20--The Canadian Champion. Fr/day, Aprit 13, 2001 I CLSSIFED ONUS IrMONDAY TO FRIDÀY Classified Ads la ssi ie d :00 A - 500 P appear at... TOUR CLASSIFIND O M M E i875-3300 w~wmittoncanadianhampion.co www.miltoncanadianchampîon.com i/eL sftweHs fm o mi i I g IM 'OU ( I T 1 1,< Births Bieriho B-IRTHDAY -- Mrieman d fanai/y are cordial/y ma/tiv attend an al 1< Open House Zna honour of Isabeil Breaks 9OtIh Llirthday on A.0eail 21, 2001l [rom 2 - 4.3O-.dm ai Graham Hall, St. P4's United Churciz, Mitoa Whee/chair acss a ni1abie [rom James St. entrance, [lest Wishes CJhly BIIlhsBlrths UURW.%sT D S&NU'R MEDELA PRODUCTS - SALES & RENTALS é Breast Pumps - Baby Scales 9 Breast Feeding Products -o Better Living Home Health Care Ino. O 25-B Commercial Street, Milton 905-875-2458 ail SQUIRES - Dale and Tommy are proad to annoance the birth of thein son, Cotton Ted.I Collon arrived on March 30, 2001, weîghîng 5I f is 5 oz. Proud grandipareoîs are Mary & John Broawers and Jeannie & Lariy Squires. j 10 30 )IIIIItIII1 ogets SPROAT, Margaret E. - On Aprîl 9, 2001 aI Kîngsway Lodge, SI. Marys in her 78th year. Beloved wit e of A.M. Syroat (JîmI. Lovîog Mother 0f John and Bis wîle Janet, Paul and hîs wîle Carol. Proad Nana of Adam, Alîson, Tom, Maggîe, Elizabethi and David, AI Margarel a requesî, a prîvate lamîly service wîll Be Beld. Av expressions of aympatlry doations may Be mode to Bhe Milton District Hospital Foundcaîîon, 30 Derry Rd, B. Milton, L9T 2X5. 32 32 Fib" ts Floriats n lovîng memory of Lloyd & Florence May, who passed away Aprîl 1978 & 1982. "They say Ihat memoriea are golden. Weil, bhal may Lie Irue, But we neyer wanted memories. We only wanled yov. Il leurs could buîld a staîr- way and heartaches make a lane. We'd walk the palLi ta heaven and bring yo home aqain'" Forever in our hearts, Betty, Merityn, Joy, Roy & Families 40 40 Card Of Card Of Thqnks Thnks Ile irul >il /(ik i/h ilTun, * i/an/I tiirieryne tt/iv'ir ir icoirîlv, cords. doinationsv iarnd heauli/ul - liiu,'rs i rnni1i oi iur dcir innither ( uît rianriinit/er Lilian Faithfull jSpei al //iivrks Io 1)r. Ivarn Hunier arndi i lit, lîiiivlos careýqiiers in Nelsonr - I us,'. Jei'r'n an%iry l 1wh'il J. St~ it E(n/yi Furv'rîah( Horn' andt Rer. Ris/ Leur te/ii he'hîue- IaI -eh h, /ir lit, oii ,arth Cod Biess. The Puntn FamtIy 50 50 corinfng Coming Events ESl e5Stag and Doee l1-d lir Jennifer Anderson and Stuart Rutledge iaîApi,1128,2001 vil Nassagaweya Commuea/ty Centre Foi, tickts anîd iîti/oralioîi col/ S 905-878&7129 ei invite everyone to hear George Torok, renwe paeato n ai hspen hiotvinaspeh sMNVU AK F ilo ore t rma lioncaî uireynod sek aI o 19-85-1476o email meIresnt iotesin@lpeeusch: GIAT SET SALE at the iRovl anad i esgasaîlibli 215 Care Stret5dlo. Ontae r lee Tcili yldsa 19s853-147iio -New in iown? *Getiing married le 3 months or more? *Hav/ng a baby? *Esiabl/atr/ng a new bus/ness? PLEASE CALL US: Community Welcome Lînda 854-1563 Dons .332-4799 BridaI & Baby Tracy . 876-4330 Business/Prntessiiinal pal 876-4040 www.aelcomrwagoi ca MISSING grey cal wîih green eyea. 6 Woodward/WNilson area. Caîl 905-878-9894. For Sale [APPLIANCES -lrîdge. * 2 door,' Slave. Maytag B aatomalîc waaher. dry- et, Also, apalment sel. Under 37,2warranty (905)6378 GO0 GREEN TH15 WEEK, RECYCLE! 80 FREE Esîîmaîea. GaI Ichairs? Weak sofakor rfoamr? Tiredfaofving wood tinishea9.. Then caCîl Fieldsafor aloffurni- itare repaira and custom iwood retînisBîng. 9-9 idoly, 905-875-4427 iNEW Yeor Sole- No iGST or PST. We poy Ithe laces. Great tabaic Iseleclian and greol sov- ingai Sola & molchîng choir trom $778. Love- seols trom $448. Chairs trom $199. Free Es- iaae. Fields Cusorn Col f dily, 9-9. 