Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Mar 2001, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 27, 2001 êCoML~ CN terminal aire ady disturbing the peace Valcrie Kemp's situation is just the stant of what we foresc as many predica- ments residents will face since CN announced its plans to build an intermodal facility in south Milton. As reported elsewhere in this newspapcr, Ms Kemp, whose home is near the site of the future terminal, is caught between a rock and a hard place. CN cur- rently won't negotiate a deal to purchase her property, and at the saine time, the value of her home wiIl likeiy plummet due to the development. It's not uncommon that developments such as highways, waste management sites or even housing projects like the one near the E.C. Drury complex corne into the picture and disrupt peoiple's lives. Sometimes it's a case where people are reluctant to, accept change, or they don't do enough research intor possible future deveiopment near the properties they purchased and then are surprised by building proposais. However, that's certainly not the case here. None of the property owners could have foreseen thia. The area in question isn't meant for industry. And what's worse is democracy bas gone by tise wayside as thereas no avenue through which people can challenge thse development. T'Me fact that residenta are powerless makes them vidtima. Ibis simply isn't fair. Couidn't CN bave found somewhere else for its terminal somewhere where the peaceful lives of residents wouldn't be disturbed? OUR READERS WRITE Lot's b.anesv nchaIIonaîna CN Isnl' the CN deal in fact a federal matter? lbree yesmg qa lpuwcbased courity proetty in Miltoin. Ignew up is Milton asd wanftd my ebidre to bave ail dhe thingslwss fatun.lie enougb toetijoy. Tbos Ibing am~ abou i be mom oua fromuederu&. Bider cks of CN iee- modtal containers or a huge bons will block our vlew of tise esearMncnt There wlll bc lmcrad affle, ights, noise anfd diesel fumies; fiomt teuks and trains 24(7. CN discussed being fair and open widi amreseesidents. bot 1 find Ibis difficuit 10, believe. CN keepa telin us tisI deey don't know wisere de buiding will be oAftod or bow diey will be orcbostsute How is tbis possible, wben anyone wlro has ny bsmes exerince aies tisaI deey ge<ej"fle begln a peqict of Ibis nesgswde wideout monde or maybe yesrs of planning in advune? 1 realize tis Ralroed Act shlows CN 10 do vlrtualy wiatevei il wasts. Wts, my bopile tisat own aid regiona couneils wil be aggresslve, in eisiallenging CN oegaid- ing tise disnga were about to bac. Les demi wih dme couvents &Md issues now before evegydiings in place. K. Anne Laaby FTst Lln +THE CAVADL4N CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Mais St. E. The Cauflldials Champiam publisred every Tuesday and Fniday ai 19t Main St. E_ Milton, Oet. L9T 4M9 (Box 248), is one of Thie Metrolaed Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Peinting. Publnstsng & sribusing LI. gnoup ot subueban comparues ninic includes: A&axikering News Adoertiser, Adiston ((enald/Coune, Bannie (905 8 7 -2 3 4 MAdance. Barrp5s Bay This WeeK Botte tEterpeise, Brampton Suardian Suandian, Colngwood/Wasaga Connection, East Yonrk Mirror toin Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Adnoteounry Routes, Etobocoke Suandian. Flambonoogi Post, Sonnons Young. Georgetown Independantlkcton Ftee Pess, Hatton Business Sies, ituronia Business Times. Kigston mhis Wenk, Lindsay This Wenk, Marrham rsuvertising Fax: 876-2364 Economrit & Sur, MidiandiFenetanguisiene Mîrror, Milon Shoptping News, Mississauga Business Times, Mississauga News, Napanen Guide, Classified: 875-3300 Nassagaweya News. Newmrarketlburora rira-Banne. Northumberland News, Ian Oliver Publishl er Hoky es ri la Ioday, Oshawaffb/rs t0angrorrPol Penny This eet. Peterbioroughi This Weeii. Picton Courny Guiide, Richmond Neil Oliver AsnnripuOie Publinher MiIL/trornitiVaugian Litinral. Scanborougr Mirror Stouflvdle/snbrge Tribune. Wendy McNab Aduerlising Mauager AMsrssieg rs acceptet on trie condition tMal, in trie nient of a typ- grapricai ernor niai portion oftan adonrtming strace occupieit Sp dre erro- Karen Smithm Euliiîr mous item. rogetier wnti a reaisonasie alloneance ton signature, oi nor rie Steve Crouer (in- ultoîi Maînager Criaigndor ti Sohre baiance ut thie adnrIreneni Oi SP pad for at trie appi cabie rate The puStister reserues thri ght o caregorone adiertisements or 'fti'- sa...,., declur Dear Editor: Once agais Milton's expensive Officiai Plan asd Destiny Milton have proves of uie value in con- troilitsg asyone wanting to put up more tisas a sign or build more than a garage, deck or gardes sised. Tise 0MB pretty much trumpi any Milton plan anytinme and CN's fed- cmal charter, wisich lets raiiways do preîty mucis whatever they wast, bas everyone beaL. In the case of tise proposcd CN lands, tise railway operates under federal charter and doess't need tise Town's, Region's or Province's approvai. So isn't tisis in fact a fed- cmil matter? Ratepayers are mostly wasting tiseir time at town council without tise inclusion of our federal MP Julias Rced. CN doess't need to give local ratepayers any consid- cratios or commos cowtesy. Mayor Ans Mulvale of Oakvilic says tise raiiway makes a lousy seigisbour but can't do mucis about it. One argument prosrided by tise railway is that our plasned induatri- ai area sorts of Hwy. 401 docss't have tise fiat lands and/or raiiway/road access secessary for tise terminal. 0f course it does and CN, tows councii and town plan- sets know it dors or at lest they shouid. Tise real matter is tise corit of our serviced lasd versus tise farmnlasd beisg purchased. Tise serviced industriai property Miltos wasts tol develop is between $185,000 asd $220,000 per acre. Tise CN farm- land purchase peter wili soon be availabie but local developers teil[ me it shouid be about $15,000 to $25,000 per acre. CN iss't stupid and given its exclusive charter we ail would iikeiy do the samne tising. Take tise beat deai. But wisy dors tise raiiway get toi play by différent miles at a distinct cost advantage over any other formi of deveiopment? Wisy do we bots- ce with an Officiai Plan at ail? Why is tise Regios being so pliable is this matter? Are we as ratepayers flow expected to subsidize CN tisrough road improvements? Miltonians were forced to spend thousands of tiseir tax dollars put- ting in infrastructure for industriai developmest. That's where neon industry is supposed 10, go. CN's yard would be as ideai tenant for the James Snow Parkway extension piannedjuat sorts of Hwy. 401.The acreage, rail accesa and highway accesa wouid prove safer and more convesient for every Miltonias and truck driver. Having 1,000 trucks per day, seves-days-a-week cruis- isg our local roada shouids't appeal toi asyone. This should be a conceru toi ail of us, sot just CN's proposed sew neighbours. Cas tise Tows and Regios do something relative toi developmient charges toi make Higispoint and tise surrousding industriai lands more attractive? Probably, but tise ques- tion iri wiii they and cilliit bc enougs> In tise meastime, ask Mr. Reed why thse rsiicays continue toi receive archaic preferentia treat- ment over asy otiser forrit of devel- opmnent. Patrick Kelly Milton Pud by Steve Nease am The, ~ C&-"w Ctwnpms à Rocyckibb Produd qa iim cibles Prtodut-itipn.44idnager

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