The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 23, 2001-29 MONDAY TO FRIDAY Casfe d js i 9:00AM -5:00 PM appear at.. YOUR CLASSÇifriRD HOMMIE i875-3300 ~ rmfooiacapo~o 1 Iwtibcmmhpý8!i UPICOMING MARRIAGE 30 "Zwý L I I I I ' Iom(mzl I'P O NI V Bobn, and Chistine.r Donegan vioh mo atinoiure iils- idqicorriiit' mriageih( oif t/reu- daugliter Sher ry 1I> Jonathan Scott, so<n <oh ( & Shairomn Scott o/ /-ti' Tir(,'coiqiie riil reA'i.i in Kilcheure 1 MEDELA PRODUCTS - SALES & RENTALS Better Living Home Health Care Inc. Also specîalizing in Wheelchairs, Walkers, Sports Medicine, Bathroom Safety Equipment, Compression Stockings & more. 905-875-2458 CRIPPS - Derek and Janica are pteaed toý sonounce tire arrivai ut tirer tirst ciid, Justin Morvtin, on Marcir 15, 2001 melghîug 7 Ibu. FimIt 2 randchild for Bd sund Kathleen Cripps of loronto. Second grandciid for Merm Bell ut Miltonr sud Donna al of Guelpir. Gresl-grsnd- cfrild for Besînice Cripps, Edus Bell sud Ken & Ruby Homney Tirs toi Dddy sud Aunt Jenu for ail tireir support during labour sud delivery. Specal lirenks t0 Dr. Sirun, Dr. Kostowuki, Nurse Carol sud ail lire OB nurses et MDH. FREY - David sud Merie (nee) tfizzini sud ecule- tic sud proud big sisfer Sers Marie are plessed f0 annourrce tire birtir of tireir second cirild, Asti Eloe Frsy. Asiey Biens wss humn on Febary 16, 2001 eithlie Milton District Hospitl weigtrig 6 pounde 2 ounces ai 10:00 s.m. 1 would like lui thsnk my Daddy andi Mummy for c irne a beautiful baby sister sud elso for gin- rgme a best friend toni. 1 woald elso like lu tireni my Nonno sud Nonne for tsking sucir gond cae of me muile my Mommy sud my baby sister were et tire ioupitl. Tiars-yu Nunno& Nonne. Loue y ou etiesys Sera Me e. Baoted gr'ahaenîs Giaseppe sud Pieusea Vizzînu sud <min sd eErmna Frey. Tirriiled auntansd uclea. Lots of cousins tirnied to bita witir lira ue addi- lion lui tire femiiy, Speoi tirenk ta Doctur Sirerma sud Doctor Robinson sud the nurses ou tire OB wurd for yoar heurt wurmiug presance duriug my stey. MELANSON -Kanin and Sandra (nea Witîe) are datigirled toaunnaunce the arrisai ot thir tirai cirild, Jonathan Gerry, maigtring 7 ira 3 1/2 ozu Jonathan autered tire wortd ou Februury 8, 2001 Prouri tirai time grundipurenta are Gerry Wite ot Budgar, NF sud Aline White oi Moncton, NB. A maicomari sixtir grunictrild for Angeto sud Yolande Meaason oi Shadîac Bridge, NB. Lanari by ait iris aunts, ancien, cousinsansd friands. Spacîi tirauka ta Dr. Andrigresti. nurse Sandra and ait tire staff ut OTMH. ROSIELLO. - Bi brothe James wents lu Itel eveiyone about iris besuiful baby sister "aalle Anne, bom on Tursday, Mercir 15.2001 et 5:30 p.m. weighang 6 Ibs8oz. Proud parenlts Nick & Parsi RosWIel sud graudiparents ViBtorio & Rabea Rosnello sud Jin & Carol Davrduon. Harer felpr Bety asu ai ion limetmem- ble ut Grsee Agican Cfiructon sng n 7tr ciuri cor. So ire ofs ah Carter em.H ber af Hleont Cirete 820,oner of Stiepe BsemeSter Clm fMilton tBsrea cemeand is frkend plae. Af Celrtion. 