Gap between the rich and poor is growing in Halton A report on the quality otf life in urban Canada indi- cates most Halton citizens enjoy a high standard of liv- ing, but the gap between the rich and poor has grown. Thse results are cî>ntaincd in the second Quality of' Lite Report released last Tucsday by the Federat ion of Canadian Municipalities (FCM). Halton data indicates a high quality of life exists for most Hahton residents in a number of areas including high raies of employment and income levels and low averages for birth rates and ]one parent families. "We are pleaaed the report shows that Halton remains a great place 10 live," said Halton Region Chair Joyce Savolmne. "But wie are com- mitted 10 meeting the needs of ail our dît/zens. Povertv is an issue alfecting mnany communities, including Halton.' But tise report lound poverty and income inequality bas contînued 10 expand in large urban communities since the fîrst Qsality ol Lîfe Report was issued in 1999. These lindings are truly amaz- îng,' said FCM President Joanne Monagisan. -They show tisaI Canada's economic boom has not benefited everyone. Too many peo- ple have been left behind." Tise data also shows tise gap between tise rich and poor han grown in Halton, a finding that's consistent across Canada. "As Halton's population increas- es, there will be increased pressure to improve tise quality of life for ail our citizens," Ms. Savoline said. "That includes poor seniors, peo- ple seeking affordable housing, sole support parents and workîng poor whose income is insufficient lor food and siselier costs. We must be diligent sn cc-'tinuing to respond to tise needs of ail out cîti/ens and ensure that Halton remains a greal place to lîve.- The Quality of Lîfe Report uses a sel of eigist indicators that measure social and economic progress in Canada's cities. The report is intended to establish permanent benchmarks and monitor the well being of municipalities over time. The results of the report are con- sistent with other recent studies on Halton. An Ipsos-Reid survey of Halton residents released earlier this month shows that moat resi- dents are pleased with tise quality of life and services in Halton. A copy of the FCM's Quality of Life Report 2001 is available on the FCM Web site at JK regist rati'on begins Thursday t ramn LOCAL on page 3 chiîdhood education worker at we're going 10 have a problem two-and-a-haîf to Oive yeaea exclu- Safe and Sound Children's Centre. (with implementing JK)." siveîy. In a amaîl community like "We provide a bus from tise Milton public acisools housing Milton, tise number of four year achools to tise daycare. So far, t tise JK program tisis year include olds is limited so therefore our pro- haven't iseard a lot of commenta Brookvilîe, J.M. Denyes, Percy W. grams will be affected in tise fait." from parents. Most parents (who Meny, Robert Baldwin and Sam A good number of tise cisildren have cisildren attending tise day- Sherratt acisools. going to JK next year will still care) have their kida in Junior Registration for tise JK program come back 10 tise centre after clans Kindergarten tbrougs tise Catisolie will be accepted at tise above ends, said Nicole Leece, an early achool board. Il's too early 10 say if achools beginning Thursday. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Apnil 3, 2001- 5 O-7OM NO GST NO PST FM. April 6., 5:030-9 pmn Sat. April 7, 9 am-2 pm Dlscontinued& e Decorative Fans e Indoor Lighting *Outdoor Lightlng e Commercial Fans e Air 28eglsters AND) MOREI î AUi Salon Final _-ROit th O ion) 18718-10130 >1