratmmmg aismi meamîs that the Regmmn lias the ahiiity tii cîmutrm servmcing cmisis lit spme of fiuanetai challenges and grow-th pressures. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE On the move Hundreds of walkers took part in the Loblaws Super Cilles WaIk for Multiple Scierosis in Milton and Halton His Sunday morning. Here a group of stylish participants head out along Main Street. Iiutomdtic isn't an option anqmore. Dow get DO CHORGE Outomatic on most f -150 and SuperCrew. e $289 Inctudes Do CHARGE 289 ftutomotic, Plus: Per monthR16 month lease 4.6L Triton V8 - With 20 more Homses! - Arr Conditmonmng - 4-Wheei S350 a.d sIotehi. ABS Brakes - AM/FM/CD with Premium Sound - 16" Poimshed OR LERSE FOR S333* PER DIOOTh Aiuminum Wheeis - Coiour-Keyed Door Mouidings - 40/60 Cloth WITII 51.500 OOWI1. OR CHSH PURCHASE s22,395** Spiti Bench Seat - SecuriLockM Anti-Theft Syslem %48 Wonth Purchase findnCing,. (905)875-2356 3.9 on Most f-150 Carriage Square, 15 Martin St. ORNTIL Milton, ON. L9T 2R1 OEOY RA EkW Cam'$Nl-ih 1108-1111ql-mi toi lep iii "MI