Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Apr 2001, p. 22

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22-The Canadran Champion, Friday, Apuil 20, 2001 Jr. Royals have a lot to live up to By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Bislirp Reding's junioîr boys soccer squat! lias a loi to lise up to ln tact lhai's puiting il raiher miidly when yoa're taiking about a icai that when undeleaîed and gave up one measly ail season en roiule to i.apturing the regional chaimpionsliip. \tIIiich iL, ihese, .eui,,souid b, quite ditti,111 III JC (idi lie lrci o circurnsîances h ul vath ihrec quariers ofi the icatm having muîsed up to the seniuor ranks. the challenge becomes doennghi dauuting. "'d lîke to tink we caru equat last year's success, but we'll Jusi hase iii wait and see." said cautîuîuslv (piisi co c(iah Goîrd McCIarles. ssliise running boîh boys teanis aliiugside F-ernando (lista. "We've detîuîîely gut a loi ol athleticism on the teain and a loi t odetermination. The question is cari ihese guy s gel together>?" Because the seasoîi was pushed rap tis year. 'the loîcal junioîrs liad îîîly foîur practices headîng iii yesîerday aflerniions home opener againsi Oakville's Loyola Hawks. "li*s kind ofi hurt us a bit, the cold weaîher aîîd having the sea- son a litile carlier ihis year."* said McCarles. Reiurnîng bo juntior level play from last season's champîonship contingent are Jasoîn Fererria, Rory Juihnsion, Peter Schultz and Dave Wynue -whîî led 2000 ieam scoiîng wiih seven goals. Auîicipaîed standout uewcomers include midfielders Mike Banks and Mario Sahatini plus ninîh grade sweeper Robbie Wilson. Two goaltenders are currently audiiioning for the starting rîîle. Meanwhile, BR's senior squad should lie a regional front-runuer sînce it picked up mosi of the junior graduales including crafty cager Allen Lourenco. The team has already compeied in iwo pre-season toumnamenîs N iaking championship honours in Vaughan and reaching the semifinals ai Duffenin's St. Joseph's High. McCarles expecis the team 10 make a serious run ai the Halion rifle -overconîing lat year's firsi round defeat. The seniors' regular season debut cormes ai home againsi Acion Tuesday. They follow the juniors, who take the field al, 3:30 pari. Mion's tykes used their final tournament appearance ol- the season Io enjoy their lirsi faste of chanîpionship vicluiry. Il came earlier this month in Bolton - where the Sandsloue Transport Winterhawks capped a siellar weekeud performance by eclipsiug Cobourg 2-I for the hute, The local rnk rats - who hegan the year with several dou- ble-digit humblings, but grsdually narrowed the gap with hard work and deterosination - scored near the end of Peri- od îwo aud again with six minutes left in reguisiion lime to prevail. Matthew Dupont made the game-winniug deposil, while polliug the initial talîy was Sean McGovern. Oran Ferguson assisted on boili markers sud providing a robusi two-way effort was.champiouship gaine MVP Derek Dercaicli. Backstopping the tykes 10, victory was Daniel Plater. The Mlton cager gave up just ilirce goals en roule 10 the tille contest - ail of whîch came iu an eventual stalemale with Cobourg. He sandwiched this lie wilh shutout winn over Dundas (5-0) sud Oshawa (I -0). Bryden Curren scored the lone goal againat Oshawa- with help fromn Nicholas Creamner sud Brad Rimi - while leading offensively versus Dundas with a pair of goals sud one helper ws McGovern. The other msrksmen lu that vie- tory were Cresmer, Riml sud Mark McKelvie. Dupont picked up two assis whiîe single helpers went 1o Curren, Ferguson, Nicholas Cragg sud Luke Kimmerer. Miltou's scorers in the round lwo draw were Dupont, McGovern sud McKelvie while