The Canadian Champion, Fridlay. April 20, 200-15 Pwercv 1lerrv çftden,ç 'flag went up in space in 1995 By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Six years ago, a group of grade 6 students from Percy W. Mer School designed a flag at the request of the Canadian Space Agency in hopes of it being chosen to accompany Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield, a former student at the school, on his mission aboard the space shuttie Atiantis. The students leamed only two months ago their flag was indeed chosen and was sent up in space. 'Three of Chris' former scbools were asked to design a flag that might go up with bim,' Col. Hadlield's mother Eleanor told The Champion at the public school ai the end of March durrng an assembly 10 officially present the sehool the framed flag and confirmation letter. 1I found the certilicate of authenticity two months ago. Tbe letter was put aside wilb ail the other mail we get. (Finding the letter now) is a natural intro- duction into his launcb." Yesterday, Col. Hadfield boarded the space shuille Endeavour t0 instail the new Canadarm2 (Space Station Reynote Manipulator Systemn) During the flight two space walks are planned. whicb will make Col. Hadlield the first Canadian in bistory 10 ever ceave a spacecraft and Iloat free in space. "Once upon a time. Chris was a student jusi like you," scbool secretary Barbie Taylor told the youngsîers ai the assembly. "This shows what special things you can >do if you set your mind to it. When Chris goes up tn space, he represents Canada." Ms Hadfield told the students it didn'î seem s0 long ago that Chris and bis sihlings were sitting on thal very floor in the gymnaaium. -Before Chnis went up (in space in 1995), he was told he would be able t0 take with his own personal lite box 10 put in anything he wanted. Percy Merry and other schools (W.H. Morden and Montclair Senior Public School in Oakville) wcre asked if they wanted 10 send something up. 1 sent up ibis heart and ring,' she said, showing the students tbe jewelry she wore around ber neck. At the lime ot tbe presentation. Col. Hadfield was in Florida testing the equipment, Ms Hadlield said. 'Wben 1 spoke 10 him, he said 'tbey're linally letting me play outside'," she said witb a laugb. She gave tbe scbool a new poster of ber son and a copy of bis personal crest, the Canadian emblem for the STS- 100 Mission. Stacey Biggar, Isabel Blackbird, Paul Duff and Sbawn Nortbwood, the four students wbo designed tbe 4-by-6 flag, attended the assembly. -The panda bear representa the sehool mas- col," Ms Biggar told the students, showing the design that represented tbeir sebool. 'The red letlers represent the sehool colours and tbe Irees and flowers represent we're in tbe country," Ms Blackbird officially presented the framed tlag and letter t0 Thomas (T.J.) Snow, Percy Merry's Student of Excellence recipient. Brenda Dolling, who taugbt tbe class tbat designed the llag, said Col. Hadfield is weil known in Milton. 'AIl the tarm families know hirs," she told Tbe Champion afler the presentalion, along side the former students. 'He even came to one of our Fus Fairs in 1995."1 Aller the students completed the design and il was sent off 10 ihe Canadian Space Agency, Ms Dolling phoned the agency numerous limes 10 sec what had happened to the flag but neyer Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Chria Hactfleld'a mother Eleanor poses with former Percy Merry School studenta (from left) Stacey Blggar, Shawn Northwood, Paul Duff and Isabel Blackblrd. More than six yeersa go, 1he students deslgned a flag that Col. Hadfleld 100k Up 10 apace wlth hlm in hla 1995 Atiantîs mission. received an answer. "After one year (of not hearing anything) I gave up, 1 forgot about it." Mr. Dufi said. Tbey ail said Ibey were surprised wben they found out the flag had actually gone up. "My mom flipped out," Ms Biggar saîd. "Our parents told us, tben we got a letier Ironi Use sehool and we were invited t0 this assem- bly." Receiving news of the flag's confirmation in10 space aithis time was appropriate hecause ot thie upcoming mission. Ms Dotlîng said. 'li's hetter (knowing) laie than neyer. The other students (in that class) will now know (the llag) actually made it up.' Throughout the years aI Percy Meny, Mr. Northwood said the students leamed about Col. Hadlield and be was looked ai as a role model. 10 which Mr. Duff agreed. 'He's our incredihly lamous Milton boy." M[ONI -[,- ail diamond jewellery iv regular pnice A Diamond is Forever- V rim MW su