Thre Canadian Chamnpion. Tuesday, ApnIl 17, 2001-7 Flartlev, Mile thildh enmnted for Business, of Ye"lr Nominations a welcome s~urprise jôr local business owners, who give generous/vý to mianY organi-ations 8y FANNIE SUNSiIINE The Champion Being nominated l'or Business ut the Year <25 ernployees or Iess< by the Chamber of Commerce l'or the 2000) Cumimunity Awards wasn't somnething Laurie Hartley gave rnuch thought to. '11 was great, 1 was thriled,' she 5,8881 Ms liartloy wîîrked ai l)elacîiuri\s for thrce years prilîr Io purcirasing the stoîre troimn Vera Delaciiurt ini 1997> She gained indcpth kn<îwlcdge anîd expertise in thre gift, lableware and bridai registry business from wîîrking in tire industîy tor 10 years. -l tirnk the co189munit y ,îwards are greai.- Ms flartley said. T ro roîgiîî- ton is ite." 1)oiacîuri's diits ariîu- ,iily iio the M i i i n E D i str ic t Il io s p i i a I Fou îd atli ii, thre Cancer Soiety and Laurie Hartiey ditterent churches in Mihion. Tickets for tire pro- docîîîîns ut tire Miltont Playors Theoatre Grup are aiso siild ai Delaciîurt's. S t e % e Miller, 1155 00 of- Mi lltuss'il 'l'ire Sorv ice Lid. said lie OSas a "bit soi prisod" hk fic noiniinatiiîn. i' iii 8818 Steve Miller vory faiîîilar wiiir iheso awards su 1 didn't even knuw wo wero eligihie,- ho saîd. "Anxtting thai dm805s alîîng the linos ut' bting reougiiîd is a positive thîng." Evenî il Mr< Miller diîesn'i iako borneiî fic aso ,rd. lie said lie' s iappw Ioi jusi ho noiîiated. "I U. 8818 8( iîiake it clear liatitus a ieaii effort ai tlie sIlip.' lie said. "Iliere are se ci ppl liere u hoî % îrk s erv bard', AI] niiiiiiiiees andiî the 85,r recipieiit \%ill h ,îiinoiicecl ai the ('iiiiiiiiii[N oSsards gala Saiordaý ai G.raite Ridge Golf (Club. Mi lltiiwii Tire Sersice sponisoirs thie Mi ltonî Mereliaiis Jr. A îhockey tealin anîd a loceal lisliig derhN for disahlod chiiIdreii. as .oeII as diîiates tu Miltonî District I tuspîtal's charîîy auciuîs. Foîr gala tickets, comntact tie Miltoin Ciramhor ut'Cîîniinerce. -Students invited to enter heritag çe awards program Kinderamtn to OAC strients hrm tdm Ha"o Distrct and Haiton Caii District achool boards aite invited bo enter thre Visions Canada Scirolasti Awards Progran. The deadine for roceiving pmcjects; regrdng strient' imprtessions of Canada in the past, present and future is Fridy. hterestied strdents; are advised to discua ther entres with their teachers or school prncipal& wbo are responsibie for seilecling and forwarding submissions to thre board co- ordînators. Last year's award-winning entrtes ranged frrim a schooi's maillennium play and video ta a handcrafted chest compiete with treasures fmom across Canada. Projects are aasesaed based on clarity of expression, cre- ativity. deptir and relevance of topic t0 Canada. Projects submitted in either officiai language (Englisr and Frenchr) are acceptable. 'Tire Visions Canada Awards program provides stridents witir an excellent opportunity to learo more about Canada and express pride in their eountry:' said Paul Attack. mani- ager ut« heritage services ut the Hallon Region Museum. AIl studenlo entering the prugramn wili receive a certifleate and a une-year pass tu tho Haliin Region Museumo. Awurd recipierîls wili receive Canadian ittint-cuin packages ut aî gala cercînoîîy aI tire Halturi Region Administrative Centre Jane 4. Catherine MeMartin, a retired leacirer, slaried tire pro- gram in 1979 when aite lt an endowmenl tu the Haiton Publie Seirool Board. Togetrer thre Halton Region Museum andI the Haiton District Sebool Board organized tire awards program thaï: laler expanded to include tire Halton Catholic District Scirool Board. Entry formas may be obtained by calling (905) 875-2200 or by visiling tire Haiton Region Museum Web site at Deidre Foundation <holds golf tourney Tire Deidre antd Friends Fooîîdatiîîn wîlIl host a cirarity glft tour- nanietl aI Granite Ridge Goît 'Clob Jue 14. Deidre anîd Fniends us a local tuiundatioiî tirai sponsoîrs hune mar- roîw uvsearcir, educatiin. awareness andI taîîily andI patient sup- port. Cireck-iiiisl take place heItween l0 anîd 1(:45 arni. Frîtît 10:45 Io ntoriltl ho ee ot limle, tiîlliîwed by a cash bar Inuit 5 to 6 p.rn. Dinner andI puizes woi hogîn ut 6:30 p.m. 'lhie lîîumamneii costs $110 (iKr ptayer and includes green tees, a golf cart anrd a prime nib dînner anid prizes. Chrecks sirîuld ho natIe payable to tire Deidre and Fniends Foîuîdaio antI hoe roiîimed soilr lire registratiiniti Iîi Io: Deidre antI Friends t-tundaiuiî 360) Satîîk Cres., Milton, Ont., L9T 3P5. j To rtcieargsrto on rlo ueifnain al88 3401. cieargsritiouottriirînîîiîncai78 Television that hooks you! COGECO DIGITAL CABLE TV. Piclure and sound bave neyer been su reai' it's nu fisir taie. Digitl Cable TV is su life-like yuu'îi <col like yuu've cast yourself right ln the middle uftIhe action. Yuu'Ii gel mure sports, mure muvies. 40 digital music ciranneis. Access tu speciaity channeis, Pay Per Vîew and mure, lu uther wurds, Digital Cabie TV is a reui catch. J~iIa Flshlng rp fë4 _k to Kesagi~ etodmmvv EECOGECOI (CON087 CLOSES MAY 27, 2001 NO PLJ800058 NîE7ISARY 0811(01 80117 08 RîtiJLAIJON5000AILABLE 87 W LING B-OGEO OR ViSITIiNG OUR851 81001 NLY<8818 LWIROO ARiAS ADOITIONOI CHARGE% WITT A8810 FOR NON S1ONOARO INSTALLATION% 00118FOR NEWi <iJSOMFR% ONI000i510NNi1 ý900007) N01 0501)001 iN AIRA 08107 f(11 l5RIC1lON MAY 0i9'lî ILI