PrvenfHon 1$ the key f0 Good HeaIt 71 registered Nutritional riais we eat. The more suitable our food choic- Consltin Pratitiner es are tir our specific requirements, the bettor Consltin Pratitiner cell structures we cao build. q I is pour guide Since every person is birchemically unique, towards a healthy lifestarle. 'Sea*pt0 Ot individuat nutritional imbalances P 7Y * and weaknesses must ho assessod. Anf /NUl' is a quatifîod practitiiiner reho pruvides to individuals or groups, guidance pertaining tii the building and maintenance of niitritiirnal well-being. Such cirunsel includes. "Recommending food seloction and preparatisin. " Recommending fooîd supplements Mafît (vitamins, minerais, enzymes, glandai- lar ciocentrates, prîlteins, essential fatty acjds) " Educating clients aboîut the benefits of a scrund nutitimnal prîrgram to encourage the body to heal itself. " Evaluatiinn of their client's fooîd intake, usu- ally irver a gîven week. Particular attentiion is paid tir the proporrtions uof prîrtein, fat, starch- os, sugars and fibre cinsumred. " Designtng a prîîgram specifically forr each client taking it ci>nsideratiiin such factors as height, weîght, age, ses, level of esercise oîr physical actlvîty, dietary gorals, food pref- erences, sensîtivtties to specific foods, dietary habits, religinus beliefs respecting the diet and nutritional deficiencies. The main fîîcus oîf nutritional counselltng is wellness, or building healfh. Ultimalely, the colIs in our bodies are built fronm the rase mate- ____ An RNCP w Il introduce new ditary habis incorporahing tihe lat- est nuhntional breakthroughs, but it may ho difflcult lu achiove optnmal health through food alone. In such paers a red etaye suppesmen caesoaie RNCPsar r ndt duee n programts 14,hp seek the servi ces of un rHav RNCP? Clients may wîsh guidance N... for: " Weîght nisrmalization " Pregnancy oîr lactation " Famîly nutnition, chîldren, seniosrs " Coinvalescence " Understandîng the use and abuse of foîod supploments " Making sense osut if ciinflicfing theoines of nutiton " Understandîng the conseqoonces of spocifîc fooîîd choices " Leamning bore to make choîces more apprs- priate tir thoîr îseeds. A vîsît tir an RNCI' silI be an educational esperionce were one wilI learn ta make lifestyle changes that wîtl have a long-lasting offect on the quality of life. By lare anyono cao caîl theinselves a nutritional cousellor, but only those seho have thoroughly studied nutrition and have mot the requirements of NCOC are granled the RNCP designalion. The Nutrilional Consultants Organizalisîn of Canada (NCOC) has set high standards that must be met before the designation of Registered Nutritional Consultmng Practitioner can ho awarded. Every practicing Registered Nutritional cion- sultant must meet the minimum requirement of 411 hours of yearly upgrading before their registration reilI be renewed for the following year. Keep in mind, rehen referred by yîrur doctir to seek the adviceo f a registered nutrntional consultant, there is insurance coverage avail- able. The followîng insurance companies rec- irgoizo the services oîf the registered practitinn- er members of NCOC foir cînverage by their polîcy holders reho have these benefits: Ingle Health - Health Care Plus Polîcy, 1-800-216-3588 and RWAM Insurance Administrators, 1-800-265-6197. Visit or caîl us todlay and we reilI taîlsîr a pruigrain tii suit yîîur indîvîdual needs. Our four poiînt plan is guar- anteed tir bring you results. Newe clients receive a Free Consultation plus 50% off enroîl- ment and 6 weeks free weîght loss until May 5, 2101L Marion lina/y os a registered Nutlvlona/ Consufllog Praclilroner wilh over 13 years experience rn wegr lors and nutriton, Sve is C/onc Ooector nt Been//y Hil/s lVoght Managemnt ard Nu/o/orn Cnren oMiltor & C/aroson Village, Mississauga. For re inforvaion contact Maronr al875-2889 Are you leading a healthy life?9 So, have you quit smoking'? Are you eating healthy loods' Are you physically active regu- larly'? How is your stress level«? Or, have some of ihese Newe Yeac's resolutions taken a back seat 10 your busy life'? If so, you are definitely nol alone. There's a way t0 niake healthy living casier. Choose 10 make eating healîhy foods, being physically active regulacly, not smoking and managing your stress ail part of your normal day. By doing s0, you can enjoy ail osf the benefits such as ceduced risk of heart disease and cancer, the leading causes of death in Halton. T'hese choices also make us feel good about ourselves, give us more energy and help us sleep better. Your home is the perfect place 10 stant making healthy living choices. By making small changes in Hialth, No tes your home, you and your fami- ly could be on your way toi înaking these tour choices part of your everyday life. Ilere are five great and easy ideas 10 help you lead a healîhy lif e: Eat heaîthy snacka Most people, inclading chil- dren, tend 10 cal whal is easy. Make il easy 10 grah a healthy snack; keep heallhy food in stghl and aI hand. Fosr example. have whole-wheat crackers. bagels, cheese slices and yogurt nearby. Washed and ready-to-eat snack size pieces of mango or orange sections and grapes are also nice 10 have. - ea GET on page 17 CHRPRCTROFMLN lU Hedîe