Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Mar 2001, p. 30

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30--The Canarlien Champo:n Friday MAarS: 23, 2001 145 111p Wanted The Great Canadian Bagel Customer Service Person High energy teamn player available 10 work flexible hours. Witt train individual with a great attitude, enthusîasm and strong customer service skills. Resumes to. 500 Laurier Ave., Milton (905)693-0842 Knight Cap Now hîrîng for Kitchen HeIp. Fuît and part tîme positions avaîtable. Expertence an asset but not neces- sary, willing 10 train. Drop off resume ait: 270 Main St., Milton CASHIER Cashier requîred 10 worx three days per week including alternating Saturdays. No evenings or Sundays. Must be customer service oriented, neat, well groomed and accurate in math. This is a permanent part lime position. Not suit- able for a student. Fax resume to: Schuyier Home Hardware 385 Steelea Ave., Milton Fax: 90"-78-4049 ;Hut* Requires Driver & Part-lime Cook. Apply in person ta: 550 Ontario St., Milton Ask for Andre or Craîg Specialty Boit & Stud nc. A teadîng tastener dîstrîbutor is currentty recrsiting for the tollowîng available positions. Part timelFuIi Time Receptionlatlerical Duties %ilt indode recepteon, invoiing, accounts recervable, and dîner general office doties. Saccesslul candidates slioutd lave ttroog PC computer dsif anda edlogoess to leam. Inaide Sales Rep The successtul candidate mst be an eaperierced loside Sales Reprenenlative with a post secondary edacalion and a track record of success in sales. This is e cateer oppurtooity with an estabtished market leader Please send yosr resume to Attention: Office Manager Speclty Boit & Stud ne. 2880 Argentia Road, Unît Î, Mlaaisaauga. ON L5N 7X8 Fa 95)567-3894 E-mail: mfaîr@OepciallvbOit-2lUd.COmn Currently seekîng Kitchen Staff & Wait Staff Fuît and part lime positions avaîlabte. Apply in person t0: 243 Main Street East, Milton. CARRIERS WANTED Boys or Girls needed 10 delîver the paper. ZB026 Lamne Scots Dr., Nelson Cii., Trafalgar Crf. ZBO15 Woodward (partial) 450-632 aven ZD022 Harrison Rd., Lyons Crt. Ail other amas are eklome tb aPPlY. Cail (905)878-2341 extl. 231 Monday - Fniday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Nadia - Circulation Uit>t Canabian Cbampiol Milton Community Resourc Centre ECE ,5 mornings per week in tsar Nursery School prtsgrabn. Excellent Ieam envirtcnment. gond compensation. Please fax resume 10: Heather Jackson, (905)876-1273 by Mardi 26th. 2001 I-llp Wantect fi JOIN" THE TU We are currenfly Iooking for smiling fa Fuli-time Day Staff, Part-turneI Part-time Evenings, Nîght-Shuft ar " Flexible scheduling " Patd breaks te Pay for performance increases V Free uniforms be Fun work environment be Career growth opportunities We are currentfy hiring for our brand new resi 590 Martin St., Milton, Please appty in person or fax rer 878-7611 FARM WORKERS c-Must have own transportation Must be availabte weekends >-Somne experience working on tarm >!- Planting, hoeing, weeding, harvesting, and dleaning fruit & vegetabtes Other tarm duties Send rexume to: 905-875-3900 "Frele Tratining" COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US Cali us noi at: (905) 877-2251 Or 1-877-914-KIDS Laidtaw is an equal opportunity employer IIALTON RENTALL 375 Steeles Ave. E., Milton MECHANIC Futt-time. amati engine and tight con- struction equipment. Salary and Benetits Fax resumne to 905-878-5750 or cati 905-878-5740 SPAINT/DECORATING SALES PERSONNEL tul11-i ile posi tionc a:viitht for growing reii hbusiness. i-xlpericce recqilired. Mus't he ovoillinig ii wsons fiileht. tiftsi in.chidinrgîii5ictoiand weekeiids /'/eu.e drope n' oumo' te.