The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 17, 2001-9 - "'rUpat' Building a better bank for you. An Important Message To Our Customers This is tie sixih rime J've pmovided i-D Bank and Canada Trust csomers wiih an updai aîboîut the importas! changes thes can especi as %W iniegrate the reail banking operaions ot F[) Bank and Canada Trust int TI) Canaîda Trust. For over a year now ,%eyve bren .%orkîrîg hard to bnîld a beLter banik for you. A Successful Integration In Atlantic Canada We chose Atlantic Canada as the firsi region in which to combine our retail banking operaîtons. Lasi tiionth, %4e did iutis that. Oit Moiiday. March 26th. we hecame TD Canada Trust in Atlantic Canada, wiih 63 TD Bank and Canada Trust branches carrying the sew T!) Canada Trusti name. Wr arr now delivening on our promise to offer our Atlantic customers a hetter, more comfortable basking experience. Nationwide Integration Complete By August The rest of ibis process will continue on the weekend of May 19th in Alberta, British Columbia. Yukon, Northwesi Terriiories and Nunavut: and os the weekend of June 23rd in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Quebec. Norîhwesîern Ontario, înciudisg Thunder Bay, wîll also be înîegrated on the weckend of June 23rd. wîîh the remainder of Ontario compieied on the weekend of August 4th. ln the meantîme. our cusiomners have also been experiescing onr prodîîct and service iniegratitin as we have combined the discount brokerage operations and muinai fnnd arms tif TO Bank and Canada Trust, and sîmpliîed our chequing and savîngs accourir packages. 1ri March, the Estates & Trusts Services operations of our iwo orgasteations became ose, and on May 3 1si, our Prîvaîerivesîmeit Cousei and Prîvale Invesîmeni Management businesses wîii also be combined. Foliowing the cutapletion of our transition to TP) Canada Trust mn your ares. our branches ihere wîli oîpen as TI) Caniadat Trust. wîiiî a new lîook both inside and oui. Our new name wi appear on ail cheques, statemenîs, and correspondence. In tact, as of March, TD Bank customers have already encouniered our new rame on iheir statemenîs and whîie baskisg os the telephone wiîh TP) Caniada Trust EasyL-ise" and on the Internet with TP) Canada Trust EasyWeb'" ai Although ynu may have noliced a few changes tu these services, such as a new voice and a mondiied menu, mainly it has heen husiness as usual. We thsnk yos for yosr patience as we make the transition su the new TD Canada Trust. After the iniegraîlon process is complte across Casada, ail our cusîsîmers wiii experience the saine îniegraied services and a unîted array of relail banking producîs. And our ABMs wiii offer a fuil range of banking services under the nrame Green Machine. Whaî wiii not change are ur houes of operatîuîn -excepi lu be enîended, out people insîde the branches. and ont commîîmenî to building a betier banik for pou. You'iI Be Nnliied Ahout Changes AfTecting Vîmu For now il is business an ussal, Wr will notify you persosaliy, in writing. and well in adace, of changes t0 yosr accounin and hranch. Wr will also) keep you înlormed abot our iniegraîton prttgress îhrsîngh regmîlar reports in stur branches, on the Internet, and in npdaîes sncb as ibis in Canada's newspapees. Travelling Insîde Or Outside Canada So<în? If ptîn are travelling osiside Canada durîng (lie neni few monîhs. i wîii be important iii bave yonr mail lîirtarded so ytîn can reccîse nutiîces froni us. .înd ensure ibat access to yîîur acctîunîs is unisîerrspled. And il you are travelling tiidt Canada from a n arcs ihai hasn't bren îniegr.îted ti one ibsi bas, resi assured ihat pou can do ptîsr bankîng ait any TP) Caniada Trust branch tn ibsi regtîn. Scîme Branches Will Be Cîînsnlidated Many people have zssked il me wiii be constiidsitiig tînt branches tor re.ltucating thitra Yes. sse isill Titis suit begin a,, early aîs tie ionth ttiîr pluîr ares cotiseris t TI) Canada Trust. Retaîl bank essîtîmers whtt ire atiecicîl mmli bc gise!! ,î ie,îsî 1201 dîy s nt iiation. WVresst rktttg tard tii îîînîmî,e the impact the ctonsolidatioîn has (in otnr csiîmers and eînîsisîpes. Ftor ensinlle, ishen t branches uIth dtîlercrîî îîperaîîîîg bîturs utinstilidate. the nrw branch miii udopt thr longer houes of operation. We are ctinmitîed iii ipening tics brantches. ibis peur me plan tu open ai leasit 10 Item itîdîvîdual branches, plus 40 nrm branches in entait itutiets across the country. Our Gotai IsTii Build A Better Bank For Vîtu Brîngîng tîgrîher wtt mît Canada's largesi finatîcial service îîrganîzaîîîîns is anylhîng bnt simple. Wr miii inake mistakes. Bit wr wll iuve I coirrect any eretîrs qnickly, coînpletrly - and cheerîsill. Ose empîtîpees ae rrceîvîug spectal traininîîg ta tîrder t iitîake tic transtition as sstrry-Irc as potssible luerpîîn. They miii do iheir inss ts assîsi yîîs as tise integration progresses tiser the test lew înîîs. Il yon hase any questions, tir if pou fet we are not meeting pour esprciaîîîîns. sîmply caîl ur TO) Canaiida Trîtît Csier Infoirmation Lîne ai 1-888-572-8924. Let me cltîse by saying tom much we appreciale ihai TI) Camnada Trust is pîtur batik. No malter hum yîîu clîtîtse iii bank wîih ns - n persoît. ai an ABM. on the lelephîta. tir tiser the Internet -yos wîlI recrîve hîgh qnality service and the tingtiing cotimitinent ofi ot ieplttyees iii bu id a 6etter banik o i u Tha why we r toknp bard iii oller yos the besi poîssible banktng esiertencr in Canada. illank yos. Ld fClark TI) Cand Trs SBANK E2 CanadaTrust I Tr.sde-rark of TI) Bank. -Trade-rnark of Canada Trusîco Monîgage Company.