Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Apr 2001, p. 27

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The Canadian Champion. Tuesday. Aprit 17, 2001-27 Garag Sale Garaqe Sales salas Help H-UGE MOVINCS SALE! Mult-Iamîty, tons ot stf01 to gu! Fumiura, kifs to & dlothes, aiffuoor play set, etc. 5Sfi. April 21 9 arn. - 4 p.m. 10602 - Str Line ilSfIr Sideroad & Sf9 Lin) RAIN or SHINE GARAGE SALE SAT APRIL 21 (Rais Date Sun. April 22) 9:00 A.M. 10448 FIRST UNE, MOFFAT (Between lOth & 15 Sidernad) Lots of Stuff GIANT GARAGE SALE April 21 at & 22nd 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. 50 Years ot Junk 3038 - 5 Sideroad, Milton MOIY MARi MOIl Maid requires îmmediately a reirable person for a fuit ne position, Monday- Fndlay. Drivers license an assat. AJso a part lrne person f or minimum two days par week. Drivers liesse essential. Esperience preferred but we will trais tIre nght people. If ysu are hardworfeng, riependable and love ts dlean, ptease catt (905>877-3443 Currently seeking Kitchen Staff Fuli and part time positions availabte. Apply in person to: 243 Main Street Eat, Milton. Fuli-time Day Staff *Employee benefis* *PaId tralalag *shlft grouilluns Apply ini peison or catI 5051 Haruester Rd. Buringtoni, 9 05 - 681 -1841 LABOURERS Labsurers /Drivers uieeded by Pavement Marketing Company lscutedin u Burlingtsn for Iris up-cuming rsud construction seassn. G lîcense. DZ wsstd also be an asset. Many long saimmen hosrs, gnud puy and svettime. MuaIs anîd accommodation paid whsite out of tuais CIII: (905)>336-2404 Fax remu: (M)53383766 OR MAIL TO: 1700 Iromstoe Drive Umuiegite, ON L7L 5V3 ed aI Backstretcts Kitctr an , Mohawk . Cash- ier/counter persan, shoart order cook, dish- washer. Fuit and part fime positions. Cati 905- 854441. IHalrsfylists - Fr/PT: S OSY LOCATIONS ' IIIRL.-MIL,-WATERD0WN: Min. $8/Irr Goaranfeed for qoalifoiso Stylists Commissionrs j oatîrr ut 40% Eoc. Benef ifs i*n-going Advancnd Training eEquipenent Piovided e No Ciientete recesarY 1(905) 319-3155 & Gardes Centra te- quires petson witI knawtedg aI plants. Refait sales esperiaisce wauld be as assei. Heavy lifting & wee- kends are part rot job re- quirements. Fax t- sume f0: 905-878-9784, E-mail co0ufftLçim ipon . msua or cati 905- 878-2391 attention: Gardes Castre Manag- er COUNTRY Depot re- quîtes peravis for full rime poabton faotrl îm- medîatey. Abitity fa drive a standard vehlicle an assai. Heavy lifting and workç on Saturdayo (Sundays - spning ontyl finendly and energetic. Interview on tIre spot Briisg resamne w/taler- encan. 905-878-2391. Marki or Bill S (aes e p Sle ron Sales He!-Ip Metrofand Printing, Publishing and Distributing in Milton has an immediate opening for an experienced Ciassified, Sales/Telemarketer f0 joint our sales team. As a motivafed self-starter you wil t be responsibl e for the co- ordinating and sel fing of numerous feafures and special sections. A pteas- ant telephone manner and good communication skiffs are essential. You must be able f0 work under deadlines, and understand how f0 juggte numerous tasks. Sales experience a definite asset, Previous applicants need not re-appy. We ruffer: " a base salary " lucrative commission package " stable work environmenf Please forward resumre Attention: Wendy McNab, Advertising Manager luMe Canabian cbamlpion 191 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9IT 4N9 Fax: 905-876-2364 Deadline for resumes April 25/01 shop lnokîng for car de- tailera. Wtt trais. Good starting natary. Compa- ny paid benefts. Con- tact Bob Nidd ai Mottait Autaworkn. 905-875- 0660. TH-E Dicuen's is tookisg for fuît andi part time Lina Cooks. Must Ire avaitable fo wvifu ris. Apply in persan f01 TIe Dîcken's 189 Milt Street, Milton. Address resumes f0 the attention of Leon or Kevîn, As seekng SommerP/ caT uliES O ROGERS« _A~T WIRELES lntec Cellular Inc. A Rogers AT&T Authorized Deater Corporate Sales Ropresentatives We are currenty accepting resumes for highty mativated and self-confident individuels for tIre Burt ington/Hamil ton and Miffon areas: As excellent oppartunity for racent grads, wie require individuels mIra have a frieisdty, outgoing masser, escetlent communication and interpersanat skiffs. Strong orgasizatiana skiffs are alan a must. F/T Inside Sales Representative (Mil ton Location> Prenraus ratait esperience an asoat . Candidate shauld be a f eam player who escets in satesmanship and cuotomer satisfaction Please