The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Apnil 17, 2001-31 The art of living ... in your garden: Discover the joys of landscape des ign (NC>-Who docsn't dream ot spending a weeds, to rinte just a few. Money is also step. Don't forget te, obtain a municipal evetgreens to hide those ele- few stolen moments of pure relaxation in an important factor to consider when you arrangement certificate. ments that cannot be moved; an enchanting and mellowing aimosplicre start planning. You can budget over sever- 4) Develop your style .1centre stage", where you find created by abundani tlowers and lush al growing seasons, and thereby plan toi Soliciting the help of a landscape archi- small shrubs, park benches and greenery, a space thaî's ail about you ... A carry ou[ the work withjn a comforiable tect could help you make some enlightened medium-sized plants; and the rom scented by bushels of thyme and timeframe. Using ibis approach, you can choices in fine with your tastes, budget and foreground where the tlowers, rosemary placed by the door. A decor that create a realistic schedule based on your established timeframes. both annuals and perenniats, tends itseif perfeclly to your favourite availability and tinancial means. 5) Choose your components create a stunning ellect. If you activities .. .sharing a glass of wine with 3) Locate avaikible space The taxi step in your plan is choosing want your flowers teu stand oui friends, tlipping tbrough your tavourite Before developing your tandscaping what's going to end up in your garden. Ati n an explosion of cotour, plant magazines over cotlée on a tazy Sunday plan, il's a good idea to take some photos ibis point, you shoutd select the plants and them on a grassy backdrop. ing int your tavounite couch with a bot lemon tea afier a iough day and tisîenîng to the chirping oftihe birds ptaying iti your own garden pond. Donc righi, a wett designed garden can hetp you rediscover whaî lite's reatty ahout. Wheiher you own a townhouse, a targer property surrounded by a tawn that takes att of« Saturday moming to este f'or, a condo wiîh a îiny terrace overlooking the parking lt hchind the building, or even if you rent a third-iloor apariment wiîh a iiny batcony, you cati design a garden that cati change your way ot* fle. lits not a question of' underiaking huge projecîs or of« moditying or adding a ronm tu your house. but rather, uts an opportuni- (y to expand y<mur décor. Just take a peck oui your window: its att right there nr your own back yard! Fume Steps to a Successful Garden 1) Determine your needs What do wani troin your newty designed garden? Wilt you bc using il during the day or mostty in the evening? Witl the garden be a backdrop tor nicats? Are you thinking oi« seiting aside %omne space Io grow fra- grant herbs whose scents suir up memonies ot itaty, deticious beriiesjusi hursting wiih tiavour, or colourfut and juicy fruits and vegetabtes? Note: il' you're planning lu design your garden trom scratch using yet uniouched land, start by making a comptete tist ot your needs; however. if you're thinking ut redesigning an exisîing garden, the firsl step is bo decide whai you're going lu eiîher keep, integrate or improve. 2) Time and money: tt's ail about plan- ning Belte you break ground, determine how much lime you're witling lu dedicate 10 maintaining the garden; don t torget to include the time needed lu mow the tawn, water the grass and plants. and reniove and measure the avaiabie space. Your Botanix consultant can hetp you with ibis accessonies lu be inctuded. A successfut arrangement uf plants ix the fruit of sound planning and carefut thought. Three basic prnipte, bdokoasucesftgr den: th bcgroun tom- prised primaritly of hck X UTS TIME TO HI Q..I.T.T.rm *Stop smoking naturaiiy. * i.U.i.T. reduces nicotine cravings and minimIzes withdrawai symptoms. *1Q.U.i.T. moas It easy to stop smoking. 1 quit In ss thtan 2 weeks without feeling Irritable or any withdrawai symptoma" - Grog W. - "At f irat i was sceptIcai, but it reaiiy worked! After oniy 21 days, i arn smoke free!" - Shari R. - Be a in Less Than 3 Weeks! «S eciai offer e qires A ru 27, 2001. CRI.' SQAR **5 693959 SlsspTowne Mattress j ORAN OPENIN i U.IIPER COUPONI *.O Pft. S *Pittow Protector *Local Delivnry *Piltows *DisposaI ut Otd Set 1 Vvth Ay Matres Se Purhas $255 f397 1295$S487 $375 $507 Kin $537$807 Da'I. US 0 Pittow Cases -Matti'ess Pad *Bed Rails I.Set-Up * Lay-A-Way " GST " PST " Bed Framne '194J HOUF 11,; 355 MAIN SI Es, MILTON 19051875aO467