The Canadian Champion, Friday, Apnfl 13, 2001-19 Mî it sthow sliotgiy at plov\iladýai citait p1oUsd ips The Milton Masters Aquatics Club delivered an impressive tunc-up lii next month's nation- alis with strong showings at the recent Ontario Swimming Championships. A tofai of fine local competitors took part in thc weekend showcase, with Oive giving medal- winning performances. In addition, thse women's relay tears - com- prised of La ura Goodman, Sandra Jesson, Donna Baron-Meier and Sue Trerise - won the 4xl11) mette freestyle and secured second- place honours in the 4x50m freestyte. Milton's indtviduat efforts at the provincial championships are as follows: Laura Goodman (Won-en 40.44) 2f00m freestyte, It, 2:45.23; 100ma back stroke, tst, 1:24.38; 100m individual medley, 3rd, 1:28.68; 400m freestyle, 3rd, 5:52.68; 800m freestyle, 4th, 12:18.36 Sandra Jesson (Womien 3.5.39) 800m freestyle. 1st, 12:19.16; 400m freestyle, 3rd, 6:03.02; 100ma freestyle, 6th, 1:18.89; 200m freestyle, 6th, 2:52.22; 50ma freestyle, 10(h, 35.79 Donna Baron-Meier (Women 35-39) tOin butterfly, 2nd, 1:31.77; 200m individ- ual medley, 2nd, 3:05.13; 100mo backstroke, 3rd. 1:22.55, 200m backstroke, 3rd, 3:06. 27 Sue Trerise (Women 45-49) 200m individual medley, 3rd, 3:30.04; 4(lOîn freestyfe. 3rd, 6:42.03; 100mo individuat med- ley, 51h, 1:31.62; 5Ons butterfly, 6th, 39.78 John Fisher (Men 50-54) 1,500mo freestyle. 3rd, 24:09. 18 Sue Stanley (Wonien 35-39) 50m breaststroke, 41 h. 44.92; 200m brest- stroke, 4th, 3:25.20; 100mo breaststroke, 5t h, 1:36.48; 200m backstroke, Sth, 3:28.95; 400m freestyle, 5th, 6:48.65; 100nm individual mcd- Iey, 8th, 1:35.03 Peter Carson (Men 35-39) 200m individuat medley, 4th, 2:41.94; 200m breaststroke, 5th. 2:58.34, 4003m freestyle, 7f h. 5:25. 10; 50m freestyle, 12fh, 29.40 Tom Price (Men 45-49) 5Oro backstroke. 6tts, 39.58; 100ma back- stroke. 6th, 1:34.47-, 200m breaststroke, 8th. 3:16.44; 200m, individuat medley, t 1h. 3:11.43; 50m treestyte. 13th, 30.32 Martin Stanley (Men 40.44) 200rn freestyle, tlth, 2:58.20; 1,500m frecestyle. 12th, 25:48.84; 5Om breasistroke, t3th, 46.30; 100m breasfstrokc, l4th, 1:40.11 The Milton Masters are 00w gcaring up for the national championships, oct for next mont h in Calgary. v Springers make the most of their second chance at pro vincials The Miltoîn Springers contin- ne to capiîalize on second chances -once again qualif y- ing three gymnasts f'or provin- cial climpetition lhrough the hack-door entry "Super Qualifying Meet". Slipping into Ontario Youth Championship contention for a second straight seasoin was Jaimi Fettows - who ptaced second on bars and fourth on vault in hier preteen age group. Joining hier in qualifying for independenl spots, fotlowing stning but unsucccssful attempîs with their own region. wcre Stephanie Deurner and Jue Gagnon. Deumer tuiok fifth spot over- att, highlighting liter campaign with a secoînd on beam, while Gagnon securcd sixth on the saine apparalus. Despîle placiîfg third on vault and lourl on hars, Christina Chiînonidcs did 001 advance duc to a disappointing beani performance. Deumner, Fellows and Gagnon will nîsw compete aI the youth provincials next month in Sudbury. Meanwhile, Alexis Stoffels will tx- the local ctub's lone representative at the senior provincials following an aIl- artiund fourth-place effort at ltse Central Region's third and final qualifier. Her results included a third on beami plus fourths on floor and vaut. Taking third spot advanced hier 10 the sentor provincials, which will tic held later tItis month ini Toronto. $649 900. 8224 FIRST LINE, MILTON READY TO MOVE IN. Brand new execu- tive custom buiît brick & stone, 2 otorey. Craite counter & island, dressing roo, main level den/office w/separate entrance. Ride your horse or hike your private trail. Dir: Guelph Ltne <souti sf 401) West on Steeles, North on First Ltne. Don Plouffe (broker). CARLISLE. Backing onto acres of park- land, fhis beautifully kept property offers hardwood floors, ceramica, french doors, jcentral air. Asking $334,900. $0 down to qualfie puchaer. rahm Bzer(assoc. hbrkr. (905) 632-5940. 95 632594 Find out abu yu. The conference that works for women! (in ouf about... Participate in... UWyour empioymerif and career options UWpanel discussions UW training programs and technology OW smaii group workshops EWthe best job prospects for the fufure Oýe information sessions and displays 11balancing work and family UW internet demonsirations 2-DAY CONFERENCE Tuesday, May 29 & TIiursday, May 31, 2001 8:30 am. - 3:30 p.m. Holidiay Inn 3063 South Service Road, Burington, Ontario Pre-Registration is required, s0 call today. Open tii Ha/ton women at no charge. To register, or for more information, coul: Halton Region (905) 825-6000 ext. 4170 Toi) Free: 1-866-4HALTON (1 -866-442-5866) ext. 4170 Transportation ro Burlington is available. Developed in partnership with: * rnoumn Reourcrn 'e e Ç)The Centre Presenteel By: Perris Training and Development PDdflse fax ail of your. team reports and sports story ideas to Steve LeBlanc at 878-4943. À~