A moat contmton pain. Headache is humanity's masl conmoun pain. Soonier or lter, nearly ail of ns gel aoto. Buttai about 20 percent of lie papa- ltion. treadaclies are mare thon an occasianal disearefont; ' they are chrme, ur recuisent. No headactie s 'nanmal", rallier, il is a iymptamt of sorme uaderlying pralilem. Orcasianally, Ibis pmlilem is easy ta identify, snch as traumat or allergies. Often. howeser, hecaduches are a symptam of saomre allier iealtli candition whurh may lie difficull ta, accuralely diagnose. If ynu tried la "cure" your headarlies willi puinkillers yau know bow feailless rlial appmoach is in tlie long mon. The beudacties keep camîng bark because aspirin and allier stan- tlu dmugs ullesiate thie symtion - (pain) willoInu doing any- tbtng ta, correct lie underlying pmhblemn What causes headaches? Many tlungs eau canne a treadarlie: strang smells; intense liglirs, sinns trouble; higli blnnd presure; dental pronlemts; ear, eye ar vision canditians; fevers, infections; tumors; neizures; Iumhar punclures, alcohlit dninks; drugs; accidents and allier causes. Ynu eau get a ticadlarle juai marrying about ail tie things Ibat cause them. And iai teads us ta, thie mu cammon headadie af aIl: tbe muscle tension, wonry ne "sress" Iteadacbe t"a mukes np 9" af ait beadaches. Can a chiropractor reaily gel rid of my headaches? li witt belpitu undenstaud whai causes mont headarbes. Yonr spire protecs yonr nersons systemt wich nios wîth tdie firain and becomes lie spinal cord. Wben sec- telimein yur necli are unalte ta nmuse ptrperly. it irtates or puts pressure in drat area. 'Iba cmn resait in reactise muscte spasi cansing headaches. Ta correct Ibis pmoblem (calîrd a sublusation) a ebirapractar gerily odjasts the veriebr Sunce masi beadaclien are caused liy sablasatians bhey ivill soui O/nappear. Wby would 1 have problenis in my neck? ite are maay ceosons.MTey cou ongîually occur dacîng the bînli piSmco. As your body gcows and matures, faIts. sports actîvîties, injaries, motor vehîcte acci- dents, badl penture or sîmply the stresses and strains of daîly lîfe can cause spinal prablets. ltis alsa sety camman for beadache nufferens ta expenience neck pain and stiffnesn. But my headaches are migraines? Migraine headaclies are nsnally nevere and sharp, tbmhhbing in nature, and general- ly affect ne side of lie head. Teno headaches tend ta occur frequenily, last a tmng fime mnd are chacacienezed hy a daîl, stsady pain bhat fes like a baud af pres- sure amound thie head. But despite iliee dilferences biey are ctasety relted. Chiropraecrare lias bren pessen la bie extremelS&effective in treating migraine and tension headachen as weli as necli pain and stiffiness. Research Researehens base oflen noledl lie relatiaship hetwreu lhe spinal coturen and beadaclies. A atudy of 60010 patients wbo snffered fmom recumrng becadaches for 2 to 25 yeans shared that cervical spîne trauma mai the mont impertant faitr in the cause of the headarbo and should ie stusperto i n eveey nonsporifl rase of boadartro. One drainatic study af cbitdhood migraine nulffern foudi spinal care la be especiatto effectiae. lu anoter sîudy înnalvîng 100 headache cases reseachers faund averwhelmîug impessemeni ln beaare nafferens wlien chiropractic care mas rendered. In a gmnup of beadache sufferens încladîng both "muscle tensian" mnd "migraine" types. 97/% wre fonnd ou base alinormalitirs in the cervical spîne vsible on lie n-rab motion sîndirs. Tise renulin of a sîudy repot in the Briish Medical Joumnal fonnd ibai improsement ru pain sympionîs fotlowîng chiropractie care lasîrd for two years (the mont recent pnlished fatluiu-upl Whal wiII the chiropractor do 10 Ireat my headaches? Yonr fint omîit wll inelude a cansulta- tion, enaminatioanmd pessîhly au n-ray ta, hetp diagne yonr prablere Once yonr condition is fully nndenstond, yaur chimopraclar will ruplain yonr lest mnd a- ray rests and ontiue a treaîtmeut plan tha mn laîlared ta your needs. Yonr chira- practar wilI une hîghly skilted, geutte sijusnnts ta, carrect lie nublusatians f Once my headaches stop, doea the chiropraclic care end? Yaur body conttues ta beal after the pain bas gone. Cauîînaîng ta base chimprar- tic adînstmenis hetps ta retrain yonr oeflehrae ta bold Ibrîr bealthy positions. Yonr nervons nyniemt wîtl funection mare ell'mcieutly and yonn body wilI te belier ale ta, beal tsrIf. In time. execiie, a healthy die, mnd penaodue vsius ta thre ehimpractar wîlI belpi you stoy bealthy, pain free, mnd tise life ta lfie fuIlent ancr again. Conclusion Cirapractie us uo( a glanfied aspîrn, hecoane the fnras of treatosent is no merety moaltesiae lie pain, but ta meame tl ae.use. Chimpractata are lie ouly bealth pmoferaîanaln mbo are tratned îa diagnone and correct spinal verve stress, aIso knum ai 'sentebrat sablaxatuon"* A lieotthy spinal curlumo us coitîcal ta the normoal neuruîl- o of dre mbote persan. permttung Ose bnody ta rsture thm normnal balance of funcin and in effert bori tsfmi A PUBLIC AWARENESS PROGRAM BY YOUR LOCAL CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATION 10OtroS.S 27 ari St 8 ai t. S r a Nf 30Mi trr a rn Tu .e 10 Waeil d 1Dr J. R. Baro Dr Mura os':ai Dr e oe 7-08 D. Dai L. Phl:p 87-18 Dr. Aneia 8* 878812 87-00 8700885668856