Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Mar 2001, p. 8

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8-The Canadian Champion. Friday, March 23, 2001 Hiuln SC1ýHOOUL REPORTÏ Ira #>èi 1'r, ý 0 Rebecca Moore welcomes Julie local aesthetician with 3 years exper Jucît\lîic& lie Eiîd Skin Care Hair Removal Body Treatment * Make-up Application * Specialized Treatments * Hand & Foot Care V 4 Coto &X #MWo uowon b", 0* ' & IV4«ý e Ir , i< W, '& *Full Aesthetic Services Edwards, ence, to Vida Spa * Spa Packages + Brow &Lash Tîntîng i * Gft Certîficates 42 Bronlte St S. (iust soutb of Main St. 04314 coe ody r K41 9 09âO- A' u c o e M o d y P l.' q VV< *~~~~~~ « 4 < l 4« V r e >a& 4 ! BISHOP REDINO lIon SCIIGOL MRyon LafcboisePyne Royal Report By Mark Laframboise and Ryan Pyne WVill sItidents ant eichers rciîirning t roili Ilie Mirch Bre k. activilies a( Bish(6p Rediiig are once iguin "rottg" aiead. li îiiim senioir qludenis t cciii y retui ed fo t itiiici r eighi-day cxcursioin Ioi Riit mil Florence, iialy y li ad (lie chiance t iisit huiih religionus aind hiiiirical sîghis I ike [lie Ciilisseuni and Michelaiigelii's statue of' D)avid. Ot ilicir final day ihcy aiiended a papal audience ai Ilte Valican. l'li entire trip was an experience ot a litetittie. "And flic isiniier s .... "lday, Studeni Govierrnient held al -Pick the Oscar Winner Comnpetîitin' in hiimeriiini classes. As a tcaii students aîîd teacliers pickecl whîî thcy thiiuglîî wiiild wîn Acadeîîîy Awards nr categliries frîîîn Besi Picînre iii Besi Visual 1Eflîects. Watci (lie shoiw and sec il yiiur class' selecîtiins were coîrrect. Tîte liieriiini si1h flie ilos coîrrect answers wil wîn an 'Oscair-lîke" prîce. Suhîtîti yiiur literacy itiasterpieces Io flie annual -Write Nîîw bI terary Cinpetitiiin' and join flie Iiterary Inasters oft flte ssil.Iethree categories are: pîîetry. fictioin and nîîn-tîcttiin îwhîch inclucles toctioiîrs. edîtorials, essays and anythîîîg hased lin truc lîfe expertencesl. AIl categitries are oîpen lu huîtl flic Interîtiediate and Seniuor divisioîns. Anytîne. whî is inter- ested, is encîîuraged tii start wrîtîng. AIl entries are due on Frîday, Aprîl 6th. Next, Wednesdlay. Bîshîîp Redîng is hostîng a Social Justice Benefît Coîncert. The event will irîclude entertaînînent, colîc and sarlîlus presentatîions lii proimîte soiieal justice awareness. Priiceeds ofi îhe event wîll bic dîinated lii the Mascîîrrîî Famîly and The Nutritioîn t-lîuse in Guatenmala. 'Tickets are avaîlahle iii the pîa//za. The atinual -Thînk Fast- is quickly appriiachtng. On March 3ttth li 3 1 i stîdents Il liasve lie îîppîrtuîîîty Ioi particîpate in a s arîety if* actîs lties that wîlI inecase awareness and coni- passioîn l'or thîise whui are less liirtunate. The îwenîy-lîîur hsîur fast wîl I raîse îîîîîney foîr Nutritioîn Flouse. Foîr nmire tniiria liomn sc Mr. Karez oîr Ms. Doîyle, the Chtaplin. Attetion graduatng students. Valedîctoiîran nominnatioîns are due Aprîl 2nd. More detaîls can he f -oundc ai Student Services.> Wtth Sundav hetng the Acadeiy Awatds, ste clise wîth a quille front the inîîvîe Gluîulîor: -I will see yîîu agaîn. But nol yel. Nol yeî.* DATELINE DRURY Av E.C. DRUET H10H SCHOOL Joanne Gunding Lindsey Harrold SPRING 15 FINALLY HERE' After a refreshing Mareh Break. students returned to the classroctm ready t0 .prtîlg ahead tnto the new season. Our first week back ineluded everything from att cxcit- ing match on the ice t0 a fîerce School Reach foumai- ment. Our Boys and Girls Hockey teatos heated up the te inside Thotnpson arena Wednesday afier school. The match-up ettded wîth the hoys wînning 8-3. Selected tnmers of hoîh teamns will joîn forces to take on the teachers next Wednesday ai 4:00. You nighî