18-Tha Canadman Champion, Friday, Apnil 13, 2001 UNd ri i tnr~ I lic M'add Davg inîîo'r biiiiiîs sank their provserbial tctl n),, the ciitpetitiiiu oin honme coiurt last \&eekeîd -winutng three straîght gatnes auud lîarnptiuship himniurs aî Bmshimp Reîling. Miltoin clinched the tiiurnament title hy dispiising ot the Nîîrtîlk Nets 44-37 Saturday. Belotre that, the hiists tuippled C iîrdc45-21 and eded irclI ,a1 Branutford 40) 35 tii remch the -inuls. A weIl-halanced attîicL teatured 21 -pint weekeud effuorts troniî Riîry Brîîphy. Stephan Giray aunl Zac Schîult/ whule ,lso hmttîug doîuhle-digits were Matthew Cliiugh, Matthew Doidds, Kyle lunik and Matthew Scoîtt. LUne l h iving ko~ nge fans get 3EN their tson. news here. Be sure to rea Up on ail your local teamns. AWESOME DODEEZ ln store specials on our range of athletic clothing. Food Supplements (Proteins & Fat Burners) 3537 Fairview St., #5 Burlington, ON LUN 2R4 (905) 632-4545 Mon-Wed 10-6, Thurs- www.awesomet 156 Main St. E Milton, ON L9T 'IN6 (905) 876-1081 Fri 10-9, Sat 10-5 ~odeez.com Spartans Adam Baxter (lofi) and Malt Knock each finished fifth at the Canadian Cadet-Juvenhie Champianships held last weekend ln Saskatoon. ~Spartans shine at nationals E.C. Drury High School's celehrated wrestling meam capped a stellar season with a little national promi- ucuce hast weekend iu Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Spartatîs Adam Baxter and Mat) Knock - hoth memhers of the 2001 OFSAA wmnnmng squad - each delivered toîp rmve fiishes duriug the Canadian Cadet- Juvenile Chamupiouships. Knock steamrolled thrîîugh his cadet class cîîmpetm- tion ou day one - securing f'our dominant viemnîries - hefore droppmug a slhm semnitinal decmsion to eventual gold miedalist Jake LeDoux of Oshawa. Not fully recovered from thus heanhbreakmng defeat, he then gave a oomewhat uninspiring performance and bust 10 Calgary's Andrew Hope. Refusing to end things off on a negative note. the sophomore grappler refocuued his energies ou a final encounter with Wtnnipeg'u Jeff Silver - and tri- umphed lu commanding fashion. 'Mis brought his team-leading season win total to 4 1. Meanwhile, Baxter ais,, provided a struung scasomu finish hy winning three matches in the trecestyle divi- sion aud grahhiug fmfth spoit mu the Greci-Rin wrestliug loop. lu the latter, he prevamled mmi lus tirst mwîî matches heluure heing ((ut poimîmed hy Ireestyle sîlver medalist Joe Bcutley of Calgary. Baxter [heu came up shuort agaiusi Saskatchewanms Jarret) Shauderuk -alter a coîuple ofIcnar talîs -hut rehîîuuded tii hlank Nova Scitas Mmchael Moîîdy Il 0 iu the hattle tor lilth. An OFSAA tifth-place f inisher as well, he euded the year with a 37 vctorles aud surpassed the l(X)-wim plateau for hms career. Also competing for Drury aud wmnnmng muatches mn the cadet division were Jesse Rîunan and Colin Burnhamn - who went 2-2 and t1-2 respectively during their national dehuts. BALL HOirCKEY AUSae an *Trophies & Prizes *15 Gamnes " Ail gamnes played on Thursday nights in Halton . " Registration for individuals & teams. " Winning teamn qualifies for Northi American Bail Hockey Championships. nuls HAYvlDEN'S ABERFOYLE GARAGE INC. 519,7631233 98 PONTIAC 98 MERCURV 98 CHEV GRAND PRIX SABLE CAVALIER 700) kmn 4 Door, 6 CNII 3500X) kins 4 Door 6 3 7(X X) k tu% 2 t)uur. 4 CV 1 AiiutL de u Klu r SunrooI Auto Io e îkFactoîr> W rriîiy 5s Spedt-.uîîry Wamrritî 7 mii uh %arranty MINT DI I O N i $15,495 $15,895 $10,295 97 FORD ESCORT 94 FORD 98 FORD F150 XLT WAGON ESCORT 4X4 X )X Liii .4 Doer, 4(s) 500X0) kijîs 2 Dou,, 4 CI Super (a 1060 ))îX) kii, 8 C y) Auto Auto 7 iioiih uarrantV uh 7 , , 7MonthVîîrraniy $10,295 $645$23,995 W717 T 177 771 ii i ) '1 i zV_-jýý __ ý_- __ - 1 ý __ ý ___ - . _- 1 -- ------- _., - - __ - - "M"IIIIIIIIIIII 1-iiffs.