> ACTON HOME HARDWARE 362 Queen Street East, Acton COMMUNITY LIVING NORTH HALTON A social service agency providing support to people with development disabilîties in Milton and Halton Hills has the totlowing position avaitable. jCasuel and Regular Part Time Support Workers We are tooking tor enthusiastic caring individuals reho have previous experience working with adulta with developmirentat disabilities in transition and in supporting people in their oren homes. Experience in Criais Intervention. Preventive Management of Aggressive Beheviour woutd bee definite asset. Att candidates must be available to work verlous shifts as needed. A Security Clearance will be required. Please forward your resume to: Terri Armstrong Human Resources Comunity Living North Haitlon 725 Main St. E. Milton, ON IlT 3Z3 Fax: 9054878-5413 Nein Wanfaed Hein Wantad Hein Wanted Net o Wanited Ff8f Wanied Invoicing/Stock Contrai Supervisor & Entry Levai Invoiclng/Stock Contrai Cierk Whotesale distribuo in Campbellville. is acceptîng 1resumes tor Invoicing/Stock Contrul Cepartment EÀ& M Must have prealoos experieuce in computeeoed euvironmeot, preterably in lumber/llooing industry. ces f0 join our Ces transportation required. Day Staff, Fax reune te Cellue (905) 854-6104 Id Weekends. Work whule your kids are in school! FOOD SERVICE PROVIDER IN OAK VILLE HIOH SCHOOLs REOUIRES: SHORT ORDER COOK & GENERAL WORKERS Fuît and part-lime - Benetits Plan taurant, Iocated ait Unitorm supplîed * Competitive wage Ont. Caîl for interview 416-255-6131 Esi. 491 oumie to "Before t started Civello Salon-Spa. ose of Caoada's ar Home Depot, I leadîng Beaaîy and Wetlness Ceaires. has didn't know 000 excellent career opportantiies for dedicated much about home and arohitteas individaîs toiv Jota eain. improvement. a F/T & P/T ESTHETICIANS (Oakrvilie) Nowel tn coxpert! - REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPISTS mynef SOexpet!" WE OFFER: Cotopetitive salary, a ceapre. We dec' rxf-, ,,u, tensive henefits package and exitensîve nectrm cnbccc training and grosith tpporliiniiies > Le cnvi ccc>iîg t'lease sendi yîcur resumes Ici Lirr i eto Sica aboat hi lhonte LiprevecieL S.- Cozzetto, (416) 754-2484 e.dLLcLY it has bec, or e-mail: scozzettoeeotlega.com tentcy ye.ucieeeeand ,cie,' illlearing.i DLL, an >d expaasonc. RENOVATIONS PLUS bto,nîeoutp:.,ibe,LO E EM OYE peeple th. aie as uteaphaf w r Foul basement apartment conversion. ai oxbn1 Most bu azp4eIead le »Il uns fellewlfrag: pun at,nowhrg Cood Isyper, Framer, plumbing, doyerali, paLnting, fiditimeMst have sas transportatLon, Drivers LLc, aumncate fore and 10 yesîs verîliable exporieuce. aIl deparnsentat 81.1t i.diataiy Appl in erso at:CaI (905)847.0619 2920 Argenadu Rd. Mintisaug., ON Cait 1.e77.JO55.4 HD Anffi MANAGER JOIN A VWNNING TEAM Aneocetleint employment opportunity awaits an enthusiaotic individual lookiog for a chattenging job in a faxt-paced envi- Irooment. Fao pour resumie to: Oave Frederick, Field Operation Mgr. Oi~ e~c, eq:ai(905) 637-7745 LdposL::LLL Fuil-time Day Staff e Customer Service 145 Janitorial HMP Wnted Paid traiaing *sliff promiue P A T 1 E Emplayea banal ils PonAtruTctio IuMer Apply inperson or call CoosrucLoo Supr ~ 5051 Harvester Rd, Bulîî9lori, waoted ta supervise 905-681-1841 extensive addition and _________ reoovation lu an exiot- - ________ i09 home in Town BLOSSOMS UP The Shoe Resideotial constrsction Sho @ Houe i Company aoperieoee required. Apictos Working for the truiler. Home parti Rep cetn Apiain PIeuse caîl 905-878- Needed f or 6103 aer 6 pm. Top Commissions Paid Maaper inJTdaintO C ecu atIvo Hume Sals.As3soilIs THE perfect joto l sup- Accessorivs Casflies plemerit pour income. A Wbuughl ion. oves, App yait Booth $121 buay deliveip and lake- gits etc. Cuii: Apri 17 aI The HalIon out restaurant 5s 00wJo& aerFi hinn moeget pea- (90) 813-7324 Jb&C tF pel P/T deliveiy drivers, eam base pay plusagain- emaus lips. Also hiring P/T Kitehen staff. Appty in person, WingsUp! 46 Mi S. Mlon ........ SAI.ESPIERSON need- SALES REPS VETERINARY Hospital ait. Top dollars paid toi Regeirtd lot high loolesg for mature par- slsesnwt art vlm eiihp non t0 worlt flexible saeaperonnd/or farn votlmex dealrsv h o a r aIm ins eperine (daya/evenin.ga/week- oern senernce MR o ait m u need ends) Expenenee an No lalln ne19o83- Malo a e umCe assaI, lot mafti tesks. aary CR<1)3- lM C Mrip St. rE.,m Mili 491 5:30 pin oeekitaya fo 900 Walker's LLne ManS.E eo, more information. rlgIfLINZý Fax (M U-17 50 150 fOlp titol rs Iookiug tolu itIhe position o! ASSISTANT SALES MANAGER Tht candidate shuuld have oed urgauiloalan sd administrative skîlls. ailh excellent communication and sterpersosai skîis. Tht position requîies fleexible aoîking hours sud the ahility vo wvsk weekeods and vome evenings Eoperience sn the hume luînîshînigs iudustry is îeguired Stoney Creek Furoilure aili pruvide required trainigo, a positive work enuLtOonmenl, inourance benefls, and a genesoun empisyte purchaso program. Remuneration is cummeusurate a/fl the appticaot's abitities. Resumes cao te emailed lu: Itee@sclusnLlure.con os mailed lu the attention ut Jim Fet. 395 Lewis Ruad, S:ooey Crvtk, Ontario UBE 5N5 T RADES Graham Packaging Canada Lîmîted, s seekîng an Saellfaite Certif ied iameMtal Electuicisa - 1 0LI@$"as MiiwrIdh - I tori 10 Burtînglon tacility. Duoies inctude trou- btoshooting probtems ou varîvus types plastic pro- cens machines sond retated equipment. Dur neveu day cuolînvtouo shitt operation, olters a competîtîve houry sale. comprelsensive tenetîts package and tht oppor- lunity lv appty your technicatty advanced ski/ls wlIS ose ut tht wortd's premier manufacturer ut custom- made blua moutded plastic containers. Please appty iu confidence lu: GRAHIAM PACMAINS CANADA LIMTED 4041 Nu/th Servce Rd.,Burlînglun, ON, L7L 4X6 E-mail: brianresch@grahampackaging corn Hialton Women's Place As organîoatuon yîooîdîng sale shelter for abuned aomen sud their chîldien, lequires au Administrative Assistant (One peur contruet) Tu provîde a range ut administrative tanks lv support tho tuocîluns ut tht Board ut Directors, Management and tht organialîoc as a aboie. Tht succestut cao- didate munt lie proticiOnt in Micrusoft Office îoclud- îog Word, Accens and Eacel, have an ahîlîly lu work aîth the public in person and on thetlephoot and ht wîltiog lu assînt wîth tond raîsng planning and àclivities. Sume evenîing sud wetbend hours may be requîrod lu accommodaIt tuod raisi09 activîtits. Pont necundaîy sflice training is re.îtoîred, Evytrience is au asset. Mail or fav pour resumue hy March 30, 2001 lu Theresa Griler, Executive Directar Halton Womten's Place 2025 Gueph Line, Suite 223 Burlinglon, ON L7P 4X4 Fax 905-332-1155 Email-tareer@haltaawam.aaalaCe cean ho telephone en qoîries please CuIy thos selectoit toi an interview aili tif! coulstit CANADIiAN REH> CROSS tt)MMEiNITYSERlVltES t o>e)RI>INAEOR 1,)(ATION: NORII i-ALTON Thc Canvliv teI Croos i, occkivg applicuris liii 1k position il (eleinin Sen icns (îoordinatir, ticiiiily sespcicoible fori deoclepiiy vol uo itiig aspects of Red Criss services and initiativs vvithiîi Milton andS Hatiii Hîllo. The poiioin inovves liaion wîih oiber oiiieisiiy agecco. devctiipixg. impteeioicard evaltaiic a ibre year business plao, and playno an active role in rhetrecrcint. dro'iiipicg eail imptecîcclîxeg new tlit re.aligxed services/initiaives. Tht saccesîfat candidate mîlI hi a wett ergaxîeed team player, widi excellent computer siîtt aod pessilî 3-5 yearx experience in the secial servicen field. Expentance ini werkîxg with toutuieers andrat eic plansnn expentence weutd lie defisiit uselo il pis ame inereund in tibm encîsteg eppotîuty, pliant tend Manager, Field Operations Canadian Red Cross Fax: (905)845.5649 BONUS! ~IICIassied Ads happear at...

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