0f ii e semice miseha irer oura aned ati.Siey Meci7.201 te rs Angica Ciarcir ofetl:0hA. n euut fa alongmer donaion be faeAnglican Chirh rad ban y thie tir JScoir. Ee Fu ahrersHm,2 Jame Stf Millon (906- 8782669). th Eat MEn.A Doree Mry usaneatson)a Okn oen esday, Macr 2, 2001 a1 ire Mngiaon Distrch t H1sp:00 AM.e an luog hawrdoainrsc cambhe Cdl c ancer eoareuty, for ire gierJ Scft irailte, hema He eosue, 2aei.r suMity de9rm5 eto87u8-e26Gog".H. coUraE ntreu fae 0f d eai atrbtsn Ounr meory, irar ha lice on0 n tire eirtn stric oita aotol er, onard hyil su-u uritoin touacr) ure so mimed.u fhe tee ba fhînd il heset inraaun ar, her haresvedpcrsiden orgeis, tener oi su Maie gandcityden Mni Puai Michel uon" Sur, core in irthae Dofn rath sa ribt Rasl and Ducsy hund siae lVe n con tesos mand Fait nd ln tucareouy cîsîtd attir McKars Kacirar Faera Hmeas 114 an Grdot, Mîlio Faerai seiren Gueurgy, Mharon 24, 2001 ai, irn ren tark Pa0ut, Mchtand ESraee Csetei rt Doin la tier udin Cund ocietynd Vituder uta n Nuess rti Mîo tumily adfinsmyvsta h cese oober mya Homey my4 litrpMiltdon oued8-45 yoam alit trcad ua9 Wsp non meda, 1:0bmai couage toke Loue s ter an my sake Fotrmn thos owai oue on go amsy, in ete Dom onations toth adinCce Thcey iton ODiro sstric th osita Hoiultur oieton l are appreciated. h 30 MacLEOD - McCUAIG, June (nias Ratliffe) Suddanly at her home in Cumpbellville on Monduy, March 19, 2001 .June MacLeod, betoved wife ot Hugh MacLeod and the tata Bob Mcçuaig. Loving mothar ot Joanne and her husband Dr. Robert Clement, Peter McCuaig and his wite Debbîe also her step chitdren Joanne and irar hunband Guy Marshal and Pat McLeod. Sadly mîused by her grandchitdren Adam Clament and Joshua Marshall, Metmnsa, Jennitar and Katie McouaîgLovingly rarnambarad by har brotir- er JackRatcliffae.amily and friendu visited at the McKarsie-Kocher Fanera Home 114 Main Street Milton 905-878-4452 trom 7-9 pm on Tuenday and 2-4 and 7-9 pm on Wednenday. The Fanerai Service wus held on Tharuday, March 22, 2001 ati 100 pm from Graca Anglican Church 317 Main St. Milton. Interment fottowad ut Milton Energreen Cematery In lieu of ftoweru Memoria doua- tionu ta tire Milton District Hospital Foandalion or tira Victorian Order ut Nurses in June's memory woutd ha apprecîatad by the tamity. WILSON, Rose - Peaceully, ut tire Joseph Bruni Mamorial Houpital in Burlîngion on Saturday, March 17, 2001. Rose Wilson, betovad wita of the tata John Wisn. Loving mother ai Marie and har huabard Raymond Oryar, Dorean and irar huoband Rona Tuck, Jack and iris wîte Kathy Wilson, Dan and hin mite Ann Wison ard Jo-Aune andi har iruuband Bilt Van- Slingarland. Sudly mîuuad by her 14 grandcht- drer undi 16 great-grandchldren.The fanera Mass wa catabrated ai Holy Ronary on Taenday, Marcr 20, 2001. Donations ta the Ontario Heurt and Stroke Foundation in Pouens memory woutd ha appraciated by the tumiy. 