905-875- 4427. SPRING Saper Salef Save up 10 30% off dac- oator tobrica. No GST' Solo & choirs t rom $788. Loveseols tram $448. Choira trom $199. Senior Discounts. Free Enlîmotes. Fields Quoli- Iy Custom Uphalslening, 9-9, 905-832-9090. ATTENTION INTERNET i USERS Unfîmîted Accesa only $15.95, greal local service and i support trom SURF THE NET. 905-873-2602 For $aie 138 m e e ys em i i p f9veriet $449 20% Discount- Opening ues vo car Seoson Special. DECK- Prg omei HUaCaid MAN'S Protessioal $300 Service. AIli deeka H-Cafdpfc)e aI srpped and retînîshed Mm0t new. Cedor Special- H-Car fix(scopi led Boakinga. Cali Now. $ 9 905-832-1074. 145 BUVYISELI staîr lftIs, Gonstut Holp wheefchaîr lifts, hospîtaf e ti Lieds, scoolers, eîc. Cal ilw ne Sîlver Cross 905-847- 5504. CARPET I Bave several The Shoe 1,000 yrds. of new Companly Staînmaster & 100%ny0- Accepting Api1 icali1oli'1 Ion carpet. Will do living- loi romr & hall for $349. la- Maîîaaers ini Tairii cludes carpel, pad & in- Sales Asociateo stallation (30 yards) Cashiurs Sîeve, 905-639-2902 Apply ai Bouffi #121 COMBINATION bread- Aptii 17 aI The hall 011 maker aven, made by 1 ob & Career Faî Phîllîpo. New $250. Self- i00 $150. 905-878- Dae 6910. rk DIRECTV HU Caîda International Unfooped, Repaîred & Stattlflg Speciatists Reprogrammeil $75 hirirîîgfipermaanent avnd Complete Syslemo wîth 017r & long feilul programmeil HU ca rd Industrial & Offuce $375, Vîrgîn HU Pro- grammtng $75, Pro- ' iIn > gmmeil HU Carda s aî'-Fi $300. H Carda fIxed Apil 170 $100. Caîl 41B-991- 2761 or 905-887-7277 145 Gen".Ft$p Wan 145 GnwWHp W-ne Support Services Attendants FuIl-timefPart-time positions avadlabte in North Hallon Outreach. Must Lie willing toi work evenîngs and weekends, Dut/es Include assisting aduits withi physical disabililies in activities of daily living such as personal care, transferring, meal preparalion & light housekeeping. Reliabte transportation a must. Salary Range: $11.02 - $13.70 plus trovel lime and mileoge Please submit resumne by April 20, 2001 Attn: Support Services Manager Fax resumne toi Hailton Outreach 906-876-4434 We dtnik ail icants in advanoe for Oreir inferesl, ont' lOose 10 Lie inferaoewed mlibe ontacied Equal opportunity employer. "Free Training"' COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US Cai us now at: (905) 877-2251 Or 1-877-914-KIDS Laîdtow is an equol opportunîiy employer MOUY M1 Molly Maîd requires immedîalely a reliable perssn for a tuIt t/me position, Mssday- ýrida Drivers license an asset. Also a part lime person for minimum tes days per week. Drivers lîcense essential. Experience preferred but we wfIl Irais the riglrî people. If ysa are hardwsrkîng, dependable and lave tai dean, please cai (905)877-3443 Local Milton Trucking Company seeking an Experienced Full Time Dockworker for days/atternoons. Please colt Kevin ait Testor Resources at (905)693-1411 or fax a resumne 10 (905)693-1579. Currentty seeking Kitchen Staff Full and part lime positions available. Apply iv person t0. 243 Main Street East, Milton. Class O-Z Boom Truck Operator Knowlidge of Biliiglon, Hamrifan, Qakuille a riiust Boom ticket ana drivers at)otracl are requisild Yard Labourers Moe Sali Mainal lifting invvd MustIflav fork- litt ex~îîpfltece aloi ticket Owîî tranvsoaivn a nuit Abi l1: wiik wiih ilfil upefvià.ioii Kiiiei liiidiîîq sipllies ai n I- Seuil iul-soliu- ov C-A Building Praducts Limited fisw'oay Dr, Bîîl i ijior ON', LIR 3T1 Ti- 961 604-7707 *Fax 905 604-9644 (jfT 'ai o ii Ail oc-nî -. ~ ~ ~ ýr li--s-l l Ij ul-tiî-Aîi 20101 LA Cottre & Zbe (canabian ctampioei tfire trit riay to atart yoiir day' 37 137 In Momram I Meodais Pî ýWý, i R 1î, N s r7il 1, ï, II W 1- R S 11 1