+1 1 0-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Apnl 3, 2001 r-,1i Z ffrdaNle iiotsing andtr ffMALlop the list of Halton growth ocrn ýWA Hausing devel- By ANGELA BLACKBURN sprassi" ~U PA ARI 2 201 opments like this Specialto TheGChampionl I ~nr di SUNDAY APOL 22 2001 one rathcnsul- -Af; pr ss'th a n he i alo Support Nh * Annual MILTON - MALON RILL2 Wue cille WALKfur MS Ktrf fodavt CALS. 1-888-822-847 OR REMTE ON-LUNE AT WWW.SUMECITIWALX.COM WULK H IN YOUR COMMUNrfiY' tAs growsaî expiuv Halton, regionali cillors are out to e it doesn't blowt their faces. Set 10 embark on an Plan review, staff and c lors brainstormed fo boums Wednesday bo probîems they rnight be fi X. Topping the list of c are affordable housing a tic gridîock. 'Me session began defence of HaIton's p against cniticism of il court- area,- said Halion Planning and nsure Publie Works Conmissioner up in Patick Murphy. lnstead. said Mr. Murphy. Halion is a preiiy decent inodel Dfilcial iii Smari Growih a planniîng ouncil- systern coined ni the Uniited r four Siates and championed by for- cing ai nier vice-presideni AI Gore. able 10 Smart Growlh operales on 10) principles from mixed land use. oncemns housing choice and livable nd Irai- neighbourhoods. t0 «preserva- lion of open space and lami- with a land and transportation choice. Ianning Thal's in direct opposition 10 "urban *see NEWLYWEDS page il DU.d id Geragon MMi4 dqr of AM.i au01 @Ontario ing mare and more troquent as Halton, particu- larly Milton, la u n der g oin g major growth. Affordable haus- Ing tops the liai of concernas. File photo by GRAHAM PAINE eICoUS. iara NOTICE Dulnib Aggregdi hie applaed to Un Niagara E.capmeu Comniaulon Ioaenend Un M*gm a EacapmrU Plan. ýAwnmauNo. 136p preosa To s ra Niauia E.pna Fiai , ~cp fUb"w Am lpdo "a aclisa mosm ~ n Am dagatg an on PI. Lob 12 and 13, Conualon . Ihn Tome ofUMonn idPILoba 3 aid 4.Cneon - b Oie 1,n Toua of " M n Hh@, as aon on Ohe -rp m- Nasal, acPmi IPI Mamp 3s laba hniordartoi 'aM àhansai qmmy - ai aaail n ai aiuihq goav oamm A copyotftpn ppad ananwxrmhattgUw m baickgound kbdoemdon may ba araniaci d Unth ofic of Une: Gaomrg 1 m, ON L70 491 TOL~ (15 8774191 FaE (105)8737452 For l 'Io'ni Intoniiilon, -lss contact Davd Jolatolo ai extiel 243. itftlen commenta and sajimiaulone may be madie ta Une Nagara Eacapmnt Oonanluaon until Augut 1,30 2 id Unth Georgaloun This plan amendiment application vali b. delennlned byea join bond esablidbed undr du Conedr Hernga Ac R.S.O. 1900, c. C.29, togeUnr uth si,,l' 1Ior a enend Une Halktn Ragomul Offiia Flu% Une Town of lion Ofiia Ptan, Une Town of &tia Wk tt Officiai" Pten, Une Towraip of Eaquaalng Ofiiail Flan, Une Towni of Miltan Zoning 81v-lau No. Si1-85, aid a Naera Eacupmen DevalpntParml Application- Copmi of UIe q*ptcalomu may be uanined et Une Town of Mellon and Town of Haita 1,111a Fuie Ubruie, Un* mnh* iv mMoffi e nRaina MnMUpahty cfé-alIon Toun cfMion, Towni of Haion Hlb.i aid Une Maga Eamint Comijalo. ount 1329 %SAL E m