The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 13, 2001-17 Jr. Red Sox manager optimistiec about season Rash of returning players provide solid nucleus for Milton 's 2001 roster, Glenn Turner believes By MURRAY TOWNSEND Special to The Champion Spring is ail about optirnism when it cornies to baseball. That's because every team is lied for first place. But the Milton Red Sos Junior team manager, Glenn Turner. bas good reasmn to be hopelul about the upcomnng seasmn. "We haven't losi anybody. That's a huge part oflit. Wr'rr building on what we'vr begun to develop the last couple yrars. With the addition of tour or ive nrw guys aliing the way tl should be nothtng but upward." The Red Sox are comning olI a so-so inaugural sea- soit. Thcy had a number ofi Iîrîcîts and a buckct load ol rainîîuts, and still managed not tsi laîl too lar below thle .500) mark. The league meeting is set up for later thîs month, se, Turner isn't quite sure what the setup will be. Indications are they will bc playing in a two tîered sys- terr this year. in which Milton will lace other centres with a population ot ben 30 thousand and 70 thousand that might also include second entries (or large centres. What he dors know is that the tram will play their home games on Sunday atemoons ai 1 p.m. ai Brian Best Park. He also knows he's gotig to have a solid pitching staff. Back from las( year are Andrew Cisc. Mat Dicksott. Mike Grabauskas. Steve Jay and Jarrett Kuutkie. Jeuf McLeod is on a scitolarship ai an Atternt ciiliege and is expected back iii May. Adamn Ahearu froi Actot is curretstly .îî Briick Unoiversity aîtd wattts Ici joi tue Miltoit orgaitatioii. Thriiw in Nate Perroti attd Iait -who citties ini tlise Eriti Mills iirgattt/atiuit - and accord- ittg to'Turner, "Wltet you add up ail oft h,îî it's pretty inipîressive." Tlurner irels the caîchîîîg poiitontis strotîs with Mike Austent as the nutîther ote tmai attd a isunber of tîthers who cao fill iii therc. In the îîîiîeid are David Lajeutuesse. Tlaylor I.awton, ('ufl Mitchell, Andrew Netîson and Bud Hall. Outiielders wîll include Todd Black, Jed Cosby, Paul Faggion. and Jordani Jeans. Coaches, besides Turner, are Mike Nevîns, Frank Hume. and Larry Black, wîth Mîke Cosby handling the administrational dutirs. Turner looks ai the rosier and secs, for one thing, lots of players. That bas its benetits, but cao also make it difficuit at times. His biggest challenge: -to keep the interest levei peaked with this many competitive bailplayers at this age level. Which means it will he quite a juggling aci to get everybody loto the games and use them at their best potential." At that age, Turner notes, they mun into a lot of work commitmcnts, holidays, injuries, and family commît- ments, so they're going te, need a lot of players. "One thing I can tell you for sure is that evrry last one of these guys is really interested in doing well at playîng this game. When they corne to the park thcy're focused on playing the game. "Betore and aller it's a ditterent stoiy," quipped Turner. 1'ts my job to keep them iocused for the tive hours they're at the park." Speaking of at the park. Turner thinks more people should be there. "It should bcecntertaining. Hopefully we should open some ryes and get some tolks out tu watch these guys this yrar.' Alter ail. thry're currently lied for first place. File photos by GRAHAM FAINE Mike Grabauskas (above) and Mike Austen (behind the plate at Ieft) are among many returning players who should make the Junior Red Sox more competitive this coming season. STEAK & SEAFOOD HOUSE "»MILTON'S PREMIER DINING LOCATION" Ser'inig ai J I range of'" Cerujfled Anguis Steaks ", Seafô'od, She11fflh, Onitarh) f .awb, Duck Breast & Chickenl Business Lutnch Wednesdat l Saturday - Dininet Tuesclay to10 sU -ýALL DAY PRIME-RIB ROAST" 12-8 pm Sundays 'I' FINE WINES 377 MAIN STREET EAýSTMILTON RESERVAON RCMEDD(0)876*99