1UmutoGass1 71MAIN ST. #1 & 2, MILTN87-4785J A Metroland Community Newspaper MILTON U3RR "Wèekend *~ Vol. 142 No. 1l Friday, April 20, 2001 28 Pages frith Flou-en 4787Lawiff Ave., 78-2881 %*-Wfv-npw $ 1.00 (GST included) Hadfield. rady to take the first Canadian space walk By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Chris Austin Hadfield is well aware that he's making history. But entering the history books is n(ithing new Io the 4 1 -year-old asîrtinaut and chief capsule cîîm- municator (CAPCOM), who will add Ici bis resune the bonour of- being the rsIr Canadian astro- naut tut perlorni a space walk. lie shutt le Endeavour look olf i'ronm the Kenînedy Space Centre in Cape Cantaveral, Florida yes- Se. speclal Hadfleld section pages 13-16 terday destined for the international Space Station 10 instaîl the Canadarm2. The 17 inetre. 1,641-kilograni amni will propel itsell'around thie staition structure like an incli- w<îrm, performing construction tasks beyond the reacli nl the smaller original Canadarm on the space shuttles. A successînt Canadarm2 wilI guaraitc Canada sonie Irc sci- entîlic space and a buman pres- ence aboard the space station. During the mission. Col. Hadlieid will perlorni îwo space walks (three if necessaryl along with American asîronaut Scott Parazynski. "Ive known about tbis mis- sion since June of« 1997,- Col. Hadlield told The Champion in a lelephone interview l"rom Houston earlier ibis montli. "Ive been traitling space waîks l'oc quite a wbile in a linge underwa- ter training camp. This is an amazing oppuxlunity. The Iliglit lime Iasted vine see HADFIELD on page 16 I I £N doesn't have a lot of answers at information session By FANNIE SUNSMINE The Champion Despite local residents hainmer- ing out question after question to CN officiais Wednesday night, by their own admission the railway's staff didn't have a lot of answers. Thlere are a number of issues CN has to work tbrougli together with the Town of Milton and the Region.- CN communica- tions director lant Thomson told the crtîwd of about 400 concerned citizens who attended the Halton-Region hosted inlor- mation sesston. *The purpose of this information session is tii inform and educate the stakeholders (about the development). We will mainlain ongoing communication with the stake- holders and we will answer ail questions in an honest manner. We're still in the very early stages of the project,- he said.' In late 2002. a $40 million intermoda terminal is scheduled to open in rural Milton. Il wili transport goods by truck aid train. Trucks are expected Io travel along Hwy. 407. CN is in the process ol' acquiring land Public meeting about foot and mouth disease A foot and m(iutb disease informtiaion night sponsored by the Peel-Halton Cattlemen's Association will be beld Tuesday. The meeting leaturing experts I'ronm the OFIA and OMAFRA wîil be beld in the Junior Farnier Buildinîg ai the new Brampton Fair Grounds Ironi 7 to 10 p. Topics of' discussion wiIl rîclude back-- ground on l'oreîgn antimal dîseases, eradi- cation and compensation programs and inîproving biosecunity on larrus. The laîrgrounds are located aI 12942 Heart Lake Rd. in Bramipton. For miore informiation, cali the Ontario Cattletîtens Associaiont ai (S 19) 824- 0334. "We won't roll over and play dead, 1 assure you." MAYOR BORD KRANIZ adjacent t0 the Halton Waste Management Site on Regional Road 25. Thc terminal will be Iocated between Tremaine Road, First Line, Bnitannia Road and Lower Base Ltne. "One l'ully-loaded train cat ilake 300 trucks off' the road,- Mr. Thomson said. it's flo( a waste transter titciltty. Thle site wiIl operate on 100 acres of' land and expand toi 400 acres over the next 3(0 to 40 years but the final lootprint and layout is flot yet deterniined." The Milton site was chosen for a number of reasons, he said. "Thie shape and sie oCt the property was wliat we needed. it's close Io (Hwy.) 407 and away lrom urban residential areas. Other industnial property we looked at tn -see NEXT on page 4 Comment........ 6 HS Report.......S Lit estyles ......10 Sports ...... 21-23 Classit ied .... .24-25 Dateline ....... 27 eFrlday. April 20 e * U&P 0 eh"u 0 Shoppor DMi nid 0 Zeluui *Walmair, 0 MAM Moab * 0Cuhu*y * S eaia 6Criateit'8 Village M.* e Food Usmal Ciai Tire a Grewmarh a Smart Soure* MaHos Hardware * The Builtding Box *Miltan Kumon Centrae* Gray's Gracery Delleery Service * Future $hop'* -Radio Shack' *Sitected areua onty BoS$#S iAUTmS For ail of your Emissions Testing & Car Rep air N'eeds Spring flans-up Timo! Cati to book your appointment!1 DRIVE! For the air we bmathei Sto in an le .u e. e' . * e : e . . * *