7 icrnfiir Ai hofitns R7R-2PRÇ fradrilsand cmoars ut usCaad mare maseis lpacved ilu was cye touciern t sec u muy. form thenmris esneigror tiram tieMliraee mir frm erdRz n u curKer y gucen u-c ud ihyan express your usner taRzuspcu "Ar Tth man da o ynue Bs, Fn Rad Muro whol wern thmupas ireata firalp mntveryhesy W a gtai ors ti re au- tîncur mRmoearh flura rby Lyn Haes, Lorrain Beound Brlsîffoandti Kcuaraemnt ,ta Don iem eatvs sud Peu ohnArose tNaantada mecaýt preatn Al cs pecra tuhn ta, for iris suppore suds andougiral ous sud l fAndr. ewltakst id Doug sdlr taf0 cers-Kofire heo for te xelent nse"e Vuars lardes hy av abs han reemard. hnyo Alleer to Rozs Bspel" Geif Mond Rush BJohn ranoand Mot Ceee &ly Lw eII W to tiu eore hrd famIly aie, oran Il WANTED. Team ton SCOOTERS tan tira HAIRSTYLIST - Peutý Mers Slo Piich Leagua, Piryaîcaiy challengea A-Chair. Spacialty in rn Milton. 30 gamea, (Fan Sala/ Leune) Some Up-do's wash and banquai andi ompuran ued anaîtable, Cal styla. 873-4907. Indiauduais waicoma Scooter Jm 1-800-850- HEPWndAat (905)875-3148. 3012 aSeL talntd.Aca u- sstalation tram Marcs ta LCOMEDecembar. Muai hune a AiEL ONF co pW Oinang bacr. yaur amu car and ha dlean coi * Ne in uwn7Lais of uvaulubla irours. N ewun in n 3 HSLE Fa $9.50 par iroar ta nîart. maciner mare? Copn n 3 peur Fr-e Cai (905)854-0995. month or mre? naniy mih is peur an- LABOURER requurad. *Haviug a baby? site. luctudes Helbdesk Muai ira bonduble, *Esrablishine a Software Support, Pli, irurdmorkung, reluabta 1000Mhz murh CD PW, wiir driver's luccuse. new business? lais of cuiras. PIeuse cai (905)878- PLEASE CALL US: $22.50/mk. 1-800-267- 0308. 9466 mmw.crazvcatsdi- LANDSCAPE Coutrac- csmmunity Caesm ec.o Lia/la 854-1563 ion nom hînung. iupanu- Saris . 332-4799 ence un landacapa cou- ATTENTION struction, DZ îceuse, Brutal & Baby TENE qu îpment operuia Trucs 876-4330 INTR E ara aeutallnt assena. Business/Prstessinnai USERS Leari irnd andi labourer Fui 76 b10 Un)iife Acess positions asuilubia Fac Pat 86-400 Unimite Accss an E-mal nenumae ta ccc uutcaourmagoa ca only $15.95, grea 905-629-7985 or local service and LANOSCAPING inter- W support f rom lock construction Com- SURFSW pany requirs Cram APPLIANCES - maige, THE yan auperranca, bard- 2 doar Stase Muyiag morkung, dlean cul pro- uutomaic musirer, dry- NET fssna /celi er. Also, apurtmni set. "peuple" akuls $12 to, Under marrsnîy. 873-2602 516/bn. Ganerut (905)637-8328. Lubourer - 1-2 yaars espenaence, herdeurr- CARPET i irace sesa ing clean cuii mîeuceîîenî 11000 yrds. ut nee > peuple" skiîîs. $9 Ici Stauneraster & 100% ny- $12/hr. Fas: 905-844- ton carpet. Witt do icing- 93 Mail Foresivie roomn & haillfon $349. lui- VOLUNTEERS WANT- Landscaping 5423 dudes carpet, ped & sn- BD. Milton District Hou- Britannia Rd, Milton. stallation (30 yards) pitl Ausdliary as seekiug L9T 2Y1. Stece, 639-2902 volunteer