Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Mar 2001, p. 14

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14-The Cînadian Champion, Friday, Match 23, 2001 * I «Goals ageless for marathon runner Whitlock By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion H edoesn't do it to inspire. He doe-sn't do il to impress. For Miltonian Ed Whitlock, there's only one simple reason for pîîinding the pavement two hours daily and suhjecting himself to gruel- ing marathons year after year. -just cnjoy racing," said the sotspoken run- ner. llaving recently turned 70,. Mr. Whitlock c.an still be !ound hooling it ihrougb the beaten paih of Evergrcen Cemetery almnost every day under any kind of conditions excepi a torrential downpour. Most would consider this a big enoughi accom- plisbmient lor a man well into bis golden years. But Milton's ageless oronder bas a loltier goal tban simply staying active. lie bopes to become tbe lirst 70-or-older ton- ner worldwide to complete a maratbon (42.2 km) us ttnder tbree hours. Many - includtng Mr. Wbitlock - bave managed tbis leat in tbeir '60s, but tbus far none bave overconte tbe seven- decade barrier. Neverlbeless, Mr. Wbitlock doesn't sèe il as an insurmounitable îask. -If sbuîuldn't be Ibat tougb," be said. "Somebody sbould bave done il by now." 'Me local senior will looîk to doisuv later this spring in Loîndon. Success. hie noted, will rest beavily (in rectifying tbe mistakes of bis previ- îîus maratbon - wbicb be linisbed in under tbree bojurs, but not in great shape. -I orent a bit toot fast early on, and yîîu can olten pay a horrible pflce for tbat at tbe end. Tbat's tbe key, judging bow last 10 mun early tn a MiIton's Ed Whitlock, 70, takes Nis daily run through Evergreen Cemnetery. marathon," said Mr. Wbitlock, wbo bolds 21 Canadian masters running records and races about îheee dozen limes annually at distances ranging from 800 metres 10 marathons. Mr. Wbitlock began running as a boy in bis native England. but took a lenglby hiatus afler injuring bis Achilles tendon wbile be was ai uni- opporlunity to coacb a rvtnning club. He neyer sccepted. but resumed running anyway. Said Mr. Whitlock. -I'm sure I'm a mucb bel- ter competitor than I'd ever be a coach." The Milton racer admits that 10 -somte extent" be's obsessed witb running - but adds bes., not overly bealtb conscious. versiîy. 1I don't take any supplements and I eal. ptenty Aimosl two decades later be wa. given the of foiod that's bad for me, like fisb and chips," be quipped. Perhaps it's ibis easy-going approacb tsi the sport - witb no empbasis on counting laps or any great concemr for memorizing records that bas lent itsell 10 success for Mr. Whitlock. 1I just keep running laps (in the cemetery) unlil 1 figure it's lime 10 stop." Judging by bis drive and determination, that lime doesn't appear 10 be coming anytime sooni If it s been seen on television, it must be good, right? l'ni lascinated hy those miracle inventions. As soon as 1 sec soinethitîg in a store that has those words, "as seen on 'PV," 1 need to, look at it. If Uts heen on TV it must be goiod. you know. I don't buy (tient very olten. but I figure I should because tbey're, wcll, miracle inventions. A couple limes I have. These miracle dusters biad been reduccd to alnuost notbing. Ail for the losu low price ol one dollar. That was a miracle in itsell, I figured, so 1 had to have one. One of the dusters had an attacbment you could pull out bo double its size and reach those high places. so that's what I did. Wilhin five min- utes il bad broken. Another lime 1 bougbt these snap books 1 bad seen on TV. The secret was in their powerlul vacuum locking syslem, and îbey wcre so incredible tbey could lifI a bowling baIl. I wasn't sure wbat I'd use il for, I don'! bave a bowling ball, but I bad to have a miracle invention like that, especially since tbey gave you eigbt in a package. I could put them anywbere and atiach îbings 10 their books, As soion as I got these amazing îbings home I sîarted putling (hem on walls tu gel lbem ready until I could figure subît 10 bang on Ibers. Tbey stuck like glue, just like they five minutes. Then they ail stat floor. Good thing I didn't attach I lind watcbing those inlomnercials fin l'ot tîteir eniertainment value alone.M Th îsts are enthusi- 0 ti asic and dopey, but it's the audience I like. On Jhe Those people bad to bave been paid lis deliver boo s" and "a bs" on cue, d tn't you tink? It's loose flot lîke people would actually want lis attend a taptng of a coîmmercial l'or lree. Il's no David Letermant Show, that's foîr sure. said. for about TMe testimonials ceriaiîîly appear real, as il ted fallîng on the