The Canadian Champion, Fnday, Apni 20,' 2001,-7 vManv local groups henefit froni norninees' charitv By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Big businesses with big hearts. That's a Common thenie among this year's nominees for Business of the Year (26 employees or more). Ail ihrec contcnders - SKD Company, Wallace Pontiac Buttk aînd Moîhawsk Raceway -iii îînly ihrive wihîn their respective industries. but go tîtî ofi their way iii give back to lte conmunity that support then. SKD Companîy dircctor ol operatitins Ed Cooray satd hc was pleased iii hcar about the nolminaîtion anîd that lirte annual Milton Chaniber cil Commerce awards arc a posi- tive rellectitin on the communiîy. As l'or his automotive assembty and sup- plies business, he siressed SKD's success lies in knowing whaî the future holds and betng ready ftir il now. Wrcalready planning for 2(»," he said. -Working ahead is the key.- The 278-employee cotnpany, which is potsedi ii add about two dozen jobs later ihis year. is an ongotng supporter of' local public sch<xîls and blood donor çlinics as well as Milton District Hospital, the Milton Santa Claus Parade and Hallon Women's Place. Equally supportive of' the towî is Wallace Pontiac Buick - whîîse main beneliciary is the local sports community. Roughly a dîîien ieams enjoy sponsorship each year by the downtown car dealership. Others that enjoy a financial boosi lrom Wallace include the United Way and Rose Chenry's Home. Speaking on behaîlfot ctealership owner Bill Wallace, general manager Peter Smith satd he was -preîty excited" abo)ut the nonmination, adding -I ilîink recoignition is more important in a small contrunity like ibis than s îy ni Toronti ]bcause everybody T ive local schools are honoured Five Milton schools wîll be honîîured during the Blue Planel 2001 event today ai the Ontario Place Cinesphere in Toronto hir demonstraîing leadership in environ- mental responsibility. Martin Street, Percy W. Merry, Robert Baldwin, Our Lady of Viclory and St. Peler's schools witl receive the Environmcnial Achievement Award. The awards lormalty recognize studenîs, leachers and volunteers who have ptaced a priority on prolecling. preserving and enhaiîcing the environmenî. Students will be shown the IMAX film Blue Plane(t- a film about Earth as seen t'rom space. Thie film contrasts the nalural foîrces (ha( all'eci the plane(, atong with devastating results oh human impact. The master of ceremonies wil11 be Halton Regionat Councittor Joan Lougheed. Keynote speaker wîll be explorer and entrepreneur Jefi MacInnis, who led the hirs îeam 10 sait the 4.0(X) km Northwest Passage. Mr. Mactnnîs was also a former meinher of the Canadian National Ski Teani. Musical entertainer Chris McKhool is also scheduhed to pertortn. Blue Planet is presented by Hatton Region. in paetnership with the Hahton District and Halton Catholic District school boardîs. kisisss each oiber here Mr. Smîith said a ieami effort and dedica- lioîn to service and building gooti client relaîîîînshîps is ai the hieart of' Wallace's ongoing prospe tv IVd say ils,- the coilstsiency tri our sers- ice and staff thai*s the dîllerence,' he remarked. Moîhawk Raceîrack nul oiily enriches Miltoin as a favourable tounisi destinatioîn, but alsît supports a number of local chari- lies includîng Rose Cherry's Home and the atînual Curi 4 Cancer Gotlf Toumnameni. In additioîn, a portioîn otiihe gaming facil- îiN s, sîtît revenues gocs iii the Town - andI subsequently benelît a îîuînberîîl tîrganiza tioîns. Meana lile, the additionî of sîuîts ai Mîîhavk hase bîssed ils pîîpularty tiser the pasi coiuple <il years, siaîed Ontarioi Jockey Club vice-presîdent Hugh Mitchell. "We're experîencîng a bit t a renais- sance ai the îracks nîîw with the new sît miachines. li's a very unique laciliiv anîd one ihai's very popular." he said. The OJC vice-presideni was îhrilled t0 learno ti he noîmination, siaing. *We're ail very graleful foîr the recognition." t__ 2 pdc. Kenmore 3/4 - -hp continuous f eed food wasteL 19 Sears reg. 359.99. 179.90J Our bWeai pdilof Sqav $8 10 CRAPTSMMN 18-hp, *42' 6-speed lawn tractor. Exclusive Kohleil Pro 18-hp angine. Step-thru' designi. #6e175. Sears reg. 2799.99. Automatic/hydrostatic. senias Sears reg. 3099.99. 2280.09 AM HOME ELECTRONIOS ON SALE ALL TELEiSIONS, NI VCR/EMJ PLLSYERS, AlL MINL/MK3RO SYSTEMS ALL PORTABLE STEREOS, ALL CAMCORDERS Locally » ~ i owned and o n r i operated by John SmpsonTHE BRANDS YOU WANT Joh Sapso AT THE STORE YOU TRUSTO DO494001 iticw.d» s a kodoasaof kim V5AKcWm.>. C«cdo koeu in Coodo. 0. oui JVCO 3 CD mini system. 200 watts total power. Full logic dual cassette deck. .a2oe& la ~Sears reg. 329.99. 249.99 STMO 100S lNipÎsng kd coîi2001. Sso.CoodoIn. -m.à --dÀ -"À - i(.ciic- ý A S N DON'T PAY FOR ONE FULL YEAR c fi ALL MîýJ0i-ý,