The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 17, 2001-21 Da~~- à /r Dateline is a free liating of coming events only. The column is available to local community groups to assiat in promoting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groups may use this service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closest 10 the date of the occurrence although more insertions are possible if demand as los. Notioes for Dateline should be hand- ed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed 10 PO. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed 10 (905) 878-4943, or e-mailed 10 mil- The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Fridlay's edition. Dateline items seul not be accepted by telephone. 'Ibesday April 17 The Peel North branch of the Retired Women Teachers of Ontario mecis ai 10:30 arn. ai Si. James Anglican Churcb, 6029 Old Church Rd., in Caledon. Cali Karin ai (905) 796-2146 for more informa- (ion. The Help for Parents suppont group meets every Tuesday ai 7:30 p.m. ai Pinelands Preshyterian Church, 5270 New Si., in Burlingion. This non-denomination- ai scîf-suppori group wiîh irained leaders help parents of children who are in trouble ai home, ai school or witb the law, abusive or iakîng drugs. Cali 1-80(-488-5666 lor more infonrmation. The Milton Toastmnasters incets ai 7:30 p.nt, iu the uipper level of the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St. For tur- ther information about the group. which helps people advance ibeir cotmmunication skills, caîl Ross London ai 8175-372(0. Wednesday April 18 Alleiidale invites aIl ladies id (lie Neighbourhood ColTee Hour tutti 9:3) to Il .. l)ecoraiing v. tIi Tepiartes is ite (epic of1 discuîsston. Admtission is tree aitd baby-siting is ptevtded. Milton Meals on Wheels hosis a lunîch- coni i 11:3011.a1. i (lie L.elaws Ceinmnuiltty Rooti (upsiairs). Tratisporlatiiet and asistance clin bc amittged l'or itose wlio tequite i. l'ie cosi is $5 lor a flti iteal. Drop hy the Milton Seniiors' Acittiv ('entre i i12:45 p iii. Io leam nmore about diabetes and its risks with guesi speaker Mary Mcrrv, diabetes nurse educator witb the tIalioti Regieti Diahetes Pregrati. The Milton Leisure Centre bosis a six- week teen fitness course l'or $40) Cali Tracy Hasselleldi ai 878-7946 te register or for more informationi. The Militon Leisure Centre elfers a seven-week introduction to fltness course. T'Me costi s $55 per person. Cali Tracy Hiasselleldit ai 878-7946 te regisier or lîtr more information. Women interested in breast feeding are învîted to attend thse nexi meeting of thse Milton La Leche League ai thse Milton Communîîy Resource Centre. 917 Ntptssing Rd.. ai 8 p.m. For furiber infor- mation about tbe group, eail 876-3322 or 878-6387. Thursday April 19 Computer classes begin ai thse North Halion Liieracy Guild. Cai 873-2200 to register or for more information. Thse Milton Seniors' Acîiviîy Centre, 500 Cbilds Dr., bolds a blood donor chie from 1:30 to 8 p.m. Thse chiei is being sponsored by Domino's Pizza and Subway. Leamn about thse importance of exposing cbildren to a nurturing and stimulaîing environmenî in tie first few years of life ai afiemoon or evening presentations of the Early Vears in Action ai tIse Ramada Inn in Oakville. To register, or for furiber details, caîl Halton Region ai (905) 825- 600M, est. 7135. Friday April 20 TIse Miltonu Seniors'Aciiviiy Centre, 500 CIsilds Dr., Isosis thse 'True Colours' worksbep fntm 1 te 3 p.nî. TIse costi s $ 10 per person. To sîgn up. caîl tIse centre ai 875-1681. Friday April 20 - 21 TIse Cantadian Federation (if University Wontett- Milien and Distict -stilds uts anitual book sale ai Miltoit Mail] I rom i te 9 p.i. iridav and i10 atti. te 4 p.i. Saiurdatx Saturday April 21 'llie filoît Peel bratict et tire Oniario (;eneal>gical Society invites everyene te a celloquiuti lromt 8 ain. to 4 p.ut, ai Maple Grose Uitted Clîurch in Oakvîlle. The cosi is $3(0 pet- persoti. Fer moire iniormation. cali Doreihy ai (905) 631i-90M). TIse Milieu Ftre Depanlineni Isosis a child safety seat inspection lrom 10 a.m. te i p.ti. ai thse Steeles Avenue tire bail TIe cltitic is Iree and open te everyone. The Halion Creatîve Wriîiîîg Cîrcle ollers uts '18 Secrets of Writing a Page- turner' seininar from 10 te 4 p.nî. ai Mîssussauga Cetral Library. 301, Bumbamiborpe Rd. W. Thse cos i s $35. Te regîster or for more tnfnnain. cati Saliy La ing ai 693-8459. The Triplets, Quads and Quinîs Association bolds uts Baby Spring Sale oil genily used children's wear. maiernity cloihes, ioys and baby equîpmenî fromn 9 a.m. te 12 p.m. ai Our Lady of Mount Carmel HigIs Sehool, 3700) Trelawny Cîrele, in Mississauga. Everyone is wel- come. Thse Milton Seniors' Aciiviîy Centre, 500 CIsilds Dr., Isolds the 'St. George's Day Pub Nigbt' ai 5:45 p.m. Tickets for the evening, sehich includes pub fare and lîve eniertinnient cosi $20) each and are asail- able by calttng 8175-16811. Saturday April 21 - 22 The Milton Red Cross Society off-ers emergency and standard first aid cours- es. Cai 875-1459 t0 sign up or for imote tufoermation. Monday April 23 Si. Paul's United Cburch, 123 Main St. E., offers a bereavement support group every Monday untîl June 18 from 6:30 te 8 p.m. Cali 827-8800, ext. 2310, f'or more information. Re qure L)atelne item info gets to us in plenty of time before the event i8 to ta ke piace. Coe&see our great selection of pre-ownedi vehicles. Ail prices have been reducedIl a A M - A_ ý à fl A ý A _ www.autotrauof.caparkwayautotrado I4115>4,~II~AWSOmIW 6MONTH PGWERTRAIN WAiRMNT INCLUDED IN AU VENCILES ~E A S 8215 LAWSON ROAD, MON BUYING 100fr >MUCH SALI? Start savmng TODAY When you purchase or rent a ...... 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