Seed program is launched by teachers' union Young mmnds are sprouting thanks lii the Secds of Learning cam- paign launchcd rccmly hy the Elementary Teachers' Fecderation of Ontario (ETFO). This province-wide prograrn wiIl distrihute hean seeds to 7(X,(X) Ontario elementary studenis. The seeds corne wilh corre- sponding grade-specitic learnîng materials which support the existing provincial currculum. For instance, kindergarten studenis will use the germtination and growth ot their heans to learn measurernent ternis (tall/shori, etnpty/ul>. Grade 5 stîideni ,vsilI learn hiiw the îîaîuraI ensironnient shaped the cultures ofI early civiliîatîions. TFhe way we sec il, iiur job s tii try iii hring learning Io fle titi (tur students," said Kaihy Clarke. presideti oft he ttaltin ETFO loical. "Vs' wattt chldrento i share otur loîve tior learintg and dis- cîîvery.- She said a kcy pari oi ite initiative is a repot teachers may hand otut lii studenîs. Childreti can complele tl and hring tl home for their parents lu sec, oir they can tiIl t tîut with their parents' help. The programn s tunded hy ETFO unioîn dues. Il's part tif a three- year public retations camipaign to "crcate a positive image around leachers and shoîw the importance of well-fundcd public educa- lion," accordiiig tsi Halton ETFO vice-president Linda Middaugh. The campaign began last summer and will continue this year with a lecture senies. Crawford Lake to celebrate Mother Earth Day Sunday Contservatiotn lialtuti will celebrate Mother Earth Day at Crawtiird Lake C'ontservation Area Sundav troni 10 arn. to 4 p.m. Ttîe Earth liay testivities will include îwuî spectal guesi presen- ters. 'te l,'Ril't(Alterl McArdle) tiI te Mohawk Nation will he cticiiuraging visitors lu look, listes and learti about Mother ['arth thriiugh traditional legends, dance and prîîps. 'l'tîe Bruce 'Irail Association will prescrnt a spectal mutti-media presentatton about tlic beautitut natural spaces in southern Ontario at 2 Priifessor T. Vutture, the Coînservation Halton mascot, will tour Crawturd Lake throughoui the day. Kids of att ages mighî spot Protùssor T Vulture as thcy make a lice button to take home, sip some nature's tea or sec il' thcy won a pile in the free raffle. While cxploring the reconstructed lroquoian village, visitors can join in some storytetling and heur creation lcgcnds from North America's tirst peoples and troru around the world. Tbey can then join staff for the guided 'Earth Walk' through the woodtands lt Crawford Lake wherc participants can hclp make space for native species by harvcsting some pcriwinklc for their gardcns. Pre-register tor the hike upon arrivai ai Crawford Lake as space is limiled. Participants can visit the Conservation Centre and sec the dis- plays ai the newly-cxpanded gift shop. By purchasing a snack or souvenir visitors will be supporting the conservation as aIl funds are retnvested in Crawf'ord Lake. Visitors can also show iheir love for Mother Earth by packîng snacks and lunches from home in reusabte containers. Admvissîion cosis $5 atîd is free for children aged 4 years ot age and utîder. Crawf'ord Lake is located oin the corner of Steeles Avenue ai Guelph LUne. Eh Corne see us at the Mail and receive a f-greee gift. Purchase a Lennox air conditioner and receive a BAR-B- Q absolutely lmpress both family and frîends this summer while you heat up outdoors and cool off insîde Askyour doctor about a #Ti7 Brecast Exam and PAP Test lialton Region Health Department 905-825-6065 Toli free: 1-8664HALTON (1-866-442-5866) ITY 905-333-109)6 www.region.halton.on.calhealth Li <>are 1 LLJ