6 - The Canadian Champion, Fnday, April 13, 2001 Housing needed now WNAAN The posturing by the Province about providing some public housing mnakes l'or tidy press ri.lc ses but does nothing to solve the critical lack of such housing in Ontario.U~ Instead of' taking a pro-active stance and building such housing, the Province has handed over $1.4 million to Halton Region for capital improvernents to exisîing stock and to cover administrative costs for social housing programns In a region bursting at the seamns with growth. there are only 1 ,820 housing units, apartmnents and îownhouses for seniors, the disabled, those on social assistance and the workîng poor. The situation is so ~Qll ridiculous that there are mnore than 1 ,800 naines on a housing waiting list that could sec applicants wait seven years for appropriate shelter. ------____ Queen's Park is big on inviting the private sector to participate in such construction scheines, but they've stayed away in droves. Only- privately-owned co-ops and non-profit projeets have been built here to provide housing for 2,200 lower cost housing units. But neither gav- ferniment nor the private sector bas built rentaI accommodations iii Halton for six years. The Province's response to aIl of this bas been to download respon- - sibility for social housing to municipalities without handing over aide- quate funding to make such programs work. O UR READERS WRITE Want a tax rebate? Tell your councillor Maybe the next Lifestyles article should Dear Editor: Milton caunicil approved a new budget neitis no tax increase, but we should bold aur applause. It wiII again calleci about $9 million in taxes - almnosi $600 on average per household - wbicb ia about tise sanie ainounit it has received ta date fromn aloi revenue. There will be new arenas, soccer fielda, a library, a cultural centre, etc. Thiere will be a give-away of $500,000 in grants ta groupa ibrougs the new Community Fund. Whai do existing tax- payera get? Nathing. 1 neas ai tise Marchs 19 meeting nehen Councillor Rick Malboeuf raised a motion ta give taxpayers a 5 per cent rebate on ibis year's taxes. Councillors Ken Keaies and Art Melanson supported tise motion whbite othera rallied tar defend tiseir windfall revenue against ibis tax- payer assauli. Tise sanie tired spin was beard, "Tise siot revenue may not contin- ue, so we canot rebate ta taxpayers" and «'Taxpayers dont( want a rebate." Tisose neho abject ta counicil callecting taxes white hoarding thse siot revenue should speak ta tiseir counicillor. Gary Ellis Milton THE CA4NADIAN CHAMPION ferature a picwure or an irnermoaai terminal Dear Editor: In tise April 6 editian of Tise Cbampioîn, tbe iseauty of tiur local area was teatured in uhe Litestyles section. Reporter Steve LeBlanc's article referred îa -acenie surraundings' and -greai lao)k-onis of tise escarp- meni." fi was snpparted by Grabam Paine's siiking pboto taI a amily ai Ratilesnake Point. But tbe idyllic view ai <in coun- iryside tuecames fragile and ilîreai- ened wben jnxtapased wiib tbe informaion wnitien in a letier ta tbe ediior, wbicb appeared jusi a fmw pages away in tbe samne editian of' tbe newspaper. Il seemsi ronic usai bots tise cele- bration and tie devasiation of* nature were included in one issue. Perbaps ibis cantrasi neeni urno- ticed by many readers because ticy're noi yei aneare aitise magni- tude and tise patential impact ai CN's plans. ln ber Iciier. K. Anne Lasisy warned us about wbai witl bappen when CN's buge intermîxtal termi- nal defaces many bectares of prap- erty in Milton. lits surprising tisai ibis ruile bas nît been assumed more readîly by reporters. Suîme investigative juiurnalistn cuiuld belp ti meke etzens mime aware aI tbe deiails oif an insidiaus uievelop- ment. wbicb cuîuld uliimately bave a very negaive effeci an ibeir lives. Maybc thse nexi Litesiyles article sbould leainre a photo ofi an inter- modal terminal and people could piciure a view of uhe future fromnt Mount Nemo. A sequal io your article tisai boasied the headline 'Local area virtuel isaven toc onidoor enibusi- asti' migisi eventually have iii tc, 'Local area destrîîycd soi iutdxmr enihusiasts resol iii virtuel realiiy isikieîg oithe Intenet. 1 plan io attend the ieutomiatiiii nmeeting Wednesday ai Halioîî Region iii lînd oui mure about the proposed changes ii ur communi- iy. Margie Simms Milton i1 Main St. E_ The Canadien Champion, îublished every iuesday aiid Frida ai 191 rit ,()T4N9 Main SI E ,Milton, Oni L9i 4N9 (Box 248). s one ol The Meiiulanhl The Ca liii [1 4NSi Priîing, PubIîihin & Dituti,î Lid gii.it ol îuburban comrunes elîci iicitdei Aax/Pickering Newis Adaeriîer. Allitî Hi,aidiCouriei, Battie letiers. N Advance, iarrys Say This Week, «lien Eneepri.e Bramîpton Guarian, fie 8 -234 1 Bui lton Fiai, iuîlinqlui Shopping News, it P. atent, City ol York Suardian CotingwoilldAe(asa Conneciu, (ail or MiroEo -'x 7-9 3 5AdcateJCouniy Rouiea. Eticoke Siiaian. FiamibougPst ner Fa : 7849 iYunig. Georgetown iidependeniiAclîii Fire Fieis. Halo ne Fiallil Business Times, Kngston This Week. Lindsay ThsW sMes ms M.isBsu isiness imes, Miissauga Nw.NpneGie ied: 875-33010 Nissagaweya News NewnaikeiAwîîa E-nei Norhmeln News Publisher Hoackey News Oiia Today Osina&Wliy Clarine /Or Pe Ti Week. Peterbuouiugh This Week Fciîe CouiGi deRihmn la... ite Publie/fian HiI/iiiieCîllîVaiighan Liberal Scaiioogi(l Marioci tull.Ubg Airiie, Eîiîi'i Adveiiising is accepled on the condiion liatint e vto yo îiiirdauhical es.l nilal podion olithe advetiing space ocpe yt ro neous dem i lgellel i i reioable allownce lor igntr.wlo Se ..aSýe rlie The pouliel înseîins lie ihl Io calegoizeavriee;o tii,.iîîîo,.esiie Letters welcome nadian Champion neelcomes leiters ta ifhe ediior. We reserve the righi to edit, revise, and rejeci ail leiiers to: The Canadian Champion, Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 or leave iheen ai aur 91 Main Si. E., fax ta 878-4943 or e-mail ta miltoned@halionsearch.com. by Steve Nease %ii Seoe Canadan Chamepion osà %cyclabile P.uic r1o Bina 2481/l Milton,. C (905)8 EditorialI AdvertisingI Classi f Ian Oliver Neil Oliver Wendv MçNah Karen Smith Sieve ('router Teri aea, Tlm Colles l'.. l "I iî.nî tiei, f