aDateline The Canadien Champion, Fniday, Apuil 6, 2001-21 UTniversity womei 's cluh accepting book donations * tram DATELINE on page 19 meal includes bot and cold hoirs deuvres. a fll salad bar, traditional decoraied Lasier ham. buuneless chicken breastiun white wine sauce and a vaniety of desserts. Cai 878- (0575 tut urder tickets. The Help for Parents support group meeLs ever Tuesday ai 7:30 p.m. ai Punelands Presbyterian Church,* 527<) New St., in Burlinguun. This non-denomna- inal self support group wuth irained leaders help parents of chul dreuu whuu are in trouble ai home, ai schoo-l our with the law, abusive or taking drugs. ('ail 1-8(X)-488-5666 for more information. The Milton Knitters meets in the (lommunity Room ai Lobiaws from 7 to 9 p.m. For further details, cail Anne at 878-7991). Milton Toasimasters mciv ai 7:30 p.m. in the upper level of the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St. For lurther informuation about the group. which helps peo- pie advance thetr communication skills, caîl Ross London at 875- 3720). The Halton/Peel Natum-alist Club invites the public to hear Ken Zuunme rman, a landscape architeci for Dufferin, speak on the Dufferin Aggregates quarry rehabilitation at 7:30> p.m. ai Centennual Middle School, 233 Deirex Blvd., in G~eorgetown. Wednesday April il i-aiton Healthcare Services hosts a Irc health education seminar entitlcd 'Skin Sense: Prevention and Treatment of Skin Cancer' at 7 p.m. ai .Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Cali 338-4379 10 reserve a seat. The Milton Leisure Centre hosis a six-week teen fitness course. The cost is $40. Cali Tracy Hasselfeldi ai 878-7946 to register or for more informaion. The Milton Seniors' Acivity Centre. 500 Chîlds Dr.. holds its monthly Evening Euchre Party ai 7:30 p. m. 'he costi s $2 per person. Everyone us welcome. The Milton Leisure Centre ofl.1.ers a seven-week introduction tu lit- ness course. The cos(i s $55 per p erson. ('ail Tracy Hasself'eldi ai 878-7946 to regîsier or for nmore information. Thursday April 12 The Nassagaweya Hisiorical Society meets at Nassagaweya Preshyterian Church ai 8 p.m. Cali Elu Daîgle ai 854-2628 for more information. The Milton Seniors' Acîivity Centre holds the Daffodil Tea For Cancer from 2 to 4 p.m. Tickets cosi $6 each and are available ai the recepiion desk or by calling 875-1681. Now read this. 'Me Milton and district chapter of the Canadian Federation of Unversity Womien (CFUW) wjll hold uts annual Used Book Sale April 20 from t to 9 p.m. and April 21 tromt 10 arn. [o 4 p.m. ai Milton Mail. The money raised wiIl go toward univer- siy scholarships tor Milton high school students. Each year, the Milton chapter of the CFUW, a national organization of female university graduates. awards up ro $2.000) in scholarships [o help students with the rising cost of higher education. The book sale is the club's chuef fiindraiser. The sale will feature books by Danielle Steel, Dean Koontz, Stephen King and 1Robert Ludlum. The sale will also feature cook books. biographies and histoiy books, as well as children's books. The club is stili looking for donations, so drop off gentiy-used books ai the CFUW bin ai Milton Public Library or the bin inside the mail near the former Lobiaws, located across from the Bank of Monireai. No magazines (including National Geographic) or textbooks please. For more informaion, caîl Solange De Santis at 878-5548 or Judy Hincks ai 878- 7487. UW 6:y45 pm Sapt~ & Suîn.2:00Op.. .0 SPYKIDrs Community Day looking for volunteers Wanl to help oui a neighbour by.doing a Jobs include washing windows, painting Regional Police, RCMP sud the Town of good decd? a room, helping wiîh yard work or partici- Milton have also provided support for the Iteres the perfect opportuniiy. 'fle ninih paiing in dlean up activities of waterways, eveni. annual Good Neighbours Communily Day parks or roadsides lu Milton. This year's volunteers will assemble ai will bc held May 5. Durmng the pasi eighi years, approxi- the Milton Seniors' Activiiy Centre ai 8 Teams of volunteers are needed io-spcnd maiely 1,500 volunteers, iucluding adulis a.m. aud siai the day wiîh a barbecue a few bours in the moming helpiug a sen- sud youihs, have participaird in Good breakfast. ior citizen or individuals by compieig Neighbours Communiiy Day. For more information, eaul Robert simple tasks. Local businesses, service clubs, Halion Dallimore 875-4636. ýýCLEAN