The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 6, 2001-15 My higa toe hiwtç a, lot C:ccuf framn 1 WON'T on page 14 So, you see, i don't really know what 10 etio n and the pain suhsided somcwhat. do abouti t Ail i know is thai my big ioe nx rdy i ihink 1 have a high pain threshold. 1 hurts. My big tue hurt. ajoi Champion. once hroke bots niy arms ai the same lime as a kid, and my parents didnit iake nie tu lise isospiial l'or a couple days because 1i:ý,NN NO W OPEN guess 1 didn'i whine enougis and they did- nit ihink there was anyîhing wrong. tz ,j%£ C EN1 \ 900 Steeles Avenue F. Once, tisougis. ihey stuck a needie up myV nose in order to give me stiches, and tisai (at Thompson) is preîîy much the mosi pain I've ever felt. PENNZ*IL Milton Excepi o h Operaliori - you men 9 5 6 3 0 0 know whaî l'm talking about. 1 don't tink 9 5 6 3 0 0 use treeuing iook and believe mie 1 was 'n W fe E IUEQLCA G agony. W fe E IUEOLC A G Moiihs lter, 1 was suill in pain. Wisen service - no appoinrtent necessary tise doctor says, -Uh oh" and a tive-minute Oi, Lube and iter PACKAGES from operation sireiches int two isours, you $26.99 mncludmng 12 pt. inspection know you're in trouble. Anyway, back 1tu Ail grades of QIL AND FILTERS avait- my toe. 'Me pain hasn't gone away and able for ALL MAKES AND MODELS of I've lx-en iimpîng around for a montS. And cars and trucks now tise resi of my foot has started tu Sui, Exclusive PENNZOIL produets 2C maybe hecause I've been compensating for the hig toe. EXPERIENCED, friendly staff Propai But, now il's t(x) laie 10 do anything We aceept ail MAJOR CREDIT CARDS, Re about il. You can't go Io tise emergency FLEET CARDS and INTERAC DIRECT room for an accident that isappened a PAYMENT month ago. My famiiy doctor is the besi in COMMERCIAL, MONTHY $ the worid as far as I'm concemred, but ail ACCOUNTS are welcomne 1 she cao do is send me 10 tise hospitai for aTn FTEAR Q IMN If tbey decide they have 10 put something *NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY* on the toe, I'm in big trouble because then I wouldn't be able to get my shoe on and HOURS drive. I have tu do a lot of driving in the Monday to Saturday 8 arn to 6 prn nexi litile while because I work ai tise Hockey Night in Canada studio in down- Sunday 9 amn to 4 pm town Toronto during the f irst two rounds of the playoffs. NEW CAR WARRANTY ____ ____ ____ ___APPROVED April is..., alMONTItiI[ afdia mond jewellery Off' A Dia mond is Fort r oi