The GanadianChempon, Tuesctay, Maroh-13, 20O1-21. jMercà<-hants take 2-O lead in Western finals Bi STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Il was a weekend of' grand theli larceny for the Merchants. lirsi. Joei (amerori robhed the delending league champion (apitals of a conterence finals opening viciiiry ,ï Meinonial Arena Fitday nighit iurnng [hemn hack on riiarly toiur doien oiccasioins aiid allîiwing the Ilfeless hîists iii squeak hy 3-2. Then Miltotn delivered a slighily sîriinger dose of teain wiirk as weiI as aniither great giiaiieîding perfoîrmance - I steal one t Brampîin's baru the lollowing iighit, rallying front a pair ol' carly delicits on the way [o prevailing 5-2. So Gilenni Walsh's Merchanîfs noîw I ind iherrnselves in the pruover- bial driver's seai aîîd wihin iwîî wîns of reaching flic Ontarioî Pruincial Jr. A League's final lotr -wilî iheir besi ellîiris yet Io Cole. -Niw (bal we've gin our ierves oîuî wve shîîuld play heiler,- said captaint John Nadaliti Saiiirday. Despile playing the uîppîîrtunîisî anîd capi- talîu'îrg oîî ils key chances againsi Bramîpton,î Miltoîn lîîîked subdued lîîr înuch of' the weeketîd and wvas olui shîîi a Camerîîn - to say the Icasi was [lie Joel Cameron equalizer. *turned back 80 ln front of' a series iipening capacîîy cf 84 shots crîîwd. [lie graduatîng stoipper highligiitedi his inipressive playoîit run witb a 45-save gent nîmiraculiiusly giving his teanîniates the win oin a night when thcy tested ace Capital Danny (Jiuld a paîheîically lîîw 11 Iuinies. Oit Saiurday, shuils on hiet were again top- < sided --tavîîuring Branitîîîn 37-19. Catîterîn's 26 siraîght sases thiruugh peni cuînîeb ad vîtîre lîîr ie Mehaniso cosec ivîi îd ree foeneicMrh diir ii Jýoci's playiîig sortie iii [[ie besi hoîckey James Coleman Vse eseî seen lrîî,î hiiî remnarked gener- * 3-goal weekend ai mntager Nick Slawsîît. Added Nadalin. -What can yîîu say, he's heeîî Mr. Playuîlls.' Vhi le gîîalieiîdiîg's bcet the nmaini sîiry su Lir in West Cîîntereiîce finais acionu a surprisiuîg sidebar is the unexpected lacis oi inîensîty and physical preseuice oin the part oii Branmpton. The Capitals have always used thecir sînaller ice surface tii over- power iîppuîsing teartîs -but carne up extreincly short in that regard Saturday. While thuîroughly iîutcbanctng their guesis. [bey were fair i'rum tntimidattng in the corners and didnît create îîearly cnough tralitic in iront uit*Cameron - wbîî [or ail his brilliance this pasi weekend didn't have lui cuntend with many rebounds. Meanwhile. Milton inade [be mosi iii ils second opportunities. Lceading in [bat deparrnent was James Coleman. The grtty winger sanis huth ganie-winning niarisers via short-range lettovers and cappedi the weekend with a shorthanded empty netter Saturday. Andy Rozak alsuî stood uimn garne two wiîh a t"our-assist effort to flii bis tearn leading playolf point total lui 28 - tnching hîtu ever cluiser tus Darren (Mint) Haydar's 50-point mark established duritîg tbe [998 Ai-Ontario chamrpionshtp mun. Kevin Arruda aîîd Dan DeLotîg each had a goîal and an assis( Photo by BRYON JOHNSON Merchant Ben Frank reaches for a caose puck while teammate Andy Rozak contends with a pair cf Capital opponients during game two cf the Western Canference finals in Brampton Saturday. Milton won the game 5-2 ta take a two-games- to-none lead in thre besi-of-five division championship series. Saturday while Ben Frank - pruîmoted [o the top ftne [o replace an underacbîevîng Andrew Francone - also lit [lie lamp. Bratnptîn's guoals were botb deposited by iresbmatî Tom Zanossi. The Merchanis wenî 2-tor-3 on the powerplay and kilied off ail six of their sltorihanded siinîs, încluding f'our in the third period. On Friday, Coleman one-timed a snapsbot pasi a less [ban stel- lar Gîîuld four minutes muso the final frame [bai siood up as the winning lally. Francone and Rick Ferroni were the other marksmen. wbile replying tfor the visitors were Jetf 1Hrislovski and John Winslaniey -wbo missed game two 10 attend a family tuniction. On botb nigbis. bis top scoring line was efièclively neutralized hy Mition's cbecking unit. Cameron's crafty cage work asîde. game one was an absolute bore - wvitb little in the way ot pbysicality, creativity or even effort. The series conttnues tontgbt in Milton. Game lime, as always, is 8 [t viciorious, the Merchanîs« will have an opportunîity lui sweep in Brampton Thursday ai 7:30 p.m. -If necessary, game five will be played in Milton Friday. Merchant notes: Rookte Frank Fazio piayed botb games Ibis past weekend and assisied on Francone's game rime marker.. Milton bas nol losi ai home since game tbree againsi Bramalea.. JoeI Cameron basn'i aiiowed more iban three goals in any oif bis last 10 staris and now sports a puist-season goals-againsi average of 2.50 ... Sbouid the Merchanis detbrone Brampton, ibey'ii ike- ly square oft agaînsi ex-bench boss Marty Wiiiiamson and bis powerbouse Newmarkei Hurricanes in the Ontario Provincial Jr. A League semnifinais. FIN~DINGw A NEW jAs Toyota D.alership JUST GOCT EASIrER c' 400 Steeles Avenue 905«875-1700 4A (next to, Gorriid's Auto Group)