28-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Apnl 6, 2001 I Classified CLASSEIED B NS MONDAY TO FRIDAY AI lassified Ads C Iri d9:00AM-5:00 PM appear at... VOUECLASIFERHOMLME 875RY-3300 www.mlltoncanadlianchampol.oCOm Hppy lst Slrthday MmnPdy Rachel~ SJ m MEDELA PRODUCTS - SALES & RENTALS Better Living Home Health Care Inc. Also spectalizing in Wheelchairs, Walkers, Sports Medicine, Bathroom Safety Equipment, Compression Stockings & more. 905-875-2458 t- ifThe (amiai of the laie Irene Lewis would like la exýpress Iheir lhanks for ai/i of/the foire/y remembrances recen/ly receiired the /1 owers, cards, visits and generous donat ions are ail grea/ly apprecia/ed al t his lime. A special /hank you to Jere and Miche/e a/ J. Scott Bar/y Funera/1 -jHome for a/I of the arrangements; yu are iiery kin,a/ caring people and did a t erri/c jo/I o(keepmng us up tu i/a/e wl//r ,1each s/ep off his unfamiliar process.A aincere /hank you gues lu Reverend JuhnR.oi motesoages donalions reuiofrth /7oeratii/ kiuoris rrangeme. Onie agi i/car hin fa/hec anid ~$gandipa/hers an re. sppreia/ d.'ol - hanîk to a er. Char/u t/ asr i Mil/non District Hospital anîdJ Scott Ear/y faÜnerai Homne. (. Sincereiy. Mary Pr/ce & Family [GOC REEN Tit5 WEEK-. RECYCLEl1 tuuu r-nîay alcair- AV NL,5- mage, fast, Apni 13, 8-10:30 12 door, Stove; Muytag a m. Eden Mîlîs Presby- automutie asher, dry- terian Cfnurch, A/alto vi. Aiso, aparimeni set. $5.00, chîl/ren 12 and Un/en aranty. under $2.00, Preachool- (905)637-8328 ers Fiee. CARPET I have seversl 1,000 yr/s. of new Stinmuster & 100%/ ny- lon carpet. Will do living- -room &hall for $349. In- WALLET sîze photos in dludes carpet, pad & in- plastic cover, SIN card. stallation (30 yards) Commerci ISod- Steve, 639-2902 ne2j-MDnys March 28 (90)76-0411. DIRECTV HU Cards Unloaped, Repaired & Reprogrammed $75. BUY/SELL stair lifts, wfneelchair lifts, hospial be/s, scooters, etc. Cali- EARLY BIRD Sîlver Cross 905-847- SEC L 5504. P C L CORNER sofa-bed, 200fi Kayak Fuixls enlertainmrent unit, col- w/dleck axa Orxce, fee fable, Singer xeaing lîmiieii qxaxiin, machine. Great buy! $4995.00 îxsiatle/. (905)875-4377. 25 year warraniy ENGLISH Pub chairs. 16) 798-7509 Refinished. $5tleach. 1-800-668-7564 For information pleaxe phone (905)876-4922. FREE Estîmates... G0f mon aobbly or broken w v m Ichairs? Weak sofa or 20% Discount- Openîng chair springs? SoIt boar? Tired looking .Season Stoecial. DECK- w ood finishes?.. Then MANS Professionul 1 caîl1 Fields for aIl fumi- Service. AIl deeks aoo/refnîoing s-s 7pd Cadr eial- J ae repaîrs and castors t f0 ear S refînîhe jýdaîly, (905)875-4427 - i led EoknsmaesN.Lî- NEW Year Sale- No g90 Ca62 l1074 GST or PST We pay fhe taxes. Great fabnîc14 seleaion and great sa- ings! Sols & matching chair f nom $778. Love- seats f rom $448. Chairs $300.00, $500.08 o ,rom $199. Free Es- more per weex assem- limaIs. Fields Custom blîng jewellery at home Ouality Uphoîstering. no experience needed. Cati daily, 9-9. Sen/ a seit addressed t-(905)875-4427. stamp envelope to: - BUCCI 6-295 Oxeen SPRîNG Super Sale! Street Est Suite 274 s: Save xp toi 30% off dec- REF 223, Brampton, orstor fabrica. No GSTf Onario, L6W 4S6. Sofa & chairs îrom O f, $788. Loneseats f rom COFFEE Time nxa hîr- $448. Chairs from $199. ing Part Tîme ahter- Senior Discounts. Free noono and weeken/s. Estimates. Fields Ouati- Appfy in person f0: 405 ty Customs Uphxlstering, Martin Street, Milton. 