ee.,ý 1 1 1_ -1 1 1 Coming Events Comrinq Evenes f Stag and Doe for Nei MeNaIly JnSweeUoana Satserea, Api 21, 20H01, 8 p se Maliras Centay Inn 9196 Sidh usne, Campbelile Tickets $10 per persan Cas be purchased ut the doue. A NNU A 1 GIANT CRAJT SALE *OVER 120 TABLES -Food and Benerages avaîtable -Aria & Crafla fruen ucruss Ontrino CHILDREN FREE lii arn - 4 Pm APRIL 28 & 294E 215 Ontario Street South, Milton, Ontarie Att proceeds gotIo E.C, Drary Hîgir Scirool Techrnology Edacation Pro ects ANNUAL MEETING Milton Evergreen Cemetery Board of Directors wiII be held at Hugh Foster Hall Wednesday April 25, 2001 Beginning at 7:30 p.m. Interment Rights Holders are invited to attend. For more information cali 905-875-1404 AUCTION SALE SAT. APRIL 21 AT 10:00 A.M. For MrM 10a Moore, 2085 15 Sideroad, Moffat Antique & modern fursiture, glass, chi- na, dirt bike and torils. Sherwood & Cordon Hume, Auctioneers 905-878-4878 IMPORTANT ANTIQUE ESTATE AUCTION SALE Wednesday, April 25 at 6 P.M. Sharp Sale tri ie held ai te Agricultural Hall on Robert St., Milton Falrqrounde, Milton. Contents f romn an old Dairville exste include quality Victorian fumiahînga, fîghting, cranberry, Mriorcroft, min. Shelfy cap &1 saucer, Royal Drialton & Besc figures, silver plate & sterling items, carpets, painuinga & prints, mairogany & caînul fumiture, fîrior & table lampa etc., etc. Ladies and gentlemen tuis is a qualiiy sae tram atart tri finish. Previewing ciil atari ai 4 P.M. Usuel terma & conditions apply. Aucioneer - Don Collng 905-877-0117 NEW Vear Sale- No GST or PST. Wie puy tire taxes. Great fabie setectren and great san- ingo' Sofa & malcing chiritfrom $778, Love- seats from $448. Chairs f rom $199. Free Es- tîmate. Fields Cusom Quality Uplnolalering. Caîl daify. 9-9. 905-875-: 4427. SPRîNG Super Salai. Save apteo 30% eff dac- oruter fabnics Ne GSTi Sofa & chairs from $7688 Leneseats frem $448. Chairsfrem $199 Senior Discounts. Free Estîmates. Fields Quati- Wy Custeom Uphieslenng, 9-9, 905-632-9090. s, i roir Sale DSp stem *$399 hildes *H & HU Ca aisM PRogrommed* $50) (H-COO 2 montS ýcriorte H- Caac ai $89 eoo0stnoe ATTENTION INTERNET USERS Unltmited Accexa only $15.95, gresi local service antd support f rom SURF THE NET. 905-873-2602 - Landxcsping. Tout yard maintenance: Rakîng, Cutting, Weeding, etc., etc. CeIl Fred or Lar~ 905-399-6190 - Fre, 905-864-9098 - Larry. 20% Discount- 0peîn Sesson Speoal. DEC MAN's Prrifesaîonsl Service. AIl decirs atnipped and refinished tri nec. Cedar Special- astt Free Estimafes. Lim- ffed Boolrings. CaI Nriw. 905-632-1074. $300.00, $500.00 r more pet week esim- bling jeceltery et home o expenence needed. Send a self sddresaed stamp envelope te: BUCCI 6-295 Oueen Street East Suite 274 REF 223, Bramptoin, Ontarioi, L6W 4S6. ASSISTANT installer for consfractioin site re- quired. Must have rien Iransportation and safe- nW boots. 115.00/pet hour. Fax resume f0 905-876-3791. AZ Dirivers wsnted. Home evenînga and ceekenda. Boom expe- nence an asset buf cil t irais. Greup insurance. CatI 905-693-1800 or 1- 800-268-3973. CAFETERIA help cernt- ed ai Becleatreicr Kdtch- en, Mohack. Cash- Îer/counter person, shrort osier ceok, disi-ý casher. Fuît sort pari lime positioso. Cali 905- 854-0441. COUNTRY Dapor re- quîtes parson for tati rime position to, atartiîm- medîatalp. Ability to, drine a standard aahîcle an asset, Heaey lifting and.wotlt on Saturdaps (Sundays - spnng osty) frindly and energelic. Interview on tire spot. Bnng resume c/rater. ances. 