indlicate the position apptying for. PlIase farward pour caner letter and resumne ta Fax: 905-637-7439 or intec@an.aibn.com Attn: Sales Manager -Rogers Communications Inc. Used under Licence. «AT&T Corp. WELDER 1 FITTERS Enperîenced în stick & flfus core. Pressure vessels and pipîng espertence a detînîte asset. Please FAX resumnes to 3195-332-M99 J g Aite: JSa Lawrne C@ R SURE FLOW EQUIPMENT INC Cilan B-Z Boom Truck Oporator Krowledge ut Bortînglon, Haumilton, Oukuile u musl. Boois ticket und drivers abstract are teqsiied. Yard Labourors Mon. Sal/ Munua lftRing invotaed. Must Ravs bik- ltR eopetienoe and ticket. Dan transportation a must, Able oc worî witb title supervision. Kisowledge in building supplies an assol. Send vosumes to C-A Buiding Product Limitai 2082 Queeissway Dr, Burlîniglor, ON L7R 371 Tl. 905-634-7707 e Faxs 905-634-9644 ornait. capbrick@mss covo * Att successiot canisdates wîtt bu nisitd or or belisie Rpr 2010t A Coffee & Zb Canabian (bampion .. he beot zvay to start your day! um -ne iec FULL TIME OFFICE POSITION Avaifabf e in busy focal finance office, Mon-Fni 9-5 excepf Thurs 2-10 Various dutias invofved, excellent phone akitis, customer service and computer knowledge required. Pfease fax resumne f0: 905-875-0050 BUDOS'IMPORTIED CARS of OAKVILLE R EQU IRD SERVICE ADVISOR For aur Jaguar/1 Land Rover Deaiership Eopenience necessary. Knawledge wîth Reynolds & Reynolds an asset. Willing ta train. We off er a comprehensîve ben- afin and pension plan package. Fax resumne la: Service Manager 905-827-3377 HAINOW vitrage Uiap Care is now accepting registrations for May. Ages 18 montho ru 5 fours. We have boas providing qusty care and an early tearnîng progrars since 1989. 878-7552. RELIABLE Daycare avatable. Wilson & Woodward area. Please cati 905-876-4978. TRUK, 995GM ose O to BOfDvaYa rol-p oar 7,0 SNEWb &M USd l41111T11ELE119AVE. M87221 Ne easfe r prk. $5007088-759.1 Ask for Date. INCOME Tas prepara- fiais. Witt pick up and detiver f ram $25. E-mail jvfoggiisOattcanada.ca or cai John (905)854- 0437. IT'STax Time ~Agan SPersona & amai business retums. Cai [ ifate wart 905-875-3752 SMALL famîly looling 10 rent 3-beiiroomn ac- commodation is Milton ares for Jane itt Fiease cati 905-693- 9207 130 ALLc0sa www miftoncanad Carcers careers TRAVEIL CONSULTANT A well establîshed agency monîng tram Mîsoîssauga ta the Milton ares requîtes an experienced amiure consultant. Corporate tranel esperience an asset. Fax resume f0 K & S Travei Attention Ken Baskeft 905-821-4752 We nliank ail applicas for applying however vnly tlrose selactad foras interview will ba coistacted. PROJECT ASSISTANT REQUIREO IMMEDIATELY Busy administration office tocated in Milton 1requîtes ais energetîc fuil-time Project Assistant. Resprnsbiinies include *Tracking and î550ufl9 of Purchase Orders *Schedule updates using Prîmanera Surefrak Software *Assistîng Project Managers I nvoîcing & Pragrens Bîlling Must haise MS Office. Project Management software an asset. Please respand loy Fax or in Persan ta: Sulco Industries LIA., 264 Bronfe St. S. Unit *13 Milton, Ontario L9T 5A3 Fax: 9054876-4676 (No phono rals wdli bu accepted)_ p.2r ar. Close 0 alsape Pielea ca- 905-76-0799e -h No agnstorse Mr 1ný1111111111 For Prn!i NüHFTHwýiýi -o 1i home, 3 badroom, 3 bath, dan, fam.room wifr f/p, double garage. Non smoker/pets. Jane tnti $1 500/iutiities. 905-659-3076. SEMI for rent. $t500/month, utîlitres entra. New Maisamy 1Home, Millon. Available May7. 905-854-3433. 1Victorien Semi, large, $1100 plus, aisovActon 1 bedroom apartment 1 600 plus 519-853- 5080, 519-853-5352. ONE & two bedrooms, ai inclusive, in Milton. No pets. Cai betwnen a -6. 905-875-4989. ROOM in 4-bedrosm bouse. Accens to living space. Watk ta GO. $450/month inclusive. Mîke 905-693-1110. 3500 sq. ht., 6 bays, on balf acre wîtb fenced-in lo.AatbeMy1 Cai REASONABLE Indlus- tinal Units for tant. 650 - 1600 sq. It. Loadîng docks & drive-ini 1-905- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- 6834. Raised bungalow, 3+1 bedrooms, 2.5 bath- rooms, large backyard, new rugs. 523 Moorelando, $219,000. Cali 416-419-2867. SPACIOUS 4 levai backsplit on desîrable court location. Shows like new wîth large backyard. Four bed- rooms, C/A, Central Vac. New roof, dniveway and flnaning throughout. $224.500 905-875- 1392. 613 Fonter Coud. tself immune DEltby Browni qlUS! sified Ads ipear at.. ianchmp4n.com

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