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BOARD & COMMITTEE APPOINT- MENTS Applications are fl(w beîng accepted by the Town Clerk foi appoinsînenls, to the tollowing Boards and Coînmittees: HERITAGE MILTON LACAC (Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee) (members required for a three year term) Herîtage Milton is comprised of private citizens, elected rep- resentatives and municipal staff. The mandate of this com- mittee is to provide advicc and assistance to Milton Council, the Department of Planning & Development and private property owners on mattera relating to tse conservation of the community's historie building and architectural beritage. *'fle successful applicant must be a resident of Milton, or an owaer or tenant of land in the municipality, or Use spouse of such an owner or tenant, bc a minimum of eighteen years of age on the date of'appointment; or employeca of a business located in Use municipality or students attending a -school located i the Tuwn of»Iton. itself immune to the necessity for advertising sooner or later finds itself immune to busines." Derby Brownir for big Easter service Six different Christian denominations will take part in one large Good Friday service By FANNIE SUNSMINE The Champion Local history will be made when denominations of the Christian faith will gather together for one BOARD 0F MANAGEMENT FOR THE'DOWNTOWN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA (DBIA) (members required for a three year term) The mandate of the Board of Management for the Downtown Business Improvemrent Area as established by Milton Council, in accordance with By-law No. 112-77, is for the improvement, beautification and maintenance of rnunicipally-owned lands, buildings and structures in the area designated as the Downtown Business Improvement Area and to promote the designated area as a business or sbopping area. *Té qualify to sit as a Member of the Board of the D.B.I.A.. Use member shall be assessed for business asseasment in respect of land in the Improvement Area, or nominees of Corporations so assessed. Please apply in w riting, stating your qualifications and/or interest. Applications will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. on April 17, 2001. Further details may be obtained by con- tacting Use Clerk's Departnsent ait 905-878-7211. Helen Lisi. Town Clerk Town of Milton 43 Brown Street Mfilton, ON L9T 5H2 large Good Friday service ai Holy Rosary Catholic Church. "A iew nionths agîi the Milten Ministeriai Association gaihered tegettier and we were chatting about deiiîg sentie- thing for the cemmiiutity.' said Res. Red Lewis et Kneox Preshy terian Chîrc h. "We said. sshx den't ve cetehraîte Geed Fniday togcther? 'ie centrai hetiet sur- rounding the ditierent deneinratien% is the cross and the resurrectien et Jesus se me theught we ceuld doi this. The 10 churches invetved with the sers- ice wili abandon thetr rcgulariy sliîeduled services and gather at Heiy Resary ter a i10 arn. service. -We are expecting huîsdreds eit people. and Hety Resary is the iargest sanctuary iti tewts. se that's why tuie service is heîîîg hetd there," Rev. Lewis saîd. "l'm realty exciied about this. Tits is the firsi trne a signilicant gathening et the detnitsatiotis will take place.' Churciies involved in the combined serv- ice include Anglican, Preshytenian, Baptisi, Alliance, Salvation Arrny and Catholic, he said. "Some churches are staying wîîh thiacr uwn plans." Rev. Lewis said. 'Sume had their services well tn hand 'already and il's diticuit lu abuet that." Mixed feelings Right now the churches are in the middle of announcing and promoting the service, he said. "Mie folk I've talked to said ihey ihink this is great and 1 hope thai's the general feeling among the congregations. Sorne folk don't necessarily agree (with the mixed service) but that's tu be expected." Ren. Lewis said the service will be their way of demunstraiing the "larger body ut' Christ." "We're ail pari ot a commun taith and heritage. We want tel express tisa in a meaningint way." Rev. Lewis stressed the service was arraîîged hy the Milton Ministeriai Association and uts net a Hetly Rosary sersice. -Various ctergy et the churches svîtt he part vt tise service." he saîd. Lsveryetse wîlt participate. its it a ser- Monet. there wen't he aiiy preachîsg. li's t serice ofi prise. prayer and retlectiiit.- vChiinsto (Fther Milton Community Resource Centre It take a commuity toraibe a fjmiy Milton Community Resource Centre Construction Campaign. Please tend your support. For further information cag (905) 876-1244 ext 16 ââw-i Tuuun CORPORATION OF TIRu TOWN OF MILTON à ývrY: 878-1657 878-7211 1.5 11ILlirroffl LIa NE TON