Inth Canadian Cancer Society Id ýý Société canadienne du cancer Research makes a difference improved survival rates Research results improve sur- vival rates and provide a bet- ter quality of life for people living with cancer. Here are just two examples. In 1970, the five-year survival rate for • childhood leukemia was 50 per cent - today it is 83 per cent • Hodgkin's disease was 60 per cent - today it is 80 per cent. Breàst cancer research The Canadian Cancer Society is a major partner in the Canadian Breast Cancer Research initiative, which will provide $2 million each year to the year 2002 to hundreds of researchers across Canada. Prostate cancer research The Canadian Cancer Society is also part of the Prostate Cancer Research Initiative, which will fund research proj- ects totalling $3.8 million over the next three years. Support for people living with cancer Almost every Canadian will experience cancer either per- sonally, or through a family member or a friend. The Canadian Cancer Society offers a variety of supports to patients and their families from the time of diagnosis and throughout treatment. We provide short-term finan- cial assistance towards the cost of certain services. Under certain conditions, our volun- teer drivers provide trans- portation to patients under- going treatments. There is no need to experi- ence cancer alone. Talk to someone by calling CancerConnection 1-800- 263-6750. Our telephone sup- port service matches people living with cancer to trained volunteers who have had a similar experience. Cal, your local f«r OMM M - 877-1124 AssueioWWM &UN en lu iiff 1i ' féof î1 S Seven Steps to Health Protect yourself and your family. By knowing and acting on these Seven Steps to Health, you can help prevent cancer. Choose to be a non-smoker and avoid second-hand smoke. Choose a variety of lower fat, high fibre foods. Maintain a healthy body weight and limit your alco- hol intake. 3Protect yourself and your family from the sun. Practise regular skin examinations and report any changes immediately. 4Regular scheduled Pap tests and mammograms, according to age, are vital. Practice monthly breast self examination. 5See your doctor and dentist regu- larly for checkups. Be aware of changes in your nor- mal state of health. If you discover a lump or a mole that has changed, or a sore that won't heal, check with your doctor immedi- ately. At home and at work, follow health and safety instructions when using hazardous materials. Consult your local Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society for more information siessor Bev A. Slessor New & Used Automobiles Sales & Leasing (905) 875-0089 (905) 878-1797 Siessor Motors (Milton) 388 Main Street Milton, Ontario L9T 1 P8 PTE. U.J. (JOE) WATERS 21 Charles St. Milton 878-9005 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING GAS INSTALLATIONS 751 MAIN ST. E., MILTON (905) 878-2381 Fax (905) 878-1443 ZA K'S PH MCY Milton's Independent Pharmacy •Frm DeliVey •# ADmg Plans Aocepted •VAnDm MWninmatin AVailabl «ýt 2ak's We cms 7ah4a 8782424 PONTIAC • BUICK • CADILI AC 878-2355 801 MAIN ST. E., MILTON We are just a cut above ait MIKE'S Barber Shop %aea, 1966 148 Mlain St., Nlijton 878-3916 Thanks for supportingGolf 4 Cancer >-- - -massmmeas m ars & 0 Mts yo a wde varety of ward wnnnuwigs hals, otsihturbans andhai a ce t es The look fo oday - esalfle. comforisla e tashonable & Ato T Y e xtra c icnentsneeds ds e a n mo p ,pg 5, ;cl ared as e!s p'n at Please Cal (905) 821-1092 114.,Bfl.. .. .,. ... . .10 MM. Mibsfl . (m,...IM.... Tjl . stc_-- 0 c s 0 c . airintFri 0