just wani 10 check tf oui! Moving onto itellecîttal competition, yesterday the memhers of Drury's ouistanding School Reach ieanm travelled 10 Loyola to compete in their final tournament hefore the Championships. This dedicated group of eighi studenîs showed their oppontenîs how sîrong ieam work and a love for knowledge really pays off! Be sure lvi check ont how this îeam does ai the Championships on Friday, April 6th. As the days continue 10 gel longer and longer Drury's hig end of the year hash gels closer and clouer. For ail of you graduaîing this year, the date for Prom has officiai- ly heen set for Thursday, June 26th. 2001. You trtighi wanî 10 stant hooking thîngs now!. In other news, Golden Pen suhmtissions are due îoday. AIl fiction siories are encouraged t0 he hrought mbt the English office hy the end of the day. So, gel your siories Finally, here's someihing t0 take you into your first officiai weekend in Spring: "Lei your life lighlly dance oi tihe edges of Time like dew oi t he tip of a ceaf.' - Tagore ENJOY THE SUNSHINE EVERYONE! GRADE "&IA"P NEWS a AT MILTON DISTRICTf à Bien SCINOLIM Michelle Merkley Emily Willoughby Wetciie bat k iersille. Vsc hîîpc îiîi itI Iî,d aî îsîdertîîl Mardli Break. Sîtîdenîs tîcre liii c heeii \ii hs sîiîslice rciîîrî ing t riui Marirch î t ii as a . iicctliig hcld Mîoiiit lle r twoo t'or the girls siice r liii Studeits sufI îîîicrcsed slîîîîld lîsten fo iti îîîîîîîcc ilîcîlîs aboiut wiei the lest ilieetiiig will tic anîd sihei trylînîs hegin. '115 stiîiiîd alssi 1,1k ti N'Irs. Russe st-it i theeicac Sîîth,ît is ,îtsî ýi.rIiiig anîd studenis stîîîîîd t isicî tut aiiiiiuticeiieits abouiiît sîgnîing up anîd ssien iii ui s ll hegîîî Yoîî ciii iatk iii Mrs, Grîîîîîss. the coiach, tfor nmire îîîtîr- îiiatiîîî Arc >111 inieresicît ini teicn11g lui iiirîisc the t i es oi thuad ii cliitlreîî Yîiu c-an help Iii ced itîiusaîids iii stlrîing cîtildicît iii thîrd wiirtd cîlunties hy tuarticitiatiig iii (lie 30t lîîîr Faine. Tîte sîndent citunit wîtt tic rîîîîîîî i ls cxciii Aur!l 6ih aiid 7(h,. 20011, and it ysiî are îîîierested in iktig puari iii te faille sut stiîutd contlact a iîihcr li stîdent tîltîlîtil iii gel y tîlr pledute ttis. Tîte Sîtîdent Athîctie Assoiicationii s lîîsîîîîg a 3 lin 3 hasketuall tîlurnaitient iii hlîp fliIte Ha aîîd Sîrtîke Fiiuidatiiii. This ilî take place tit Mardi 3th trîîin 10:0t0 luni iii 2:111 p.ni. in (lie large gym. If yîîn are înterested in litls se Sean Mager tir Marly Macintyre tir more informnatiuon. On a fiai nîote we woutd tîke tii retttitd att students thai puttîng the lire atarmn ihen there is titi reastîn iii s a tedierat ullence and yîîu eau tic ctîarged. Alsît, ihere are signiticant lunes iii the setitîtî whten taise alarins cause ihe lire crews lu corne iii cur schîîîî. Wc as stîdeits may alst tie requîred iii itake up tîir toi imîe due iii thesc taise alarins. tinder the curriculumi wc arc required iii have Il0 Il îurs ofi sciiedutcd instructioin" eacti ssck. This sveck oit Wedncsday tie day tiad ii tic exîended by tise inuttes t ni 3:25 iii 3:311 dte ii lthe 2 taise ataruits îîultd thît day. Students îvith intformationî o(lin îe 2 tIlse ,îtaritis that îîccurred oit Wednesýday, tir isti knîîw ishî sel titI the lire- crackers, arc asked iii please tell îîs wtîî is resptinstite tir iliese ertinat ats Yîîu can Icîve lu aniiiyiniius nîtte iu the oîttice. tatk lu any icacher, the administratîion stt tir c,îtt Crînie Sitîppers ai t -80tI-222-TIPS tir 878 TiPS. We wîîuld like iii tlîank Doîn Stewart trui the lire statioîn and coînstahle Brendi Fraiser îîur cîîmmunîîy poliîce tîttîcer tir lîeling administrative staff deal isitti these prîîhtcms. 4. b 4 q p M Mm

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