The Canadien Champion, Tesday, April 17. 2001 -11 ~Showease Milton almost solcl ont Fnanc1 worý-c' On/y a Jew booths for the Milton Chamber of Commerce consumer trade show stilifor sale Enhhibttr baoths foîr Shîtrcase Milîton 2001 are almutst ail suild, accutrding Do lthe Milton Chamber otf Coimmerce, the shîtrus sîrganizer. The coînsumer trade showtilurjl be held at Miltotn Memorial Arena June I, 2 and 3. -Bootth sales for Shsiwcase began in February ruith eniiitors licd up at the dtxtr," said Jeil Bergsma, chairman oif the sales cttmmittee. "Noru we only have 18 booths lett tof lte hundrcd availfable. Ilf people ruant 10 be paet of Ibis excitîng show, they hetter move faut or titey may be disappointed.- The three-day selling show ruitl lèature Milîton businesses - retail, service, indus- try and more -and ail the productu and services Ihey have ta <tuer ta area resi- dents. Milton families visiting te show will be able 10 shop for home renovations, land- scaping. computers, giltware, a new car skaîeboards, vacuumts, barbecues, comet- ics and much mare. Visitors ruili be able talk ta travel agents, tnsurance agents, csîînnunity c-nterTain- met grîsups, linanctai pianners, chirsîprac- tors. liîtess consultants. reai estate agents, iteating and air cssndiîiîsning installers, auto botdy paittt and rc-paîr experts, lical cusnser- vaîton area represetitatîves and loîcal tourisin destinations. A il blmore a Month, get ail foranly 2 the features you want! PLUS 6-dise C/o changer, 14, ailoy wheeis,j rear spolier and siainiess steel exiîausi finisher. And ail participants are lical business peoiple who are eager la help and advise. The Milton Citamber osf Commerce is planning extensive advertisîng and promo- tion tsithe showr (0 encourage attendance. Visitors ta the event wili have the oppor- tunity ta take advantage of free daycare, a seniors' day and a opeciai Sitnwcasc sou- venir bag given ta ail whio attend. There ruili also be some great prizes and give-aruayo. including a vacation trip for two ta an exotic location, a home decorat- tng package, a landocaping programn and more. "Our corporate sponsors have helped [o make this show possible," said Dawn Case, chairman of the spansorship coru- mncte. ~support tram The Canadian Champion, Mattamy Homes, the Ontario Jockey Club and Bailey's Heating and Cooling shlows us ta prsîvtde Milton businesses ruith ibis autstanding promotionai opportunity. Sandy Martin, enecutive director ai the Citamber, commented, Sboovcaoe is a great oppotunity for businesoes ta gain exposure wîtb the residenîs osf Milton. 0f cuourse, there rush also be tbausaîtds of new custosmers coming Ici Milton as aur com- muniîy grorus in the future and rue are ruorkiîsg with the homebusiders la reach neru sîrners even before [bey move ta twn, ln tact, Matîamy I-omes bas aîready featured Shorucase in their owners' nerusletter. "Local residents ruilI be geîting more derails about attending Shorucase as we go. including a brochure mailed To every household, a flyer in Iheir hydro bill, ado and otories in local papers. otgns and ban- ners aIl around Town. We ruant Do make Shorucase 2001 a memorable evenD for aIl Miltonians - businesses, reoidents and future Miltonians.' For mosre informatton and pricing details on the show, contact Ltndsay Dyck at the Milton Citamiter of Commerce aI 878- 0581. on at leisure centre The Fnsnciat Management short and long te-on budget- Worksbop to be iosted by tite ing, record ke-eping, financial Milton Leisure Centre is repiorting formis and itow 10 geared to itelp ensure your organization flouisites. Participants in te May 15 worksitop will leans ail about itow to use a personal account and computer accounting systemt. Otier topics covered wiII include drafting a budget, obtain grants. The worksitop wilî mun frnt6:30 to 9:30 p.m. The cost of thte course is $25, plus tite cost of course manual. For more mnformnation, caI lte Town of Milton at 878- 7211, ext. 2188. ý-tetikillMILTON y HOLIDAY COLLECTION NOTICE GARBAGE AND BLUE BOX COLLECTION: There will be no change to the collection schedute for the week of AprIl 16, 2001. For additional information contact Halton Region Waste Management Division at: 905-825-6034 or Toil Free 1-866-4HALTON (1 -866-442-5866> 1 26-HP DOH-C engins Air conditionlsg.- 4-speaker AMIFM with CO audio system - Colour-keyed body aide mouldings - 60140 aplit folding bench seat - Centre con- sale armrest * Dual vanity mirrors - And more.. Introducîng Sentra Touring Edition** SELECT FUATURE COMPAJUSON 200lNissan 2001 Honda 2001 Ta ota 2001 Mazda 2001 Fard SENTRA XE CIVIC Dx COROLL CE PROTEGE SE FOCUS SE + VOP + GOP +s.Packl 8 +AC -ý PtRFOANCI mwoR3POS 126-HIP 115-HW 121tO 103-H 110-IF ENGINS BLOCAHEATER STANDARD EXTRA COSI EXTRA COSI EXTRA COST STANDARD COLOAR-tIlts BODY SIDE MDULDINGS STANDARD BLACK ONLY RLACK ONIT BDACS ONLY STANDARD MMUMARS (FORNT & RAAll STANDARD ROIT ONLY STANDARD EXTRA COlT EXTRA tAXI INTERION AMENITIOS INtER Dm81 DSON! 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Take a sat Put Vout feet up. Ca/I the numbe,: lm BANK C3 CanadaTrust *Rae m uniffrmpoeaed frum B ank and CanadiTrust Prine Raies unsil adjusied to eflect changes in buose sie.'Sbe t eetig tD Ban and Canada Trust lending criteria Offer may lie cb.anged. withdrawn or extended aiaylme wh unceot e cndiîtions apply. Not atailae in s.omlssnalon with any ssther sIter ori discounis