Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Apr 2001, p. 24

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24-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, April 10, 2001 r1c,~4 A LASIFID ONUS!' MONDAY TOFRIDAY LCAil fid 1o g *yror3ed 900 AM5:00PM AL appear ai... YOM rlon5co ars-*3*00 CALLAN, Verne Peecefufly, et Million District Hoptlou Thursdey, Aperil 5, 2001, Vernis aia0fMilon lu ber BSth year. Beloveti wife of the lete Joe Cellen. Loving mother of Weyne andi his wife Pet of Beeton, Trudy Cellan of Milton andi Hariey and bis eife Berb of Wasaga Beech. Deeify lovd grandmnother of John, Daid, Nat andi Duvid end greet-grendson Noah. Sarviveti by ber aisters Elle and ber husbsnd Lawrence Coghfin of Northl Bey, Winnifred sud ber bus- band Claire Miuer of Port Penty, Janet andi ber bushenti Henli retend 0f Manitoba sud brother Hubert Harris orf Perty Souand. Versa will be greeffy miset by ber n"ec Betty Sala of Party Soundi. Predaceeseti by two asters sud Imo brathers. At Vemeas request, there vies ut visita- lion anti informent bas teken place. A Caiebrebion 0f Uife Service vias beii f rons the Chepel of th1e J. Scott Eerfy Funeral Home, 21 James St., Mihon on Mouday et 1:00 Pst. In lieu 0f tloers, donations ta the GraeOway Bapfist Cfsurcb, 103 Merlin St., liton, L9T 2R3 mould be epprediateti by th1e lamfy. KITOIIEN, Karr Suddenfy, et Miton District Hositel on Friday, Aprsl 6, 2001, Karry Kithe 0f Mton in bis 4611 yeer Belovod son oil Bruce sud Nonne Kitchen of Miton. Loving beotber oif Paul aud bm %vife Shirley oaf Miton sud Kevin sud ha elfte Karen of Tu"s, Oldaboma. Wttl be fond- (y romomboreti by ail has neces sud nepheis. Kerry omneti sud opersted Kitchen's Csrpentry in Milton for marri years and wss s meenher 0f th1e Royal Canadian Legion, Brch 8136. Ho mii aimsys ho romeushoret for hîs love of th1e outtitors sud sadty missed by ail bis f reuds. Femity sud friands sert ho roorved aith11e J. Sco Earfy Funeral Homre, 21 Jamea St., Milton on Tuosdey trous 2-4 & 7-9 Pst. A Funeesl Service wil ho field trous th1e Funemal Hanse Chapel on Weubsosday et If Ast. Creusation ta folow. lu heu 0f flomees, douetions ta thse Milon District Hospital Faeardatiou or the charity f ono's choice moulti ho approeted by th1e fermiyi. *emjojy Lettoning GOO Fritiay Break- 1 Heather Upton-Baitey tast, April 13, 8-10:30 vln ogrb epn s.m. Eden Mîlîs Presby- îtnlngrhrep- tonuan Cburch. Adulîs sible for tiebîs incurreti $5.00, dslfdren 12 sud bY R()bertCahln Biley ussdor $2.00; Proschool- Mitlon, s 0f Msrch 21, ors Free00l I be Canatuni Cban I ~ ~ ~ h tiset! Tues., Apr. 7, 9.13Om-6pm BulntnConvention Centre 110 ulokDr., (St QEW,) Burlngon AUqLIIUÇN rsALS Annuel Easler Antique Auctien Salurdey, ApnI 14, 2001 et 10:30 A.M. St. Claire Masenic Hall 6321 Hwy 25. S. ef Milten Beiwees Derry & Britansia Rd. Sale coesîstisg of Quamty Astique Furnîure, Glass, China, Lamps & Lighiing, Primitives, tiepression Glass and Collectibles. Preview fboa 9:00 A.M. day of sale. Lunch Available DOHERTY'S AUCTION SERVICE (905)878-9802 (905)854-3577 AUCTIONEER: PATRICK A. DOHERTY Auction Sale Thureday, Apeil 12 at 5 pi.m. lteld at Hume's Auction Farm, 9313 4th uine, 3 mites northeaut of Mil- ton.lncludes furniture, glass, china, guitars, banjo, stained glass iamps, oiîs on canvas. Sherwood & Cordon Hume Auctloene 905-878-4878 Fax: 905- 878-7647 LCOME* IAGON *Naew lu tosen? *Hevng a baby? *Estabflshîug a u.w business? PLEA8E CALL US: Cammaelfy Welcun.e Linda .f54-1553 Doris ...332-4799 BridaI & Baby Tracy _ 0. 76-4330 Pal .... 876-4040 mmw.eklomeseugon.ca rtu start your day! ATTENTION INTERNET USERS Unlimiteti Access only $15.95, groat loal service sud support tram SURF THE NET. 8B73-2602 - - SPECIAL Antique snd POSIO aveilable for Culloctomo A action- machine opersar - Goati Fridsy, April 13, training provdt. Able Dan Bsiloy Auctians, t0 tift 40 tbs. Rotsting 467 Elmira Rosd in shifts. $10.Oolhaur t0 Guelpb. Fine Art start, benofits. roviese <T.S.Cauper, G.A. Reidi, aller 3 montbs. Reply t0 G.Meu, Etc.), Steve Dufi ai Tobelle Csnsdisns, Vîctorîso Textiles, 519 Mein St.E., Jewellry, Oriental mugo, Milton, Pbonelfax: 875- parcelain. View Wed & I3914- Thurs, April il 7-Qpm. QUALITY causcientious ICati 519-823-1107 or compsny seeks do- baileysuctions.com pendable persan for as- sembly seorh seith gond mechanical ahi lity sud expenience seîth hsnd CARPT 1 ave everl tols. Wsge depentis on CARPE I hae seerS openence. (Milton). 1,000 yrds. of new Reply by fax only: Stainroasler & 100% ny- (905)875-4729. Ion carpet. Witt do living- room& hll for $349. In- THOROUGHBRED dodoes caspet, ped & in- horse farm. Stable stallation (30 yards) dlesning, feeding sud jSteve, 639-2902 grorig. Saturtisys SCOOTERS or gf110 u Suntiys. Mounts- PSicO RSl for c hslee rg sres. Phone Physcaly chlleged (905)659-3200. (For SaWLease) Some 1useti avaîlabla. Csll ScoaorJire. 1-800-850-eycl 3012. . . - . The Shoe Company Acepting Applications for Maars in Taino 5JQessocites Apply at Booth 11121 April 17 at The Halton Joh & Caroos Fair Drake Iernational Siaffinq Spacielasti Hiîsîog permanent snd short & long loirs ladeafral à Office Sme os aI the0 Halon Job & Casons Fais April 17/01 Garden Centre and Laudscape Maintenance Company requires staff for variaus positions. *Sales staff for Garden Centre *Loader and skid ateer operator *Landacape Maintenance labourea Positions wiul require related seor expenience. Ceil (905)876-4100 or fax resumne ta <905)875-0698 Currently seektng Kitchen Staff Full and part itme posttions avatlabie. Apply mn person to: 243 Main Street East, Milton. HUNT CHRYSLER JEEP CAR DETAILER & MAINTENANCE Required Full lime j Must have valid drtvers license. Cali Wes (905)876-2580

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