905-878-2391. Matrk or Bill. DRIVER requîred ta preaide a delivery sers- ice for loae flocer sirop f ocludea defivenies to ur- bas and rural Milion, Mrinday tei Safurday. Must have mani van or equivaient. For informa- lion ceti Kim 905-878- 2881. Thse Canadian Champion, Fridsy, Aprit 20, 2001-25 BS145 145 15 4 l iDt~am elp Wanted HeIp Wanted Help Wante4 Hlup W&d SAT. APRIL 21 (Rain Date Sun. April 22) 9:00 A.M. 10448 FIRST LINE, MOFFAT f Between lOtir & 15 Sîderoad> Lots of St GIANT GARAGE SALE April 21st & 22nd 9A.M. - 6 1. 50 Yearsof Junk 3038 - 5 Sideroad, Milton HUGE MOVING SALE! Mufi-famîtp, tons of staff f0, go! Fumrture, sdns tops & dafirs, oatdoor play set, etc Sat. Aprit 21 9 arn. - 4 pai. 10802 - 51fr Lise (1tti Sideroad & 5tir Lîne> RAf N or SHINE RUMMAGE SALE Cathotic Wornen's League Saturday, April 28 e amn- 12 no Hofy Rosary Churcir Hati 139 Martin Street Donations accepted on Fridlap Aprif 27, 8 - 8 Currently seeking Kitchen Staff Fuit and part lime positions availeable. Apply in person to: 243 Mein Street East, Milton. INVENTORY/PRODUCTION ANALYST If pou esuriy ssalyzing inventory/production reqairements and possesa excellent computer skilîs we have an opening for pou. Please submîl resume bp mail, fax or e-mail lu: ROBERTSON INC. 97 BRONTE STREET MILTON, ONTARIO L9T 2N8 ATTENTION: HUMAN RESOURCES Fax: 905-878-2299 Email: dbatdasaari@robertaonscrw.con Dat Camrptieliville cirent fus tire follneng aperarga RECEPTIONIST Muai know MS Word & Excel. Muai be experienced in a multi lise phone xystem. SHOWROOM SALES REP Wanted: Director of Firsi Impressions for calk-in cuatomners. Great career for tire budding Sales Rep. Fax 905-333-5887 or E-Mail: INTELVAC - GEORGETOWN Wai are currently seeking 2 TECHNICIANS, Capable of in-house assembly along wiih ffield service work. Duties seili in- clude Electrical Mechanicat As- sembty. Aras of intereat are machine automation, including programmrng with PLC's, Windows graphica, sn- strumentation, and cedi. Salary range is $30,000-$35,000 par pear. Pies... aubmlt reaumes toi fffOÀyfUÀO "Free Training" COME DRIVE A BUS 4 UiS 000 014 Cali US now ai: (905) 877-2251 Or 1-877-914-K[DS Lardtaw is an equat rippoesunity employer [GO GREEN THIS WEEK, RECY-CLE> MOUY MAil Molly Maid reqaires immediately a retiable person for la fuil Urne position, Monday- Fndap. Drivers Iioense an asset. Atso a part Urne person for minimum tWO daps per week. Drivers hcenae essential. Expenience preferred bat we witl train thre right peoppta If you are irardwarleng, deperdable and love ta dlean, please cat <905)877-3443 Fuli-time Day Staff le customslr Servce *DonutakrE'MWm *Employee benefitsa *Paid hralal. *.it peauliens Apply in persan or cai 5051 Harvester Rd. Burlington, 905-681-1841 BUDDS' IMPORTED CARS of OAKVILLE REQUIRE SERVICE ADVISOR For our Jaguar/1 Land Rover Dealership Expenience neceasary. Knowledge wiuh Reynolds & Reynolds an assaI. Wiflng to train. We aBfer a comprehensive bein- eUit and pension pIlan package. Fax resume ta: Service Manager 905-827-3377 r LABOURERS Labaurers /Drivers needrd by Pavement Markieting Campany lscated in Burlîagtas farthiis op-camîsg raad constractian seasan. G tîcense. DZ wautd alsa ire an asse. Many lang sommer hauts, gaod pay and averlime. Moals and accommdation paid chile aui of tacs Cail: (1105) 336-2404 Fax restone: (90)>336-8766 OR MAIL TO: 1780 Ireasteme Drive Burlingle, OM L7L 5V3 Goneoral 16 Warohoi Positions avaria foilowing in the " Assembr e Machine e PickerslF e Forklift( Psy atarta e Cati today, w Phone (905)815 Envait: flanaga FULL Turne tond plant sanîtatren corliets sneeded. Salary based on experience. Wnrk lo- cal. CatI 416-896-0853 or 416-885-9711. FULITIME position in woedcstkng sirop. Job weuld includa delinaty ta lob sites, GTA knowl- adga an usset. Mont pronîde drinat's ab- struot. Semae sirop du- fies aise requîred, Appp 9 Acudamy Rd. George- towm 905-877-6757. GENERAL Labourer. Lundscapîng expan- ance an unset Seuson- aI position, great for students. Pieuse caI 905-864-9113, LANDSCAPE cempunp requîtes persn vth ea- penience in tuen main- tenance. 