these are jusl regular people wbo were amaz.ed ta bowling baIl 10 - see WEVE COME on page 20 Settîne the record straight about indoor tanning Sunt scnepii ns p henout thert. Unfnrtunairly there mîghi hi otme csnfusion about (naot tan- aing mnd ultraviolet ligbi. Faite informsation may, bc cîrcalaird by pesple new is the indutry wib lack of expenience mnd lado of knowledge in the field of (iroir iaaniag. This if gret con- ceari t0 me mndl1 wonld lîbe to sry to lemr-sp te confusion. Allow mie t0 inuadaice ourselvs, my nanse is John Phillips mnd my wifec Dawna md1 owa Sun Haven Tannîng Spa tare in Mîiton, whrr wr base eajsyrd sersicing the pesple oftbis comn- naiiy mnd iraching the benrOits of saa indoon tanning for the pasi four yrus. Wr ciller a tanry if indoue ianning equipatent mnd base hiart ster 60100 clients espenience mnr spa. Alto wr are members of fli Interational Sat Tan Networh. Recently I bale hat! tomne clients raise concerais about oarrequip- ment mnd the lighi rmragy iliey rani. Ltusit wiîh ultraviolet lîpht. Ultraviolet lîght is respuaisilile for tanning ian skia. UV light is beaken down into tbrce categanirs, defined hy 0wîtr wavrenoghu '%i dmn types are UVC UVB md UVA 'Ri tasn coûuts aIl dr, bol die saun layer blocha oui the thornest wave- lrngth, UVC TMis is a gsod tiîg because UVC is etremely dangeros and banaful. Tanniaf equipoonti s asanufaciured 10 eaut snîy UVB and UVA. A client woul neter ta eaposed t0 IJVC rays soi il our spa or any nilier tadoon tanniaf salon. UVB am UVA art tbe ro types of rays tbai are reupsasible for taaniag sur skia. UVB (the uborier af the two waselengths) will liait the iannirg process more quichly and is alto sur primary source of sitait D (wbich belp in the ahtorption of calcium; osteorosis presention). bt UVB stereaposrre w)!! cause suai- bora UVA (tbe longes( wavelengib) tas mnf skia mach slswes wiib lest chance of tairing and taras ur sin a deep brawn cslour. Kaiowing the chaructenistics of UVO and UVA, tanting eqaipaienti s carefulty manufacturral to eau! limiied doses sf UVB, 10 siait the iunning process and higher concentratins of the geaffer UVA 10 tan an ro deep golden beown. 'Ibis is why indoor tuuning is a macli more cossienl way sf deselopmng a tan. Onidoor tanneri espenience higher Irtels of UVB plus adier variables tucb as tîme of day, lime of year. cloual coserage mnd wimd duat can no( be conaralled. Noas hou looki ai timning botta. 'flere are iwo types sf iasng ballis, knon as low pressure and hîgh pressure. Low pressure bIhb are long white tabes ltliey look joli like l- rescent tubes), lieue are pliosphor type ballis. %'bY come rn a sauiety s! watiages (100w, 140w and 160w). Generally "regalar' or "prwer" beds bave 100 watt lsw-pressare bullis. "Super" or luths' bedt (an becy ar en called) base 140w in 160w low pressure tallis, whicb simply protides shoiter sessions. Stand- uphmabts alto uilire tilla low pressure boîta ami create a cors- fontahle no-swrai ensirotirnent for ianniag. Tliere is a fallacy beîag spread that ibis bigben wanage equipment (s goiag tu be hanned ir is atrrady hanned in Europe, ti is ioially aninue. No minter wbaî the waitage of tbe balth e tanting technology is the samne. tbe only dilfereace is the lengili of session. fiese bigber waltage anus do cosi considenably more atsney ami tome salons choosie ast is offer ibis more sophisticateid equipatert, we feel sut clients desere the choîce. Higli pressure anits, alto known as facials, use quartz boita ami tophislicated filiers Il allow for esen atone of tbe genile UVA wavelengtb ta reach the skia. High pressure anîts ttiry 1min 400 watt ta 2000 wa, wbicb enables us ta esiabbisb a hase tan in fewer sessions wiili lest cbance of coniractitg a sunhum (lest UVB). Again ibis lechnslogy is mare cosîly, liai lie restîts are Worthit. Anothet lac! I sliould mention is ihai ail mIseor iaaning eqmp- ment mnd taills sold rn Norli Amenica mast meet wiili FDA and CSA regatatisons. Respoasîble salon amners slmsrld alto main- tain d0wîr eqaipmeni and protide regalar bslb changes for con- sistency. Again, Dawn and t bave greaily enjoyed meeting and servicing sut clients oser tlie yrars and I hope ibit information will clean- upibhe confusion anynne may base about indour tartning ami mnr spa. PIeus féel frer ta ask ns or aur etperlenced staff any quara- tisas yon may base aboot indoor ianning. If we cari'! ansaier yonr questions confidently, we'll fmd tde iiiduttry experts who canSo if you have decidedto indoor tan pleaae consult a rp- niable laning salon and ta cautions of any [aine informton tliai may ta circulating. Thank-you ADVERTORIAL -

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