w 0î . -.-- -"- fl 4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, AprIl 17, 2001 QUJICK LUBE SERVICE fsatuving QUAKER STATE GEL S MRAU GEL FILTERS We o»ffer Vour car requires Safety Checks Drakes 2/4 Wheel Aiignment Cooiing System Service En gifles Quaker State 011, Lube & Fram 011 Filters Computer Analysis Tune Ups AutortÀpre & Tir. Contre For #Ji ffr Auto Noedal No ts Wh.. MONW%~Sau~e.~. R & C DICKS AND FINCINO LTDU Photo by GRAHAM PAINE /.Working in the lab Milton District Hospital Iaboratory warkers invite the public ta take a tour af the haspital lab Thursday fram 9:30 ta il a.m. as part of National Medical Laboratary Week in Ontario April 16 ta 20. The hospital lab has a staff of 17, including labaratory technaiogists and laboratory assistants. Here, Rosanne Janicki warks in the haspitai lab's hemnatology section, one of the three specialties an site. The athers are clinical chemistry and transfusion medicine. -~ - -- 0,oor prÙZ'es 0: Used ,od., "n to.o 6, Ame,.,, Exp% Copay Copyright 0. Ame Cana.da Inc .2000. In oended .d and opýate0d by 3862763 C.,,.d2 60,. Bruce Hood ravel 16 Main Street Milton (905) 878-2886 MIHidden Hitch MIWaiker Exhaust MI Suspension Service Êj Tire Rotation & Balancing Generai Tires OTPO Transmissionsç & Service DRIVE ~IElectrical CLEAN ~IAir Conditioning Accredited Test SShocks & Struts & Pepair facility You're Invited To A Sandals Night Wednesday, April 251h @ 7 p.m. Glen Abbey Golf Club 1333 Dorval Drive, Oakville Rab7y somze refreshmenis and hors d'oeuvres while pondering the vacation of a lifetime. F/ad oui why Sanda/s was voted the "Worid's Besi AU- iinclusive". Representativesfrom Sanda/s and Air Canada Vacations wiii be present. to Kelly@ 18-M-565-4378 x312 - I Travel nos M0616CM V~(~JI6NS i Turks & Caicos 1 VVaradero