lThe Canadian Chamnpon, Fniday, Aprt 6, 2001-4* * Crime Stop "r Suspect charged with making threats H ALITO0N -Driver of stolen car steals gas Haîttîn Regiotial Police in Milton are invesîigatîng a theft drive-oIt where a sus- pect pulled up tii the pumps on March 3 at approximately 10:44 p.m. at the Pioneer Gas Bar oitTrafalgar Road. The suspect put gas tii the vehicle, retumeil to the passenger side. climbed tn and drove away. He was last seen driving oll in a 1998 Jeep Cherokee, blue in colour. The vehicle license plate was checked by Police and it was found to have been stolen from the Waterloo area. The suspect is described as a white maIe, 30 years of age with dark hair. Il you know of anyone who bas stolen a vehicle, Crime Stoppers wants to hear from you. Il ou have antv intformtationt t/t letuls Io ant arrest in titis or anv oter caser, vonu mac hi' i/igib/e [tir a casht rî'ward oif up) Io $1.<XiO. ou nî'îî htot give coter ntante antd tour informthont <att e Iaken îiih tonut aiete tt a1jntit. Crime' Sioppuers c/oct ho! subscribe Io ca/I cisis/ute Ca/I 1-800 222-T/PS tur 825 T/PS. IS YOUR GAMBLING OR SOMEONE ELSE'S A CONCERN? GANIB luNG SERVICES >DICI1ON TREATENT SERVICES ADAPT Servieea Are:. - b1 prufessiunal ctttinsellnrs , fitll> cuîtlidcîtîil *frit oif chtarge *asailahît l f îmîlîcs & iîtdtctduais Four infurmnationî & aripointlmeiîts cali (905) 693.4250 A 19-yeae-old Burlington mani bas hemn cbarged wih uttering death threats and possession of a dan- gerous weapon following an incident in downtown Milton Saturday. Poîlice repont that a man made îhreaîening phone calîs tii a local resident and was found walkîng toward bis home with a basebaîl bai ai about 4 ar. Support centre targeted Cctmmuniiy Living North Ballon was a popular target laie last week. The Ontario Street facilîîy was brîtken into tbree tîmes in as many nights - althîîugh noîbing was removed from the premises. Police -Bl-otter Each ttme, a basement wtndow was smashed in to gain access. Damage was estimated at about $250. Wood pallets stolen More than 200 wood pallets were stolen trorn Joe's Auto Sales on Main Street sometime last weekend. Unknown culptits torced open a locked gale before making off with the pallets. which had a total value of $3.500. Police are investigating. Cash taken from Midas A mani believed t0 be in bis early iwenties made oIt wiîh approxîmaiely $320 frcim a cash register left unaîîended momentarily ai Midas Mutler on Steeles Avenue Saîurday afternoon. The suspect was described as a white mîale about six leet taîl with a muscular build. The incident occunred ai about 2.50) p.tîî. Police are investigating. TM/MC RCA SAVE$50 0av Kenmon 'Gentus 1 N o w water sote Installation Salp rice nds ncluded. #7 nSatiteay, pi l W1, 201S 3 78Sears reg. 15 oir W pric of * »Mm1 099.'. mopemenmor 33 LsM b &W~~(5 L)# debur fr 6 Milton Community Resource Centre It &$km a wrmmuntty to twises .1amity Milton Conrnunity Resource Centre Construction Campaign. Please lenU your support. For furiher inforuaion cali (mos 876-1244 ext. 16 a 1 j