26-The Canadian Chamrpion, Fnday, March 30, 2001 Opening 2rnf focation MONDAT AlPRILm 2 ln store specials on our range of athletic clothing & food supplements (Proteins & Fat Burners) 3537 Fairview St., #5 Burlington, ON L7N 2R4 (905) 632-4545 156 Main St. E Milton, ON L9T 1IS (905) 876-1081 Mon-Wed 10-6, Thurs-Fri 10-9, Sat 10-5 www.awesomebodeez.com .Milton feîicer carves tup his Ontario circuit competition Willsonfinishes second in provincial finals in epee class By MURRAY TOWNSEND Special to The Champion You liad liciter be en garde wben Steplien Willson is around. Thaî's because tbe Milton lencer is ranked amoîîg thie besi in Ontarto in tbe epec category. fie reccntly ftnislied second in thie Ontario Circuit Chiallenge finals in St. Catliarines. whicli will place bim ibird or fourth overaîl in tlie province wlien tlie final points are cal- culated. Earlier in tlie oea- son, lie liad anotber second place finish, along witli a firsi in Waterloo.j As well, lie liasa national ranking from compeiing on the national circuit, Stephen WilIson took runni and recenily com- cuit this season in epe. clas peted ai a World Cup competition in Monireal wliere lic bad bis besi career finisli. Willson got lis sîart in fencîng in a raiber unusual manner. fie was waîting for a bus ai Brock University wîtli a iriend wlio askcd bim if lie wanicd t0 iry oui tor the fencing icam. Willson sort of sbrugged and ibouglit, wbat tbe beck. fie sliowed up ai tbe iryoui, bis friend didn'i. and Willson not only made the tcam. but weni ils tbe OUAA finals bis firsi scason. Wbai transpired sort of undersitates bis involvement VVe've change our look Canadian Société Cancer canadienne Societ du cancer ..but flot our mIssion. Thie Canadian Canert Society fundcs resear,. piovides inormation and heips peolple coite with cancer in the sport: Il kind of go( liooked ont il. Willson is 30-years-old, whicb for tencing is young. "Me older you get, the botter you gel. You peak ai an older age- lic explained. -They cail tencing, pbvsical chess, Now iliat l'in older. 1 spend more trne looking for my opponent's weaknesses and irying to capitalize on i. He admits when lie was younger, he was more reck- lessly aggressive - which tends flot to work in ibis sport. Hie remnembers one opponient who was about 70-years- old, who "cleaned my clock" when lie was firsi starting Willson fences oui of an Oakville club, but also works oui in Georgetown File photo by GRAHAM PAINE under coachi Emil er-up statua on provincial cir- Dimitrov - wlio is sfencing. involvcd in training swtmmcrs as well as pentathlon ailetes. Already ibis year, lies achieved one of bis goals, lin- isbing in ilie top iwo in the Ontario Circuit Chiallenge finals, and bis nexi goal is to ty and get into tlie top 30 nationally. fie is workîng on itnprovtng bis speed and strategy, and adding more bits to bis repertoire. Willson bas noîiced a renewed interesti n tlie sport, and ses a lot of kids siarling to become more involved. fies bopîng witbîn tbe next ycar or so to open up a club in Milton al<)ng wiili Dimnitro. -Juveniles' championship win mared by ugly effort By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Milion's AAjuvcnîlcs dclivered a ceagne cbampionsliip sertes swecp ai Mcmonial Arena Monday. On thec downsidc, it was accompanicd by a performance iliai mosti n atiendance would ratlicr jusi sweep under the prover- bial mug. 'Me game ilirce clash was tiddled witli disgraceft actions -as tlie Winîcrbawks and opposing Newmarkci Rcdmen speni mucli of the cvening settling scores and very uite of it actually playing liockey. A short stini of thie latter came in the opening ine minutes, wlien ithe bosis lit thie lamp ilirce times. Tbey eventually won thse contesi 4-I. But thie title viclory was -te, say the ver leasi - mared by an embarrasstng ibird period, ibat was premaiurcly ended by mutually frustratcd officiais and coachi- es. Milton didn'i even gelthie cliance il) parade tbe tropby in front ol lans and famr- ily, since boili teams were usbcrcd olI tlie ice before tbings cîîuld escalate to ilie point of no conirol. Netinder Cliris Kîîvacbik's 20-save sbowîng was; about tbe only briglit spot on tbe nîglit. Wbilc largely uniesied down ilie streicli, lie did make a few key stops early on before the skirmisbes started mountîng. Jcff Mitcell poîted tlie firsi and final goals. Assising on ecd wcre captain Jordan Jeans and Dcrek Mewbînncy - wlio sank tbe game winner wiib a doorsiep dcflection nine minutes into tbe coniesi. Also denîing tbe îwine - on a sliort- banded upsiairs rocket -was Paul Faggion. Meanwbile. Ricky Nadalin drew a pair of belpers. 'Me Winterbawks scorcd four times in ecd game of tlie York/Simcoe chiampi- onslip series, wbîcb l'or tbe mosi part bcld lîtîle inicresi for eiîbcr side. x,,Tykes in tough at toumnament Milton's tykes kîcked off îoumnamrent play in bîgli gear last weekcnd. But cruistng to vtctory in rounds iwo and ilirce jusi wasnt in ilie cards, as the locaI rink rats dropped a couple of bard-fouglit decisions and werc bounccd from playoff contention. TIhe Sandsionc Transport Winierbawks' lonte win came against the liusi Pclbam Selecis. Milton iallied twîcc down tbe streteli to prevail 4-2. Sean McGovemn and Mark McKelvie eacli lad a goal and an assisi, wliile also buryîng the biscuit were Nicbuîlis Creamer and Bryden Curran. Tbe 'Hawks were ilien blanked by Woodstock 5-0 anîd outdistanced by N iagaca-on-ibe- Lake 5-3. McGovem captalized on a penalty slioi in the round-robin finale and belped set up a tird-period marker by Mattbew Dupont. Milion*s other scorer was Derek Dercaicli, wlio alsît lad a single assisti n gamnes one and ilirc. Bcîwecn tbe pipes for ail iliree contesis was Daniel Plaier. March 31 Lac rosse SkiIIs Clinic Milton Leisure Center Time Ages 4-10 2 p.m. Ages il & Up 3 p.m. Bring Stick, Gloves & Helmet LATE REIGISTRATION Iviliton Thompson Arena-Uons Hall Lacro c March 31/01, 8am - 8pmn Please brlng a copy of blrthi cefiflfcate 2001 C-eaigoni e MW mu- tommr