1lO-The Canadian Champion. Tuesday, April 17, 2001 Springridge Farm an ever-growing business Springridge Farm celebrates its 4Oth anniversary this year By FANNIE SUNSHINE k The Champion h~ at started out as an ordinary cher- VV ry farm turned int an ever-growing busi- ness. Nîîw knîîwn for uts sirawberries, Springridge Farin was a cherry busi- ness when Laura and Juin Hughes lîîîk tîver in the early '70)s. Les and Jane Hughes (John's par- ents) iîriginally buught the latin in tlie laie taIt iii 19601 when iheir frui lann n Dixie was sold for dcveloiini. Springridge. whîch celebrales uts 40lîh anniversary fibis year. re-iipeoed oit Easier Friday afier being clîîsed tor the winier. "'[bis has always been a Inuit lai because the southerrt expuisure cil he escarpiocot is beautilul Itîr frut grîw- ing." Ms Hughes said. Wheîî the H-ughes' realîied there wso't a l'uture l«or cherries in the wholesale muarket, Ms Hlughes dccid- ed t pst a pckyur-owî:cherry sin and waited iii sec wliai wîîuld happcîî. cherries iliey waiiicd iii kîîw svhai was ini the barni su we cleaiicd it up aîîd nîîw we hive a gardeit area, cai- iîîg area tnitborne deciîratiig arca on the barnt. But when cherry gnuîwiîg hecante tîtî expeiisive the tHughes' turmîd iii sirawberncs anid raspherries. Anid tisieniitg ii wliai ilcîr cls- tuiters wated, fle Hughes larnily slîîwty cxpaîîded flic 711 acre l'ari tut what yiiu sec iuday. Tweîîty acres of' sirawhtrrtes vicre added atotig wîth five acres ul rasp- bernies. Schoot toturs and bîrthday parties were creaied, atung wih a coin maie. ait animoal bain hîlted with chicketis, iurkeys. gîts. buiîies aîîd a pot bettîed ptg. But the tiiosi imtportant additioun was the fod. "People were asking il' ve sotd f'resti lartu honcy. janîs aîîd pies." Ms Boghes saîd. "John's motier taîîghi oie hus iii niake the jaîts. We titake the jattis in the winter and stotre theni unti vie open in the sprimîg. Our businecss is totatty custuumer-drivett." When schoot chitdren conte lt visit the tarin îhey paniake in one oh sever- ai pruigraros. "This has always been a fruit farm because the southern exposure of the escarpment is beautiful for fruit growing."9 LAURA NUUES Wehave the Babies, Bees and Biossoins program which teaches children how becs are important t0 the flowers," she said. *They go onl a wagon ride and play with the animais. The kids make gin- gerbread men ai Christmas trne and we also have a Thanksgiving and Halloween prograin where the kids cati make a scarecrow. The teachers love the programs. We had 20,(XXJ chîldren lasi year" The birthday pariy idea sîarted six years ago when Ms Hughes' son Tom had a pariy ai the l'arm. "They vient o11 a wagon ride and collecicd eggs Irontih hb arn. If was so succcssl'ul we decided ii dIo it or Ille public." T'he tarn lias ilîrce birihiday pariy roos su parties caoi run simuitane- ously, allowig for 18 parties a week- end. -'The bitihidav party aspecti s pcr- lci or us because while people are licre tlicy cao pick up a pic lor dinner. Wc uller producis ai a price ihat's allordable for our custuiners." Business will begîn to pick up in Jonc wiîh flic siart of sirawbcrry sea- soit, Ms Hughes said. "We tîake sirawberry muffins, pies aîîd (arts. We doi the saine îhing for raspberry scasu i n July. We romance each seasun. Our bîggest crop is sirtwberries because people love them so îouch." '1The tarin is besi known l'or isjams and the sirawberry, cherry and sum- îocrberry (combinaion (il bluebeny, r:tspbLrry and strawberryl pies ihey itake Inuit scratch. shte added. "We pruvide the besi service we Lait The custuiners keep conîing back and word ol mouih really works for us. We see a lot ol ihree-generaiion t-aiilies like daughier, moro and gratîdma or sons and granddads. We appeal to A gencrations." Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Springridge Farni on Bell School LUne celebrates lits 401h anniversary this year. Hors, operators John and Laura Hughes show the pies that have become popular ai the pick-your-own farm. Springridge Farm NOW OPEN DAULY 9-5 Baking & Preserves, Country Lunc hes, Decorator & Garden Items Fsrrni Anirnals Straw Jumping, Weekcrtd Wagon & Plony Rides FLORAL HANGING BASKETS - Early May MOTHER'S DAYTEA & CHILDREN'S POT PAINTING - Sun. May 13, 11-5 7256 Bell School [ne, Milton 0 90D;-878-4908 a www.springridgefarm.com