ZAK'S PHARMACY 4 Miftous tndependent Pharrnacy 10% Surioes Dscow0 AIDnhg Plam Aecer4ed Ub miumm Wugkormabon Avatl" "At Zakl W. Care Abeut Your Mih 70 Main St E. 875-2424 W MeLTONd P<L - 1~L1JUIJj IO A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 142 No. 9 Friday, April 13, 2001 24 Pages $ 1.00 (GST includedi -Town council okays both entrances in land development Photo by GRAHAMA PAINE v Happy Easter! Little Elyssa Weickert, 5, a senior kindergarten student et Milton Helghts Academny, shows off a fresh egg. The school, situated in the agriculturai setting of Country Heritage Park, held an Emater egg hunt that included fresh tarmn eggs. Milton Tennis Club will be relocated By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion After years of debate and numnerous changes in a controver- sial housing development, town council voted Monday to approve access from both Childs Drive and Ontario Street, and to relocate the Milton Tennis Club. 'Me issues go back several years when Dave de Sylva of H.D. Investments pro- posed tc0 buiid a subdivision of single. detached condominiums geared for sentor citizens on the 33-acre site of the E.C. Dnury Park lands. The housing projecl was broughl before council ses'eral limes and was rejecled. but the Ontario Municipal Board (0MB) reversed council's decision and ailowed the development. 'Me 0MB set a date for March 31 for Mr. de Sylva. council and the Milton Tennis Club 10 reach an agreement regarding -Milton man shot in eye by accident A 35-year-old Milton man accidentally shot himsell in the eye Monday nigbl when he dropped a .22 calibre rifle and il fired. Halton police saîd Dwayne Ridel was helping rid a barn of raccoons aI lits uncle's farm on Walkers Lîne near No. 4 Sîderoad în Burlington aI about 9:25 p.m. when the accident occurred. The injured man managed bo walk back t0 the bouse 10 eaul for help. He was taken to, Joseph Brant Hospital in Burlinglon and later îranslerred bo Hamilton General Hoîspital witlî seriîîus but non-life threaiening injuries. Childs Drive access and the developmenl of the tennis club. That date had recently been extended to April 28. Mr. de Sylva submnitted two proposais for council's rcview that show, changes regard- ing the tennis club. The first plan provided l'or 20)4 lois with access trom both Childs Drive and Ontario Street. it cntailed the preservation of the exîsting path, creation of a ncw east]west paîh, preservalton of« the exsting lighîing, creation of a new parking lot for 60 cars ail in conjuniction with an access 10 Childs Drive to be shared with the tennis club and the condomnium development. There would be no cost 10 the Town or the club to implement the development. The second proposai had 207 lots with access from both Chitds Drive and Ontario Street. It entailed the relocation of the club 10 anothcr area oif the land. H.D. Investments would pay l'or six new tennis courts complete with fencitîg, lightiîtg and perimetre drainage, a îtew club house of 2,000 square teet and a new parkting lot for 60 cars with access to Childs Drive. -see SALE on page 2 Comment.......5 HS Report ....... 8 A&E ............ 12 Dateline ....... 13 Sports ...... 17-19 Classif ied .... .20-22 Frlday, April 13.a .SileMom' .Cuwm y lb .IB endCssUlTf# 0 Or. amo Lmu Cmnm e Noms HaUsne Saturday, April 14. *The Bouior, - Star *$ot.cted mn onrtî MILTON AUTO CO!.LLOSN * Lifetime Warranty on Paint e 5 Year Warranty * Insurance Preferred Shop "We'iI make your body beautiful" bm 555 Main St. E. Unit 11 -12 . ,P MECalitsday fr jour r~~EU uWU*kodGetawY6Obe5 Ste N. 1 90) 8784131 sti111 id«a notua ai main st.