candidates for DIRECTV Satellite Board positions. If inter- LANDSCAPE Main- Systms. U cad p ested pîsase cai tenance & Construction ysm.HUcd ro- (905)878-2383 sud cornpany requines suer- grsmming, $80. Hcard lseeesdprn eî niiul uji fis. boul loader $99. ev aeadpoe gtciiiulsoion Hge& oybo-namber. our team. Must ha bard Hugirs & ony out-working sud neliable loaders acait. mîtir positive attitude. Progrsmraed HU carda Wages stert et $8.50- $350. Complets system $10.00 hr besed on es- RCA4220 ertr duel LNB Mpenience. Cal (905)875- $429. SP2 Mod chips 0640 or fax resume lu iuastled, $100 futIl ESTHETICAIN neqairei (905)875-3577. functiona. Ait muo for estabisied busy LOCAL tandscape guaraniseer (519)830- s aMst ha abSlu su opn eqie an 1273, (519)853-2409. mork Saturdeys. Onty mpnanye neîs mein- FREE Estîmates... Gut mature, neliable persons ens license sud uwn eobby on bruken neari apply. Also Regus- transportation an assat. chairs? Weak sofa or tsred Massage Thers- Some espenence pre- chair upningu? Soir pst. 873-4907. ferrari but nul necesuary foara? Tired lociing FULL-TIME esper- ut yuu are s irardwurr- moud tinushes?.. Then euoed Loaders neqained ung, reliebte, indivudual. cuit Fields for ai m- for busy tumber building (905)878-6984 on fau ne- tara reas and custoru mutenuats distribution auras tu (416)209-0790. moud refinisiring. 9- yard/msarhuse in MANG aSnDig duuty, (905)875-4427 Mution. Must ha able ta NAGre. m at pen-eg NEW Yeur Sala- No euhk un outaude environ- igfrsoemngr GST or PST. We puy ment. Lifttruck uzrtiticu- 2+ ugr frta mueger,- tire tuas. Grat tabnic lion un ussai, Pieuse fux ance Juin tire munag- saleciion andi greai sus- ranumas ta: (905)876- ment taru tasppyung ungal Sofa & muicing 3230. un persan mut hranuma, chair tram $778. Lose- FULL-TIMB Generul Sun Diego Guru., Milain seuls tram $448. Chairs labaunars manted (2). Mati, Marcir 26 & 27 tram $199. Frac Es- Heay lifting reqaîreri baimeen 11AM andi tuimuit FuiIda oCtusiam (prx50 lis). Cali 3PM, attention Trîcua C'gcauy Kelly @ (905(878-2451ý Charters. (905(875-4427 FULLTIME uaftmoon & NOW hîuing ftaimeaiu- PIN aa aa - mîduigiri Supemuisor, ternoona & mîduigrmn PIAO sle Kaai e-Candidate muni hase Pays sirt pnamîum. mas andi useri pianos. imo ar mure yaars un ca- Candidates muni hase Ait rasi ha careil 211 iaîeruu-syua service. 2v yesrs cafaienu/sim- Armstrong Aue. George- Muai hav oespr a ok utb ei town 90-873820. susory auperuence andi abie, dependubla. iaam PIANO'S - New & Usedr i muunguess ia teumu. pisper undrimlîung lu Ha9a setaciion grands, Omu trasportaion a lam. Transpurtuion a upnugiris sud dgitls. muni. Fax resume: muai. Piesse fax me- amairs, Kawsu sud Compuso Group Cana- a uras Compara Group o th er s. ' da /oKarmax Heavry i Canada c/o Karmax wwianhuea.1- Stumpiug, Attention: Heavy Stsmpring, Atten- 888-PIAN081 Kima Fueiler 1905-876- lihon. Kim Fouiien 905- i1519. 876-1519. Fa 87 -3 4t It orCusfe