The Canadian Champion, Friday, Match 16, 2001-23 Tvnch confident he'11 be back this season after shoulder injury Pitcher noiv (t the Coloraido Ro(kies J il ',Pl-t tg. huopes are eiernîl. J 'ltI's espJect;iihl t/O foi. NIi Itit "t Pat Iý 'y tch. wilo*s atueinpiîtg tu corne hack I'roi shoulder surgery that causct himi to mniss Ai ot ast scason. 'The pitcher is ai the Cotltradt Rttckies spring training complex it 'luscun, Arizona where hc's oplimistie abtut the upoming seasun. 1I teel hetter than I've lekitn the past two years, su I'd say the surgery has been a suc- cess lt ihis point." Lynch had a trn lahrurn, whtch is lining in the sucket uftihe shuulder ihat keeps il ai tugether. He had surger last May in Denver and dtd his rehahîlitation i Milton where hc alsu worked on a sirengthening program lu try and ensure the injury didn't reuccur. In a strange sofl ut way the injury has lorced him lu work even harder than he had helitre, making il a mixed blessing. "It hetped my wurk ethic oft the field. 'I has helpcd me in ai aspects ot my cundi- tioning and made me wurk that much hard- er tu keep Up with evcrything.' But, the real test wilt cume in a gante sit- uation, whtch happens ibis week itr the iirst tinie. Lynch îhinl.s that will ttc the firstitndica- ttttn oti hîtw hts shuider has heak.d. The Ritekies trganizatiun certainly hasn't pres- sured ht:n. 'They've heeti heiptul thrtugh ihe whtlc prîtcess su il's just a tîtatter ut nie provtîg flitai l'it healthiv. Lvticlt istît sutre where lic' Il stal (lie sea- Pat Lynch saya hes confident ho can stili do welI despite 1a seaaon'a shoulder Injury. son because nuhudy has lxeen told yet, but ttc suspects tl will ttc i Saîctît, Vtrginîa tn htgi Class A hall, because that's where lie was slated ito play last year. There arc usually doubts tor a player cotîîng oflt oti majtr surgcry, but n(t su tttuch in Lynch's mind. 'l'oc always had a loi t oiconftdence and tt's ttt ditterent nuw. t'it conident ihal I cati pitch stl and do well. t just canit wait ftr flic tppotrunily lto get t/ut tîtere and shovtt, te ttrgaît/atitn tihai I cati sti 1 play" Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Better luck next time The Milton Wlnterhawks Minor Atom AA team lost ta the Orangeville Flyers 5-1 Sunday at Memnorial Arena in Tri County playoff action. IMarch 24 & March 31 Lacrosse Skills Clinic Milton Leisure Center Tîme Ages 4-10 2 p.m. Ages il & Up 3p.m. Bring Stick, Gloves & Helmet PRB-NOVICE 7:00 AM TIMBITS WHITE VS 8:00 AM TIMBITS GREEN VS 9MTUNMt mAR.Cm ^7 01MMUI MUMA ATOM 7:30 AM ATOM TEAMS 1 - 4 9:50 AM MINOR NOVICE 11:00 AM MAJOR NOVICE 12:10 PM PEEWEE TEAMS 1 - 4 StJNOAY NMONC 19,2001 TromwU ARMA NOVICE 2:00 PM OOODLIFE FITNESS GREEN VS 3: 15 PM OOODLIFE FITNESS RED VS 4:30 PM HUNT PLYMOUTH CNRYSLER VS 5:.45 PM SHOPPERS DRUO MART VS SUNDAY MARCH le, 2001 MMAORIAL AMENA BANTAN 5:00 PM HOME CINEMA VIDEO VS 0:20 PM SUNNY OASIS INTERNET VS 7:40 PM ABSOLUTE TRANSPORTATION VS 8:50 PM RUSSEL METALS VS MONDAY MARCN 19, 2001 TONELUI ARM SENIOR 7:35 PM NISKAR PETRO CANADA VS 8.43 PM AUSTEN & NOBLE INSURANCE VS 9:51 PM MILTON CHRYSLER DODGE VS Mî4lton Lacroece 2001 5cacom TIMBITS BLACK TIMBITS RED 8:40 AM ATOM TEAMS 5 - 12:50 PM PEEWEE TEAMS 5 & 6 GOODLIFE FITNESS BLUE OOODLIFE FITNESS BLACK KNUCKLES SPORTSHOP OORRUD'S AUTO BRIAN'S AUTO REPAIRS KENTUCKY FRIBO CHICKEN NION FIVE PHOTOORAPHY KEY CENTRES KWIK KOPY PRINTING DOCS & DENTS GUS MOWBRAY LTD. Proudy SUPOdS et Up antd go ta.. MiltonMinor ockey T,agt:o,. fVatuo & T,.st s. 1967 Tel MmorHckyrt!i~~L~ Te876-4647 Fax: 876- 1100 istuaý w1'jminarýc.v 100 Npssr P ad LllýMlo Drtario L9T 5B~~' Yt v iiiA»Mt<95 878 FO>RD BINNERS 9:0AM HUNT PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER VS LITTLE FIREMEN 1 10:00 AM BRUCE HOOD TRAVEL VS KNUCKLES SPORTSNOP 4 HATON HILLS GIRLS *ýý%X1fîHOCKEY ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION FOR 2001-2002 Girls hockey offers house league and representative team play REGISTRATION: Marcb 23, 6:00 - 8 pm Acton Arena Marcb 25, 11:00 to 3:00 pm, Memorial Arena in Georgetown FOR INFORMATION: 853-5466 Early Registration discounts apply. Copy of birth certificates for NEW registrants only. Posittions t: a ttatlth /01 lot t/t h1. ttattaat s attd itatttrs lot ho/ht houo<' k a n td Fr tir t'în tpplt att c i t /Çt1îw,: //.'tatt1 1iî6/0 Fot hiop. ,at îîîpht/ totn Gliîot1 t/ 171 /a.tai , .