Mi- - ___________________________________________ 14-The Cartadian Champion, Tuesday, Apnit 17, 2001 Our Milton Means Business section i3 published every other Tuesday. Stay tuned. 'ýScotch Block winery big wirnier in national wine competition The Scotch Block Country Winery ai Andrews Scenic Acres on No. 10 Sidcroad cap- tured seven awards ai the sec- ond annual Canactian National Fruit Wines Competition. The competition was held in earty February and the winners were announccd ai the Toronto Wine and Cheese Show ai the Iiernational Trade Centre March 23. Scotch Block Country Winery won a gotd inedal f«or is Black Currant Cassis, a sweet dessert winc made front black currants grown on the farni where the winery is tocai- ed. The winery aiso captured ihree silver medats for its Regai Black Currant, Gooseberty and Eiderbcrr dînner wines. The winery aiso took brne three bronze medais tor ils Truc Biue, Red Currant Cassis and Framboise dînner wînes. Scotch Block Winery, wîih oniy îwo years of wine produc- tion under uts bell, won an unprecedenîed number ot' awards for an Ontario winery competitioi. -il was a but overwheimed ai firsi," said Bert Andrews, owner oft Andrews Scenic Acres and Scotch Btock Winci atong wîîh bis wiie Lauraine. lits quite a ihri 10 sec the wincr grow front oniy a vision a cotupte of* years ago int a position wbcrc wc're readif y compeiing againsi wineries (hat have becen esîabtîshcd for more than a decade.- Ttîe Nationat Fruit Winc Conîpetition is a showcase of the vcry bcst ot Canadian fruit wines. Twenty-eîghî wineries iroru seven provinces enîcred 160 fruit wines in the compeli- tion. The competilion was judged by a panet of experts irom the Wine Wrier's Cîrce and t ie Write Judges Commission rot Ontario. tl reatiy have to give the credît Ici our wrnc niaker (Briai Moreau) on this one," Mr. Andrews sard. -Wiîhoui bis knowtedgc and expertise we wouidît have come so far so f'asi. Mr. Moreau said tie was Os'erjoycd sviib the accolades but passed the kudos oi to flie custoiters. "Ivc been making Wite l'or îîeariy 25 years. firsi as a tobv and labour oýl ose, ieu t lurtred titat rîtr a profession. Wben t f irsi sîarted niaking Wite tir a living ihcy were irai- urafiy wiitcs titat t iikd. lils tbe cusirimers ihai tell rie wbal ibey waîrî aîtd ibose werc lire ones ibat won the awards.- HHS hosts job fair CoedR. rre O0-R. Warrant M ;« Local nurses and beat care professionats iooking for a rewarding career may not have to look much further iban their own backyards. Hatton Heaiîbcarc Services (HHS) wiii bosi a job f air May i12 ai Milton District Hospital trom 10 a. m. tri 2 p. nt. HHS, whicb aiso operares Oakviite-Trafaigar Memîrriat Hospital, is curreniiy expand- ing many of is patient care programns tri accommodate the rapid grrtwth of ils communi- tics and this bas opencd up a bout of new emptoymenî opportunities in Milton. HHS is patienî-focused and commiîted to excellence, sard Patricia Jappy-Loker, nurse recruiter tor HHS. -Wbiic we arc targeîing nurs- ing and beat care profession- ais (physirîtherapiss, pharuta- cisis, uitrasonographers and resprratory iterapists), we wcf- crime peopte fronm ait aticd beaib care fields Io stop by and iearn aborut our irrspitais and tio subntit ibeir resume. Representatives wiit be avait- able frrîm many rtf the patient care areas to discuss speciiic carcer rupportunities. answcr questions and mcci candidates. For more information tit rupprirtunities avaitabie ai HHS. visit uts web site ai www.irai- trinbeaithcare.com rtr catil (905f 338-4690. - e Rîght now ai Chalmers Fuels you can '«Beat the Heat« et a better thon end of season blowout price! Simply purchase or leaise a new bucane Oil Furnace before Jwie 30"'. 2001 and we will include a new Goodman 10 Seer Central Air Conditioner for hpiLgle Take advantage of the best air conditioner deci in town. Cali today for your no-cost no-obligation quote! 8FUE S 1877404 o rFýUTON SAL [:87 UNK 8 ED SA LU So TORA ýGE SEO bî 78 1 f;î LIRON SEO SALJE SPECIAL BEDS