Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Mar 2001, p. 4

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4-The Canadian Champion. Friday, Match 23, 2001 oiffcially designated as a Community Safety Zone Have your 2 &4 wvheel alignment checked by our I icensed technicians. DRIVE Accredited Test l3r2r' - m For ail ,ou AMt N..ada au Ou~0l et M. um f 01, ma"n 37~5 By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Onte otf the designated Comr-nurtity Safety Zones was neyer properly passed by counicil, a formner Halton Crown attorney charged. "Otntario Street hetween L-aurter Avenue and Main Street was îîttetîded to he a iîîned area. but it's neyer heeti properiy passed as a hv- law.' saîd Paul Stunt. non an Oakviie detence lanver represeuît ing a client trying to ighî a speed- îrtg ticket receîsed iii that aiea. "Tue stait recomtîîetded tl tii he adesigtîated area but it tiever otti- ctatty vas 'lie fies are douhied il vîture caught speeding in a comn- muntty satety zomne. Police have heen coiiectîng mîîney tor those tickets" In t1998, the Proîvince amended sectioîns ot- the Highway Traitic Act tii aliow the establishnment oi- Coinuniîy Satety Zones hy tocal inunicipalities. The Town's cutnînuntty services coînnittee reconîtuiended to cout- ctl Ontario Street, fron 2tX) metres north tif Laurier Avenue to 50 metres north uf Main Street, along with the ahove streets, be designat- "The staff reconumnde it to be a designated area but it neyer officialiy was. The fines are doubled if you're caught speeding in a comunnty safety zone. Police have been collecting money for those tickets." cd as a Cî'ntmuntty Satit Zone hegtnnitîg January 1, 2). But a third reading of the hyiaw-, April 26. t1999, n'hich iisted toîur streets tii he destgnated as saiety zones that wouid goî intîî etfect when priiper trahfie signs had heeti ercctcd and arc on dtspiay, didu*t incinde Ontario Street. The streets included in the hyiaw were Woodward Avenue frotnt Cahot Trail to Joyce Botulevard, Wilson Avenue from Macenzie Dri se to Wmnîdn ard As enue. C'amrpbeit Asvenue troin Guelph t ne (o Whectian Was andi Martin Street t rom Wooudn ard Av enue to Main Strteet. Signs hiase been up in the sug- gested area smnce the passtug. But a( Mvonidav's counicit mneet ing. at anierdinent vas passed lor tlic C'omtnunity Saltt Zotnes, which did include Otntario Street tht. timne arounid. Phi I Antoniow oii cominiutv sersv(ces, ltir the Ton tsaid Ontario Street n'as left ofitifthc Apri 2h hylan' approvai due tii a technicai- ts' "I'(tOnttario Street ) was tncliîded on tlic stfait reciiîttnendattiins' lie satd. But n'hen asked it suînteîîti couid juistiiiahly challettge a ticket receîved on itat parti t ficestreet hetweetî April oi t1999 atd last Mituday. Mr. Atttoniow saîd it wîîuld bc up ti the cuourt to decide. -Just hecause thec hyiaw nasntt passed doest't uccessartty iteat it wiiI iîîîd up tn court. Il was passed hy stait recominendations. It (flte hyiaw) was chailenged, you wouid have tii look and sec wiîat's apprît- priate ((tir rulingî. The issue wouid be the amutunt of the ticket, no( the ticket it.selt." applictions ncd ing the calcui acllcio ofaiMasoiaedfes issuance oermi permittr to PSCrate nd mananapiat adu nomainpcae Th Coordina reeoilbulng permniet, byla ermi an cnditinal lth permitipplications Sdeinitifyr Ibieoitopmn harge ana othe reired tbel colce atbudn permit sac aprpliartin, aintin h accuat eors and roletnorta llasca és Adiise thProceas il ype of idn permit applications, byo rcrhn n nuiniiail cs condiiosare mt *Calcate mntly satisicanthnotifrainpcae *Provide front line customer service Education and Experience Applicants should have a High School Dîploma wih additional college level busincss courses and thrcc years prior office cxpcricnce. Must bc profictent in Windows-bascd software including Word and Excel. Knowicdgc of information tracking database software and ability to rcad construction drawings is a definite asset. 'Me salary range for this position is $33.613 to $39,545. Intcrcsted applicanta should submit a reaumne by Mareh 30, 2001 to: Town of Milton, 43 Brown St., Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 Attention: Gloria Day, Coordinator, Human Resources Fax: (905) 878-4231 lu aceoniance with the Freedoni of Information and Privacy le4isiahion. applicarn information is collected under the authorty of the Municipal Act and will bc uaed strietly for candidate selection. White we appeeciate ail oesumcs oeoived, we wilI aofy ouly dtms applieats to bc inierviwcd. 4k ~ tel 's I Tires For Ail Seasons

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