The Canadien Champion, Fridlay, Apnil 20. 2001- 21 t~ Inflammation delays local pitcher's return Lynch 'v arni not quite readv ,ft season grind By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Pat Lynch cati be cxcused if he's feeling a bit frustrated these days. The Milton pitcher bias becs ttching to return o t he îîound sincc undergoing sltîulder surgery last sprng and itîusstttg an couire seasîin. As il a ycar oilt wasn't cttîugli. bis conte- back bas noiw becs lurther dclayed hy inflamsmaion iin hts tbrowing arm. As a resuit, the righi-handed hurler had 10 shut down near the tail-end of training camp and isn'i expected 10 he ready for com- pelilion until early nexi month. "Ils flot so much the sur- ~ gery as il is a lack of muscle condiiioning hecause of the inactive slretch," explained the 23-year-old, now pant of the Colorado Rockies' organi- laion afler being traded by pat Toronto in 1999. lits a rehuilding period nîîw. 1 shut down lor a couple days aller having some iroitation in the winler, but now il's lime tii gîve il (arm) nmire ol a test. 1 don't wani Ioi rush il.' Lynch bas had iii undergit an îîlleî ilionîtolîius petiiid oi rclîah stoce lasi yeîr's shîîuld surgMr- and white nol adverse Io hard wsirk. ihe aluas.- goits- îîalurcd aîîd ltîghl drîs ci hall playcr sstuld jusî like tut sec sutie icwartls tior it. -Hard 'auirk's nol lthe prîîhlcîîî id just he nice tut sec stie payitl lur il suttn.' hc addcd in candid lashitîn. "Soinclimes il lecîs le Fini noi gcîîiîîg aîîvwhcrc.' Folliiwing is current layolf, the local pîicher will hîuok up wîib Cutloraduts Class A teani in Salem, Virgînia. When that uap- pens, îwo big questions ktom large l'or the fonner Milîttîn District High ace. One, jusi hîuw will bis ami hold up? - and two, just where wîll he l'it in îo Salem's pitching siall'? lmr interesied in finding thai oui myself,'" said Lynch of his immediale future. -1 guess 1 can see having less of a work load right away so as not 10 push ihings. Thai's undersiandable." Neveriheless, Lynch is Lynch rallier parlicular about main- laining his siains as a stiner siressing thai hie lhrives on the chal- lenges ihai come wilh il. "li's ail I've ever been. 1 like heing the one wîtb the expectatiutns on him, the guy whuî il you win oir uose il's on him.' He's hoping t0 hase ibat resting on hîs shutulders stîtn. One can ttnly htipe ltai bhit ti (in arc up Io [lie sirain. Photo by RON KUZYK ,/Bye bye birdie E.C. Drury Spartan Kiran Lad gets ready ta return this shot during the Halton Badminton Champlonshlps at Burlington's Notre Dame High School Wednesday. For full resuits of the reglonal finals, see Tuesday's Champion. Calling ail junior golfers Local youlhn cao once again swing int summer as part of the Wilson Junior Golf Tour. Open to anyone 18 years and under, the I Sîh annual Greaier HanuillonlHalton Tour includes eighî stops including the qualifying day com- pelilion ai Jerseyville's Oak Gables Golf Club Sunday, June 17. Milton' s Wyldewood and Trafalgar Golf and Country Clubs wilIl also he part of the tour. Prizes are awarded 10 top fin- ishers in each age division. To reginter, or for further information, caîl Ken Lancaster ai (905) 523-00(X), ext. 249.' M42â 8 Thompson Rd., Unit #6, Milton.~4 Now you can save like crazy on top-of-the-Iine equipment and apparel fromr ail your favorite manufacturers' For the Best Prices on Mens à Ladies Apparel SMMR HOURIs stimguia isti Mon, Tms Wed 10-6 tbursdy ài Mdcy 104f salurdal _ suady ý12-4 81ICiarke's Golf www.carkesod.cm905-478-118 M WC bviÀff match any aciverrisecf price!i