4-The Canadian Champion, Friday. Apntl 20, 2001 QUJICK LUBE SERVICE Isatuving QUAKER STARTE GEL 6 FRAM GEL FILTERS We offer Your car requires ty Checks ~IHidden Hitch 'es Waik.r Exhaust Uheel [O Susplension Service '-' rment id Tire Rotation B Ing Systein Balanclng LÊf Generai Tires' ' esË Transmissions Aservice D OVE &e State 01" Ï Electrical DRIE 6d Air Conditioning Accredited Test putes Analysis 6d SihoCi & Struts & Repair Facility Ups iNext public meeting on (N plan will be held in August t ramn CN on page 1 the GTA area wasn't suitable. No land will be used that's zoned by the Region. We're suggesting an access onto Britannia Road (from the terminal> but we havcn't done a tratfic study yet. We stil have to develop an environmental assess- ment report t'or submission to the CTA (Canadian Transportation Agency). The assessment will be placed on a public registry a public consultation process will take place. The CTA wili cumplete the Environmental Assessment screen- ing pmocess and then a decision will be made. We expect to submit the report in September or October." Rita Post, a member of the Milton-based Residents Affected by Intermodal Lines (RA.IL.), said the land CN is proposing to build on was meant to be nothing but agricultural land. "(The facility) will destmoy the green space," she said during the question and answer period of the meeting. '*This facility belongs on industrial land." Mr. Thomson said CN looked at industrial properties in Milton but they didn't fit ail the requirements Ihat were needed. «'If it could fit, we would do it," he said, refemrng to the 12,000 feet of track length that's needed for the terminal. "We need to, go through data gathering issues and address cuncernis such as noise snd lighî over the next number of months." Issues regarding environmental concernis will he addressed in the Environmental Assessmenî report, Mr. Thomson added. "Nine mtllion dollars was spent on the (Town's) Officiai Plan." one restdent commented to Town staff. 'How do you ledl about CN cum- ing in and tgnoring the plan?" Mel lovio, director of planning and development lfor the Town said fmmn the Town's perspective they were 'surpnised." "A lot of work went mbt plan- ning the community - we're dis- appuinted. We're seeking legal advice but CN may have s right to proceed with the application (to the CTA). If we don't havesa legal right in fighling the location. we're going to make sure ail require- ments (by CN) are met." One resident inquired how CN is planning tu enforce outside carriers tu use Hwy. 407, since CN only controls 35 per cent of the trucks coming mbt and out of the termi- nal. CN is commitled 10 moving trucks by Hwy. 407, Mr. Thomson said. Halton MP Julian Reed toid the crowd lMe was looking forward 10 the Environmental Assessment report and will be scrutinizing it closely until the Town is sstisfied with the answers provided. "Yes 1 am in favour of inter- modal terminais. very much su." he said, which drew angry reaclions from the crowd. "I'm nol guing 10 tel] yuu whaî yuu wanl lu hear. Il Ibis station can remove 60 million tonnes of gas (from trucks) o ut of the environment we've got to be giving it scrious cunsideratton. If ail the elloris are put lbrward. it's an cnvironenîal enhancement." "Then have it in vour own back-- yard." une residient shuuted. Mayor Gord Krantz said the Town hasn't taken a formai posi- tion regarding the implementation of the terminal. "I suspect the biggest majority (of Town staff) have concems with what's proposed." he said. "If we voted on this tomorrow, it wouldn't pass Regional counicil." M. Thomson assured the resi- dents CN is prepared tu meet ai tihe requirements put forward by the CFA. "Is there any way we can stop you?" was the final question of thse niglit by a local resident. CN's goal is 10 work with the community and address any con- cerna residents might have, Mr. Thomson said. "We won'l roll over and play dead, I assure you." Mr. Krantz said. Regional Chair Joyce Savoline said CN shouid be better prepared to provide answers for future meet- tngs. "We're in thse process of understanding what Ibis is aIl about. Where the suthority lies, what can and can't happen. We have 10 continue exploring the effect on thse community, the elfect on the land and our abiiity lu plan cummunities aiid feel cunfident that tise plan mneans something." The nesl public meeting is schedu led for August. Chidechitt £sfaies uodaloe ame 2034 Ki sli t, Nilrli 8291900 Gladys Crantord n attendance R/IX Bluie Springae Realty 853 Cuxe Blvi. Barbara Crawe ln attendance Royal Lombago 438 Hlful Dr Alan McOonald in attendance Royal LePage 77 Malie Lana Donna Stark ln attendance Prudential Rang Estt 325 Kkugsway Place 8229,900 carole o. Budwvorth in attendanoe Royal LePage 807 Cedarbrae Ave. 8219,900 Joyce Hagevik in attendanoe Royal LePage 241 Wotodward Ave. 8254900 Teresa Mill&-Hall ln altendanoe REIMAX Blue Springs Realty 803 Laurier Ave. 8178,900 Sandy Del Papa in attendanoe Royal LePage 812 Laurie Ave. 8199,500 Ang7ela Sllcock ln attendance Royal LePage 465 Gowlaind: 2:00 - 2:15 $345,000 562 Hayward: 2:25 - 2:40 $234900 582 Hayward: 2:50 - 3:05 $192900 654 Joyce: 3:20 - 3:35 $189,900 887 Birch: 3:45 - 4:00 $229,900 'The Chris NeweI Sunday Tour of Homes" See ChrisNeweli.com for changes RRMVAX Mu a edng Realty LAll szîn availabe *Wood or amny siding »- 8xii dolivomîs IM I«bls mi00 EMPLOYMIENT OPPORTUTMTIES The Tlown ut Milton is currently accepting resumnes tor flice positions iisted below. Please indicate the position appling lor. Reter to our wehsite for furtiser detatis " Customer Service Representative - Planning DepI. " Cuatomer Service Representative - Corporate Services DepI. " Tax Analyst " Developmirent Administrator " Policy Planner " Development Review PIonner " Property Information Officer We thank ail applicants for applying however only those selected for an interview wtli be contacted. 2141 Aigi cool SEng I~Quai Lubt Filte Coi 7ù "m ggFý w mm ----a