The Canadian Champion, Tuenday, March 27, 2001-7 Centre seeksý nominees: Women of Year awards ,Night to remember Milton District High School principal Barbara Singleton (right) was presented the Tom Ramautarsingh Education Award from Betty Rameutarsingh during the North Haiton Culturel Awareness Council's celebretion of the International Day for the Eliminetion of Racial Discrimination Wednesday. Ms Singleton along with many others including The Champion were presented awards for their work in fighting racisim et the Town of Halton HUIS Cultural Centre. Lese Santra XE wth Or special cas pech Valus Opton Package eîea for eniy ci@0 126-HP 1.6-litreangine@ Air ccndiiicning - 4 speaker AMIfU with CD audio sysmr * Coicur-keysd bcdy aide mouldinge - 60140 aplit holding biench seat * Centre con- soieasrmrrest - Vanlty miireors * And mm... Fo e22UWnop e«JîI5fer, sn afij paeaua. jathm iokyuffli. a ia tkvw, Mr g io Loaso Altima GXE with Or special cash parchase Convanience Package price ai 2 8Io*:$f24m S,21 ,498 155-HP 2.4-litre DOHO origins * AMIFM with CD audioi sysiemn * 4-apeed autimatic tmnasmieaion* Air conditioning * Power windows and locks * Power hesed mîreors * Anti-theit systisin * 6-speak- er 1 00-watt AMIFM/casaete with CD audio sys- ta. . Andi more. The cati lirr tsiittîtîts sý uîtderv% av tr Haltios tiiîrth inituat \Vrrtteît (t tîte Ye.îr awards tir be presetsted hy theVirtes hlirmatiion and Support Centre rît Haltirt b etter kttov nl for shoirt as the Wý'iitens., Centre. Thse awards wîll be presented at a recep- titu and cercmcrny Tuesday, May t at Glen Abbev Goill Club in Oakvttte. Thse awards bîînîur the many wîrmen ti Halton whose exemplary services tii cthers raise tbe bar on leadership, responsiveness. action, perseverance and social awarencss. Tbey're neighbours, relatives and coil leagues -women wbo exemplily integri- ty and determinaticîn. Tbis year's keynote speaker wîlt be Linda Lundstriim, a leadîng Canadian lasb- ion designer and businesswoman. Those interested in nominatîng an indi- vidual are asked Io descnibe tbeir candidate - whîî must live in Hatton b y cttng ber leadership abilities; challenges she bas met and obstacles she bas overcome; bîîw she bas made a dillereuce and detnonstratcd ber strengtb. A personat profile sheet sbîîuld alsîr accoînpany tbe tctrm. Nonminations inusi be receîved by tîte Women's Centre by Tbursday, Apr. 5. Nomîinatioîn lorms are avattabte at the Wonîen's Centre lîrcated at Hîrpedate Mati, suite. 210, oîr by calliîsg the centre at 847- 91 il- FThe cgîîtîeîniig :oli ttcLte is C\fircttllC a1 repeat set t irtt autdiec ]tickets corst IS25 each and itiay bc obtained b\ tit or calitng tlle Wîîmen's Cenltreý Prirreeds ftrfilet event are designated tir support the work orI the centre, a regîs- terd charitable e-an izaton. SUNDAY APRIL 22, 2001 4M oohWors e fîiends e- CALL 1-888-822-846 OR REM ON-UNE AT WWW.SUPçRCMTEWALK.COM IN VOUR COMMUNTY a.§ty . e.TGGE eA ETI O FRAL Extra strength mortgage relief. Our Deep Discount Mortgage delivers great savings in the fîrst year and beyond. mhîte citoose tihe lient year, raie, wittt hen adjusteit mi. Or you ons for thse igage. )uni irabte. Bank tlaring motage Nîea euira cash treadaches? Relief's nom setttiug in? You rau avaitatite! tomer payments for Tise Deep Discouut based on tise tomer MortgageC fromt ID Banks and ougoîug paymenis t Canada Trust detivens a tinst (i 9 for thie rest of tise te year annuat inieresi rate of 9 5 cas p ay a fitud ami 4.95%. And for thse resi t entie tenri ioi tise n your 5- 7- or iii yeur terril Tise Deep Disici you gri a rate goamonteed Ir 4 . Mrguge -a comi be tomer titan tise isird pain-fee mouigage frurd raie ru etfi. misen you Lsorlution etro TD gris the monigage! and Canad Trust, Take a seat. Put Vourfeet up. Call the number laBANK IMI CanadaTrust wmmidcanada1t. om snwwcanadatrust.iom *Subject o meeting TD Banks and Canada Trust tending cnitenia Offer may be chauged. withdrawn orexended al auy tme, witout notice. Some conditions appty. Net asaitabte on renewats or in comination with any other offer or discourt. tDiscounts off posted fioed rates vary. rnieoom 5 rmVMi.n m-y -Mm g fte-W -àwg.>M.« x. *'