905-876-1l08. New Vehicle Salesperson We are currenty înterviewing professiona, motivated men and corn interested in a career in automobile sales and fleasing. The successfut candidates muat have a previous record of success in retail sales and genuinet enioy customar interaction.Y ou must ha positive, enthuisiasic, confident and wilhing to, learn. Exceptiona communication skills are a musti We ara a bus, successfut deslership with loyal customer base. We provide professional sales and product training, ongoing coaching asd support from management. If you ara seering a career Opportusity that is both chaitenging and financially rewarding, thîs may be tire opportunity tfor you. Please telephone Rager lCawie New Vehicle Manager Jahn Bear Pantiac Bulck Cadlllac Ltd. Hamilton (905) 575-9400 SALES/ MARKETING MANAGER A growing Burfignion Manufacturing/ Distribution Co. ehicr services thre Petro- leum/ Chemnical industies requrres an EXPERIENCED, self MOTIVATED person, who haa good organizational akilis. Please fax fesmmes 905-333-0244 INSIDE SALESPERSON SU1 EqaI~a, 1,c., a manufacturer of Pipeline Straîners and Valves, located in Bur inglan. Ontario reqoires a selt-mafîoated and eaperîened insîde sales support persan. Communication and tram sop- part are (2) key facters ce wli ire Iaaking toi tram applîcants. Campuer skiffs are a must. Iieresled applîcanits should mail their resames Io PO. Bon 1831, c/a Burlingîsa Pot, 2321 Fairvee St., Buringtan, Ontario L7R 2E3 Na mbs calis pleu abou.vsvs/ bIefJQW for Phe rOakvlie Area. LOCAL tumber dîstriba- ers lion centre reqaîres Operators experienced lumber iackersloaders efirh extensive ackers lit trucki esperience.Fa )perators reaume to 905-876- 9.00 and up. 3230. rirk tomnorrow THE Dioken's as tooking for fuît and pari time -1600 extl. 2257 Lise Cooka. Muai be in@the500com avaitabte ts corr dapS. Apply in person to VT e 45 Dicken's 189 Mill Street, -,Milton. Address resumes to tire attention of Leon nr Kevin. LANDSCAPE Contrac- WANTED ceairnigrto forno hiin. Epei-and ceekendo herse ence in tsndscape con- gromfo00 v so struction, DZ lîcanse jumpara. Easy cnrk, equîpment oparatier; hîgir Pao îtir bonases. are excellent assels Oea transpertation. Ledhsdadlbourer Soma asperiesqa, cîlI positions avaîlabta. Fao 856-2210i ss 19 or Emal resamae ro 905-85-20 629-7985 or tvz@aztec- WAREHOUSE Persan nef com (Contractl Losg-farm LARGE Mîttoni datai contruot Io asaîst sur sirop iookîng for crd- shîppîng and recaîaîng caar Wi raî od faam. Requires strong stroîng saiary. Compa- vanbai and wriftan com- np pîribanaîtsCon munication okîlis, Com- ty act BbeNîdaut Mon- petîtîva cage, d0 tiurs tactobsl 905-875-ffat par weak plus some Aowok 0-85 overtine. Milon Inca: LIFEGUARDS PPL 876-3337. etters haut cages utai DWOD Gl poos in Bramptn, CYDW O CGoqlfswakn Mississauga, and GTA C.Clean e Map lut 1 416-213-0111 or lae.My sto oeeleeolt îîtedcem Sept. 30. Appreaimarely PooPL ers eriitien 5 heurs per day. PIeuse PPLoffrscerifcaton cati 905-878-4848 on courses, Mondav. DEERFIELO GOLF CLUB HIRING F/T *Cooks eCleaniers Bronfe Rd/OEW Contact Lpnn: (905)847-5555 Hairetylists - FT/PTI B8Sf tOCATUOS IURL.-MIL.-WATIRDOWN: hMin. $B/irr Guarurteal: fat qualilyioî Sîpliots -CommIssiono strig at 40 . *Equipsient Provid:5 No piiu-stilraosry: (905) 319-3155 Lot Person Requirei Ganal dulies. Must have nalîd drivers licence. Appfy sn persan or cui Brian for ap- poînirsent. Hyudai of Oakvîille 1071 Speers Rd. 845-7791 I I mul- _ Y 111111t 87/5-3300 876-2364