12-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, March 30, 2001 A Long, snow w1 iinter wvas beneficial to Clen Fden Attendance has risen by about 15 per cent l)ownltill winlcr %piorts arc on the nise. Ai least (btais the case ai Mion's (ilen Ldken Ski and Sniîwboard Centre -which s currenily enjiiying its mosi succes stul seasiin cher. Manager <il Ski Opcratîoiîs Bob Hlarris said the piipular clinservatiuin site's allen- dance is up abiout 15 percent over last year. -We're experieticiiîg a bit of renaissance iii ihe sport,- tue explaîîîed. "A loi of the indusîry's retailers are also ýýq 1wý- ,q? reporting increased sales"- (ilen Eden's atiendance boosî'îs partly due to ait espectally snosus Decembe.r as ssell as the continued rise in inîerest tor snowbiiarditg. Saud Harrs, "fI (snowboardingî inakes up 311 t 35 pKr cent ol our overaîl busi- ness. [he weather's really helped too. We haen't had a lti of- sunny days. but ver lew raîtîy day s eilier." Mr, Harrs said ski and snowboarding lessîîns as well as school grîîup trips were at all-ttne highs ihis season - and thai unlike mîîst years, the sîcips should be open well loto April. M Immer anctum 15Mri t., #3, (Caniaoc 5ciuarc) Milton, Ontario LeT 2R1 (905) b76-0551 - weammuthom.com SPRING $CHEDULE 0F YOGA CLASSES BECINS TU E$DAY, APRI L 3, 2001 CALI FOR INFORMATION AND TO RECISTER (905) 876-0551 REGISTRATION CAN BE DONE BY MAIL, TELEPHONE OR IN PERSON. CLASSES RUN YEAR ROUND, YOU MAY JOIN AT ANY TIME. Mourll Laynch ONTARIO jNow 4 Days -Thurs., April 5 to Sunday, April 8 T Royal Botanical Gardens Centre Visit 80 displays and exhibits in a beautiful garden wondedand: 1O0s S of ideas and products for the gardening S enthusiast. Listen ta over 30 seminars by à Canada's top horticulturalists. tured Speakers: Kathy Renwald (Sat. 12 & 2 pm) Liz Primeau (Thurs. 4pm, Sun. lpm) Daisy Moore Sat. liam) Denis Flanagan (Thurs.1 & 3pm) Lorraine Johnson (Sait. lpm) Haig Sefarian (Thurs. 6 pmt Lttie Green Thumbs Wolcshop: 10 diff erent crafis and gardening activities for kids. Daycare available for children 3-10 years of age. Enter ta Win a Trip for Two ta Hollandi 2-9p.m. Saturdey9-9p.m. Sunday9-Sp.m. L. ~OL Il~44T AIU~D UMLA Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Skiers and snowboarders came out in droves ta Glen Eden this past winter.