C'amphellville tea -room earns conditional approval:e council By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion A commercial eaîing establish- mnent is inicomipatible and net suit- ahie in the miiddle et a residential iieiglhbturheed, a Catuphell vil le resident ttuld tewn ceuneillers ai Monday's ceuncil mieeting. I-rnier counîillttr (ierrs Brootks sias reierring lto Allait and Margaret titts hkk ery and Ica ronttm Itttaled otl ii their homte ai 8.5 Camnphell Ave. W. ii ('amiiphellville. 'llie prottbims anise becatîse the Lotis weren' i ,oied citititericatl lori ant eallitg est ablishmnt. Tihis evenîîtg ytîu iti> ser enl hear potsitive t.tîlîtîlels s'%it regardi lt Mn. aîtd .Mrs. i .tl, titeir hale siiip atîd restaurant," Mr. Brooîks tld citunc.il ltts. -Lei niesay il adi aîcc oii i cotlttlerls ltai '..e tave always ittîtîd the Iltus it he gîîîd îieighhttnrs. Ou r citîcerîts are wîîh the lotcationî oi flite resiaurnli Il wttîld hc our preteenlce iîtr ihe ittis lt have ihein eating establishmnent i ait area tais ittned lt accîtîntîtdate sîcli a businîess wih al the commîîercial aîîtliîesi n place. not in the mîiddle ofi a resîdential iteighhutur- htted.- Aheut 40) Catiphcllvî île residenîs showed up tii the meeting, a clear înajonity iii tavour of thc establishment. Accutrding te the administration and planning cuimmitc repot earlier in ihe nîînth, the proîtfy is designaîed within the thtwn's Oficial Plan te atiîîw fer com- mercial devetopmcnt. Mr. Brooîks aise argued the establish- ment doesn't mect proper waste disputsal systems and the exisiing septic systcm is "It's been a very long, stresst'ui, frustrating period. I'm glad of the outcome of the meetig. MARGAIET LOTI itadequate tio sersice (lie shîp. -Thrtcgi lthe Regittîs Aquiter Maniagemtet Plaît. lis heen deîennîîted lthe (aýittphellvtille ane i s itydrîtgeititgicaliy senlsitive due lto the clotse pnîxtmity ofi the wvaler table. il's aisit heen nîîted ihe harillet s ictcd \v. tilu tue grîîund waler capture /îîîîc iîor Mi ititis mutniîcipal weits. Mr. Brooîks st,,s aisît ctttcemed wiih sut- licieut parking, as cars wilt park it Ironi ofi boulîtes alîîîg fle streel. "'hei sasi înajîîny oii people whît live in Catnphtlivitle îîniy wanî a quiet place te lîve and raise iheir i'amtlies,- he iaid. Trhe Tîown (Miltoîn) has an oîbligatiton white recîtgnîeîng the value ii lturisi, not( lt lrantpe tot the rights ofi residenis and recîîgni/e they have righls as weli." Cîtuncillor Cindy Lunau suid she was surpnised te hear of ihis cîtmptainl ici far mto the projeci. "Il wîîutd have heen more hetpfut if you wîîuld have hrought t-p these comments in a more timcty manner," she said. Mr. Broîoks deiènded himseif hy saying he did't have a loit cf information prier ici Monday's meeting. Mel litvio, directîîr cf planning and development for the Town, said the septic system is sitl being looked ai and il did met lte Oii.tni Buildinig Cotde netpitre- ment. -No m,îîîer wiiai huneaticrais ;as. ils, a resideittiai sireel. said Canmpbelit lie test- dent i eî Andrensý, duing (lie iîeelitigý 'There are 21llitttses on ltai sîreet and titis prttpcný 's ighit iii the miîddle. Its t resi- deitiai sineln tittlen whai the ,îînîng says aîîd sie dit siail an> commînercial enterpnîses (til flie street> ai aul. Mr. Andrews' suie litait said lthe> îîîîved lto Cariiphellillie irnit Torntot hecatise il was a sale nd quiet sillage. titi îery cîîncerned wih a restauîrat (oi tihe sireet) hecause oli siraligers cttniig anîd gîîing and the ainîtunt tof cars parking li the area. Il onîe cîtnmunîty esiablisit- nient gîtes up. il sets a foot ini the dîttr ftor itihers lto gît up:' 'l'm Smith ofi the Camphellviile Area Business Assotciatiotn saîd a greal nuither tii people are sllppting the Ltts. -We hope tii keep Margaret aîîd the bas- er gîîing in that spot," he tîîld cîîuncîllîîrs, l*its a grei spt.- Jehn Dundas. anîther Camphellville res- ident, said lte hakery has added lto the cîîînîunity and le the haiet. Ms Lîtl îîld The Champion she neyer îînagîned a smali, simple lea roîn weuld - ee FINAL on page 21 The Canadien Champion, Friday, March 23, 2001-11 SCEN1'peVm 900 Steeles Avenue E. V (at Thompson) PENNZOIL Milton W 905-693-0808 We offer a TEN MINUTE OIL CHANGE serv ice - neO appoîntrnent necessary SOil, [eibe and bilter PACKAGES froim $26.99 mncluding 12 pt. inspection SAil grades of QIL AND FILTERS avail- able for ALL MAKES AND MODELS et cars and triicks Exclusive PEN NZOIL products SEXPERIENCED, friendiy staff We accept ail MAJOR CREDIT CARDS, FLEET CARDS and INTERAC DIRECT PAYMENT SCOMMERCIAL, MONTHY ACCOUNTS are wveicomre STATE 0F THE ART EQUIPMENT 1101 RS Monday to Saturday 8 arn to 6 prn Sunday 9 arn to 4 prn IN ENERGY COSIS PLUS -u»A s . 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