9-9)(905)632-9090. See Colleen. TWO office desks in QUALITY conscienitixus gond condition. Onie dependable people. moel, ose wood. $50 Shipper with computer iv each. (905)854-1026, esperience and an As- (905)691-0040. sembler ailh mechani- cal abfity espenience with hand foots. Wages depexd on expenience only: (905)875-47ý9. RURAL /elivery person AT TIN asIed for Campbell- 7A ENTON 1 ville and surrxuniding ie INTERNET ares. Monday Io Friday, re, 6-7 houru per day. Must w USERS have reliable mid-xize vehicle. $26000 per Uni imited Accesa yeiar. To apply cati $55,get (613)822-9269 or fax ne- only $59,get same toi (613)822-1001. local service and support from 873-2602 Hairstylinfs - FT/PT, BUSY LOCATIONS BURL.-MIL.-WATEROOWN:i Min. Stîfr Guaraniee/ 1 *for gsalifying Siylists Commissions ANTIQUE Show Sale. siartîng ut 40% V City of Guelph- Centen- .Esc. tenef if niai Areva, comer Col-* lege Ave/Hwy.6; Aprîl l Flex. Sche n 6,7,8. Fni 1 -9, Sut. 10-5 , On-guing Advance/ Sun.il 5 40 Extîbflors * Training Daify Draw. A/m $5 * Equiprseni Pîovi/o/ 905-335-0511 * No Clioiele reesoaiy (905) 319-3155 "Free Training" COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US S O C) L_ w_- Cail us now at: (905) 877-2251 Or 1-877-914-KIDS Laidtaw is an equa] oppoutunity employer MOIY MAIf Molly Maîd requires a part trne persan for relief work. Minimum two daya per week. Drivers license essenfial. Experience preferred buf we ahil frais fhe rîghf persos. If you love f0 clean, ara hardworkîng and dependlable. please call (905)877-3443 LANDSCAPER HELPER Indivîduaf willing to work long hours. Must drive standard. Paya vveil + bonus. Opportunity for learning the business and future posaibility for own franchise. Contact Lori (416)702-2424 Garden Centre and Landacape Maintenance Company requires staff for narlous positions. " Sales staff for Garden Centre " Loader and skid steer operator *Landacape Maintenance labourera Positions will reqaire related work esperience. Cali (905)876-4100 or fax reaumne to <905)875-0698 Currently seeking Kitchen Staff Full and part time positions avaitable. Apply in person 10: 243 Main Street East, Milton. HALTON HELPING HANDS URGENT a Burlnaton Area - Do you enovy cleaniog? (Mas. 20 hrsi eek) - ani flesible part lime hours? (Mon.-Fni) - Enîvy woriig ailh seoioio/pfiysically challooged? RELIAtLE TRANSPORTATION REQUIRFO FAID TRAINING - TRAVEL ALLOWANCE Cali Pam or Nanîcy, (905) 844-0252 Fao: (905) 844-5656 250 Wyvcroft Rd 1 2, Cakoille L6K 377 LANDSCAPE OPPORTUNITIES Abilîiy Io work flexible rouis-Year rounid positiors " Maintenance Sapervisar " Construcion Tectînicf an " Maintenance Technician " Maintenance Tech/ Pesticide Applicatar (Land Claus 1&3 Pesticide Licence) e Truck Driver/Machine Oper. (A-O Z Uic) Reply to Internfational Laniscapini Inc 1114 Uer tase Uire Hornby (Milioni), ON LOF 1ET Fao 1905) 876-0400 - E-maril: iollardgoelcomca Nu Phone Calu Please Drake International Statflng Speciatisis Hîrîrg permanrent and short & long teri laestnial & Office See us ai the Halori Job & CasoarFaau April 17/01 The Shoe Company Acceptirg Applications loi Mariaueis in rairin SaleshAssociaes Apply ai tueur 1#121 April i/ ai The Hialluir Job & Career Faîr SALESPERSON lur CWS Veiticie Systeas, uervicing thv vehîcle afnermar- kelf Mort have deoire fasuced 6e motîvateri & goal scie nted. Sales exp. roqaired. Fabulvus oppotunity Forward Resomes f0: Ray Pieasance, Fax: fr05) 875-9983 CLASS "A» Traîler Me- clnanic- Qoal ifications: Repair/instal saspen- sions. Brakes, air, elec- tnical. Annoal D.OT. in- spections on traiders. Maintenance and sein- ice rot shop/ mobile equipinent, fort/lIt tnuck and hydraalic espei- ence preferred. Only hi- censed personnel lx, sp- e1Fxresume 905- ý-O ,or cail 905- 844-7314. Auto Body Porson Exporienced body repaîr rofon for busy Collision Confie. Fuîl unîbody experience mandîfory. Excellent wager andi benef ifs coul 905-577-3177 See Us at The Hatton Job &Career Fair Apr. 17, 2001 Booth # 135 Adecco Employment Service Mt. Fox 876-2364 to list your Clussified