8-The Canadien Champion, Fniday. Apnl 13. 2001 -_ ~ * t p t ~ t t run nUUL trvt fil %W frVehicle pick-up and return (Milton area) Replace spark plugs q Replace air-fuel filter Replace P.C.V. $5 9 Cail for Clean battery terminais dotails Computer test your car engine diagnostics :Prevent breakdowns, better fuel economny and save money Cout Kathi Adamo or LLlN5il or Frd SchllerKathi@galingerford.com Fred gallingerford.com 90É%5 875-3673A Trdton f Value & Trust since 1967 655 MAIN Si. E., MILTON DATELINE DRUET E.C. DBRE BienH SCEISOL GRADE ""NEWS sInS SCIGOL Michalle Markley Emily Willoughby Spring is in the air and it s obvrnous that the studenis here aI Milton District arc itching to gel outdoors and enjoy the bcautifui wcather. Thankfuiiy, siudents have been given opportunities t0 do jusi that. Even though the spring sports leams have not started playing games, the boys and girls soccer, boys basebali and girls softbali teantis have been practicing like mad for their [ast approaching semsons. This season wii allow many other students 10 enjoy the weather when lhey cone on oui and cheer ail ofhe teians on tb what we hope wîli he many victories. As the weatiter is warming Up a numher ol'studenis arc taking this opportunity lt hcad for an even warmer cli- maie and experience an event mosi people don't gel 10 experience in their lifetime. A group of studenîs iead by Miss Miller wiii be Ieaving eariy nexi week for sunny Fiorida. White there they wii he watching the iaunch of space shuttie Endeavor on April 19 with former Milton District graduate Chris Hadfîild. This trip was ofTered to ail grades and is sure 10 be a very eye opcning experi- ence, alier ail bîtw tnany people can say thai they were present when a shuttie was iaunched mbt space. We h'ope that everyone invoived with this trip has an excellent tim1e, sec you ail wbeîî ytu gel back. As we have coire o lte end of' titis short schooi week parents are rcminded ihat mtid-tertn reports were giveit out Io studettis in tueuir htitterooni classes Tltursday Aprîl 2. Witt lte report sbould be inflormnation ciîtcertitîg parents ntght. Titis niit is 1or parents tif students in grades 9- fAC. On Thursday Aprit 19 parents are invited bo have (lite opportunity lto îalk lt ibeir son or daughlcrs teachers about their progress. Lotok f'or mnhre info in wiih lite îîid-terîîî repots. Weil that is il for anotiher week. We wouid lîke lt wîsb everyone a Happy Easter, have a great long weekend and don't f*irget 10 read Grade "A" News again nexi week. ! ISHOP REDINS 119H SCIGOL I Mork yo Lofmboi»Pyno Royal Report By Mark Laframboise and Ryan Pyne Wîîb the Easter weekend .tpproaching, Bîshop Redîng is witrk- îng bard 10 guaranic ibai the fess formuate wîll also be able iii enjoy the holiday. The Annual Easier Fotod Drive came 10 a close on Wednesday. Afiogeiher, siudent Governmenî coflecied over 2,200 non-per- ishable food items 10 give 10 the less fortunate. This concluded the tird successfuf food drive run by Siudenî Gîîvernmenî Ibis year. Las( Wednesday, the 'in-seboof" compelition f*or tbe Ulîmate Mix High Scboof Challenge was bel d ai Bîshop Redîng. Twelve îeams compeied in the eotînesi reqaîrîng the creation of a non- afcîîbîîfc drink. The wînnîng drinks were selected on ibeir îasie, name, appearance, presenialion and a saf'ety message. Coîngratulatioîns 10 Laura Beekeries and Mîke Berube who achîeved top place aI B.R. wîth ibeir Backyard BerrY Blat Special mention goes 10 Jessica Zuben, and Aoîfe Gavien wiih their 1 Cati't Bel teve ltsi Non Ali-oholic! and Michelle Galda, Carolyn Glatt and Andrea Marchese wiîh the Polar Cappuccino who finished in second and third place respecifufly. Good luck iii Laura and Mîke when îbey compele in the *'Ultimate Mix Off"' beîng hetd ai the Georgetown Marketpface on May 9th. This pasi Saiurday, Ryan Fîgarerido, Macîej Hatta, David Penny and Mark Tîînkovic cîtmpeied in the E.C.O.O. Regiontai Computer Programmîng coniesi ai the University tif Toronto. Fîîllowîng ifîree hiturs of wîîrking on fotur dîfferent prîîblems, the judges discovered nîîihing wrong wîîh iheir suolutins, but unfotniaaîly. due t1 the lime constraînts, the ieam dîd nol quai- îfy f'or the proîvincial wîdecotnesi. The ieam is cîîmmended f'or iheir bard work and excellent prtigranîmtng skiffs. B.R. Pfayer's feafure preseniatîtîn if' Faute: fie Musicaf is quickf y approachîng. Performances are beîng held on Tfîursdlay. May 3rd iii Saîurday, May 5(h. Tickets tir ibis shtow, instifsing a great xarîeîy iii aleni frîîm sîngers, actîrs and danccrs., an be purchased by the gencraf public by cal ling the schoof at (9f05) 875-0124. Students wîfl fhave tbe tipptrtunîiy 10 purchase tick- ets during ibeir lunch in tbe piazza. Admissîion prices f'or adalîs arc $8 and studenîs are $6. We wisb everyonc a saf'e and happy Easîer hîîlîday. We cfltse ibis edîtion tf ie Royal'Report wîth a qaoie f*ront the upcom- îng musical: "If you thînk you'rc goîng tii fixe forever. iben you're bummîng the wrong lune.'