Ferguson set uji goals one and three. Please fax your -sports reports ta Steve LeBlanc at 878- 4943, or drop them aiff at 191 Main St. HALO REI Notice of Regional Counicil Meeting to Approve the 2001 Tax Policies Halton Regional Council wiIl hear delegations frorn any/aIl interested persons or agencies, consider and approve reassessment/tax policies, and pass ail by-Iaws retated to the 2001 fax rates on: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 1:30 p.m. Regional Council Chambers w Tax policies f0 be approved include: *Phase-in policies for residenfial properties * Capping policies for commercial, industrial and multi-residenfial properfies * 2001 transition ratios and fax rates If you have any questions or wish f0 register as a delegation af the Wednesday, April 25, 2001 meeting, please cail the Office of the Regional Clerk, at the number listed below. lina Agnelto Regional Clerk Longshot Ozzie Ini Action leads the wayl in a record setting triactor ait Mohawk To ackuowledge there was a shocking oulcome in Tuesday evening's $36,6X) fiual of the Tie Silk Troting Series ai Mohawk is an undersiaiemeni. Three-year-old irotiers Ozzie lu Actioîn, Emîniti and Liberty One put tîreir names ru the Ontario Jockey Club record booîks wheu the trip combiued f'or a whoppiug $40,745.30 tiacior payoli. Ih %as tie largesi tiactrîr price in the 38- year history rîtihe Campbielîville raceirack - surpassiug the previous high ol $32,768.70 set in 2000. The payoli was lriggered wheu the heav- ily-f'avîîured eniry of' VC Chipper sud Royal Pockct - ai 1-9 odds - both weni otf stride. VC Chipper made a break as the field was leaving, then his eutry mate Royal Pockei looked 10 bie ou his way 10 passiug pace-setter Ozzie Iu Action in mid- slretch wheu he suddenly went up in the air. As a resuit, Ozzie Iu Action, a 9-i shot driver by Cîsyton Masse, won the race, fol- lowed by Emmitt (wiîh Millonian Mike Safiic) at 102-1, sud Liberty Que (with Dave Wall, ai 85-I odds. The mile lime was 1:59. 1. Oizie lu Action, a gelded son of Earl, set the tempo from the onset -posig frac- tions of :28.1, :58.2 sud 1:28.2. Royal Pocket, put mbt position by Phil Hudon secound over behiud Bradmeisier, tipped , Hoof Beat out for the home siraight away, and was rneasurig Ozzie In Action when he look hinisel. oui of contention. Masse agrced that flic result was 'a shocker". -l was predicliug a real good racc. 1 ihought he'd be close to, or on the Iront ai the thre-quaricrs," said Masse, who also trains Ozzie In Action for James and Deauna Masse of1 Osgoode, Ontario. "l'm really happy with his race. He popped a curb on Saiurday, and il's been poultice and cold waier for four daSis and cross your lingers." The wjnner relurued $2120 and ieamed Up wiîh Emmiti for a $907.40 exacior. Emmitî's place price of $324.50 was also a Mohawk record. Eligible for the Ontario Sires Siakes, Ozzie In Action wi Il gel some lime off now béfore resurfacing here nexi monîh. Il was his second wîn in six career siarts and the $18,300) purse cheque places his earings ai $31,050. Milton Minor Basebali Association Milton Mînor B0sebaII Rep Tryouts Saturday April 21, 2001 PeeWee Rotary Park Pool Diamond 10,12 Youth MapleHurst -2-4 Junîor MapleHurst4- Sunday April 22, 2001 PeeWee Rotary Park Pool Diamond 12-2 Youth MapleHurst 10-1 rJunior MapleHurst 1-4 Notice of Election of Offi!cers The Royal Canadian Legion 1'v Pie. U.J. (Joe) Waters Br. 136 Branch Eleciion of Olfficers Sunday, April 29, 2001 1:30 PM Sharp Voiing memrbers musi produce 2001 memnbership cards or receipi of dues paid to be eligible to voie. Please noie there is no admittance during the taking of the voie. ý à

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