Four people testifv thev neyer received furniture: fraud trial By KIM ARNOT'r Special ta The Champion The trial of a Campbellville man began this week with testimony from four former furniture store custorners who told a Milton court they paid for itemis they neyer received. Charles Cumre, 43, is lacing 17 charges of lraud under $5,0(X and one charge oil f raud <iver $5,IX)0 mn clinnection with dealings ai the Village Pine Shoppe. Hamiltoîn resident Michael Giustîî tld the court that n September 1997, he put down a $1,2(X) deposit on a $3,898.50 order for hedroom and dining room lfumi- luire. Mr. Glusto testilied that Mr. Cumre told him the fur- niture would be delivered in about a month, at which time the remainder owing would 6e due. However, a month later Mr. Cumre called to ask for more money. "He explained toi me that his suppliera needed more funds sa if 1 wanted my lumniture il would 6e in my hest interest to give him more mnoney," testifmed Mr. Giusto. Mr. Giusto said he gave Mr. Cumre an additional $1,500 ai that point, and then another $500 in December 1997, when Mr. Cumre aaid he needed more money to obtain the lumniture. "At this point I mas getting a hleî akeptical and a lit- lie wiirned," Mr. Giusto told provincial court Justice J.D. Takach. "But I wanted the furnifure and I wanted the trans- action to he closed." When he still hadn't received his lurnilure hy April 1998, Mr. Giusto called the Village Pine Shoppe and cancelled his order, he testilied. Althrîugh he said Mr. Currie told him he woufd have his money retumed, Mr. Giusto told the court that no refend ever materialized despite regelar phone calta ta Old? Yes, but charming showcase for antiques, art, children, whatever. Quiet established neighbourhood. $254,900. See for yourself. Teresa Milis-Halin 1 ~ Sale s Representative Re/Max Blue Springs Realty (Hailton) Corp. the sto(re. "(Mr ('urnie> kepi on8 coning Up wiih excuse aller ecuse" said. Mr. Giusio. "On oune uoccasioîn, 6e tld ine the stuore was ruihhed and he was going îhruîugh insurarîce dlaimrs.' Evenîually Mr. Giusto teslmlied. Mr. Cumre simply slîipped îaking hîs phone caîls. A smnall dlaims court judgement againsl Mr. Currie's motîher Oniena Cumre - n connecmon wilh the Village Pîne Shuippe -eventuailly awarded money iii Mr. Giesto, but 6e leslilied he has neyer seen any of t6e cash, On c ross-exam ination, Mr. Cumre's defense lawyer Anthony Bryant suggesîed t hat Mr. Giusto had neyer actually perchased t he fumiture hut was simply put- hing meîney down on a layaway basis. He suggested Mr. Giusto had eventeally cancelled the order hecause 6e needed the money back. Mr. Giusta diaagreed, saying 6e had cancelled the order hecause if waa fate and 6e no longer wanted the furniture. The court also heard from Debra and tan Manson, a Misalasauga couple who paid in full for a bedroom suite they testifted they neyer rcceived. Ian Manson toîd the court that Mr. Curnie blamed the delay in delivery of the fumniture an the tact that an employee responsible for staining lemiture had broken her hand t wice. Anoîher former cuatomer, Diane Pender, told t6e court that she gave the store a $1,000 deposit againat an aak entertainmenî unit - which ahe neyer received. S6e tlid t6e court site was repeatedly tld the unit was simpfy not ready, and neyer received eiîher the 1furnîlure or 6cr money hack. The trial has now heen adjournied June 4. Il's eapecled la mun anoîher 16 days and continue mbt t6e l'ail. - With filesfrnm STEVE LeBL4NC ~HOIJSE at Georgetown District Christian Sehool April 24th,I 2001 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Celebrating Christian Education Week 11043 fwl'a tala Bd. Gowgtow, ON 805-M1-4221 «ty The Canadian Champion, Frday, Apnil 20, 2001-5 AWES 5b6OME BODEEZ88 ln store specials on our range of athletic clothing. 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I ain sery plrased. PierreLaui Sîîîîîrd f(îîuîiiî QJC AVAILABILE in MILTON ai: Healih I)LS 1601A Main Si. E. Ph: 878-2297 Nutitiion House South Milion Mail Ph 693-8942 Shoppers l)rug Mun 265 Main SI, E Ph. 878-3311 Cai stores l'iri, if oui of stock, Cali 1-800-333-7995 moiý - 1 J